
AzureML and NVIDIA GPU Cloud tools

Primary LanguagePython

AzureML NVIDIA GPU Cloud tools

The code contained within this repository allows pulling the images from NVIDIA GPU Cloud (NGC).


To install this package type

pip install azureml-ngc-tools

Alternatively, clone this repository and use python to install.

git clone https://github.com/.../azureml-ngc-tools.git
python setup.py install


Two configuration files are required:

  1. A json file that contains the parameters to log in to AzureML Workspace and create Compute Target. All the parameters shown below need to be provided.
        "subscription_id": "<YOUR-SUBSCRIPTION-ID>",
        "resource_group": "<YOUR-RESOURCE-GROUP>",
        "workspace_name": "<YOUR-WORKSPACE-NAME>",
        "telemetry_opt_out": <true|false>
        "vm_priority": "<dedicated|lowpriority>",

An example (fictitious):

        "subscription_id": "ef4455fa-3e35-433c-a410-76d7a8a9e793",
        "resource_group": "sample-rg",
        "workspace_name": "sample-ws",
        "telemetry_opt_out": false
        "admin_name": "sample",
        "vm_priority": "dedicated",

  1. A json file that contains information about the content you want to download from NGC. The base_dockerfile parameter shown below needs to be provided.
    "additional_content": {
        "download_content": false,
        "unzip_content": false,
        "upload_content": false,
                "url": <URL_TO_CONTENT>,
                "filename": <FILENAME_TO_SAVE_TO>,
                "localdirectory": <DIRECTORY_TO_EXTRACT_CONTENTS>,
                "computedirectory": <DIRECTORY_TO_UPLOAD_CONTENTS>,
                "zipped": <false|true>

An example:

    "additional_content": {
        "download_content": true,
        "unzip_content": true,
        "upload_content": true,


Assuming that the AzureML config file is user_config.json and the NGC config file is ngc_app.json, and both of the files are located in the same folder, to create the cluster run the following code

azureml-ngc-tools --login user_config.json --app ngc_app.json