
Ansible role to create SSL certificates with Let's Encrypt using letsencrypt module.

Primary LanguageMakefileOtherNOASSERTION

Build Status Galaxy


Create SSL certificates with Let's Encrypt using the acme_certificate module (formerly known as the letsencrypt module). Requires Ansible 2.4 or later.


OpenSSL must be installed on the target system if exising keys or CSR are not available and must be generated.

Role Variables

The following variables may be defined to customize this role. Variables highlighted in bold below are the ones typically used to configure the role:

  • letsencrypt_domain: The domain name for which the certificate will be generated (required).
  • letsencrypt_account_key_path: The path to the private key for the Let's Encrypt account (required). This key will be generated if the file does not exist.
  • letsencrypt_key_path: The path to the private key used for the CSR and resulting certificate (required). This key will be generated if the file does not exist and cannot be the same as letsencrypt_account_key_path.
  • letsencrypt_key_options: Additional options to append to the openssl genrsa command above; default is "2048" to ensure 2048-bit keys are generated.
  • letsencrypt_csr_path: The path to the CSR that will submitted to Let's Encrypt (required). This CSR will be generated if the file does not exist.
  • letsencrypt_csr_subj: The subject for the generated CSR; default is "/C=US/ST=Any/L=Wherever/O=Whatever/CN={{ letsencrypt_domain }}".
  • letsencrypt_crt_path: The path to the resulting certificate that will be checked and/or generated by Let's Encrypt (required).
  • letsencrypt_account_email: The account email to be submitted with the Let's Encrypt request.
  • letsencrypt_acme_directory_staging: The URL of the Let's Encrypt staging API; default is "https://acme-staging.api.letsencrypt.org/directory".
  • letsencrypt_acme_directory_production: The URL of the Let's Encrypt production API; default is "https://acme-v01.api.letsencrypt.org/directory".
  • letsencrypt_acme_directory: The URL to use for Let's Encrypt requests; default is "{{ letsencrypt_acme_directory_staging }}". Set to "{{ letsencrypt_acme_directory_producion }}" to generate a valid certificate.
  • letsencrypt_acme_version: The version of the ACME endpoint; default is to use the module's default value. Only supported for Ansible 2.5 and later.
  • letsencrypt_challenge_type: The challenge type for the Let's Encrypt request; default is "http-01".
  • letsencrypt_agreement: The URI to the terms of service document; default is "https://letsencrypt.org/documents/LE-SA-v1.2-November-15-2017.pdf".
  • letsencrypt_terms_agreed: Boolean indicating agreement to terms of service; default is true, only valid when letsencrypt_acme_version != "1".

The following variable may be defined for the play or role invocation (but not as an inventory group or host variable):

  • letsencrypt_notify_fulfill: Handler to notify to fulfill the Let's Encrypt challenge; default is "fulfill letsencrypt challenge". The letsencrypt_challenge variable will be set for use by any handler tasks, and the expression letsencrypt_challenge["challenge_data"][letsencrypt_domain][letsencrypt_challenge_type] should be used to determine more information about what is needed to fulfill the challenge. The role uses meta: flush_handlers to call registered handlers immediately when a challenge is available.
  • letsencrypt_notify_completed: Handler to notify once the Let's Encrypt challenge has been completed and the certificate has been updated; default is "letsencrypt challenge completed".

The listen option for handlers can be used to register one or more handler tasks to run to fulfill a challenge or take action when a certificate has been updated.

Example Playbook

The following example playbook creates the necessary keys and CSR to use with LetsEncrypt, creates the necessary directories and files to complete the LetsEncrypt challenge, and generates/updates the resulting certificate:

- hosts: all
    webroot: /usr/share/nginx/html/
    letsencrypt_domain: test.mydomain.com
    letsencrypt_account_key_path: /etc/pki/tls/private/letsencrypt-account.key
    letsencrypt_key_path: /etc/pki/tls/private/letsencrypt.key
    letsencrypt_csr_path: /etc/pki/tls/misc/{{ letsencrypt_domain }}.csr
    letsencrypt_crt_path: /etc/pki/tls/certs/{{ letsencrypt_domain }}.crt
    letsencrypt_acme_directory: "{{ letsencrypt_acme_directory_production }}"
    - role: cchurch.letsencrypt
    - name: create directories needed to fulfill letsencrypt challenge
        path: "{{ webroot }}/{{ letsencrypt_challenge['challenge_data'][letsencrypt_domain][letsencrypt_challenge_type]['resource'] | dirname }}"
        state: directory
      listen: fulfill letsencrypt challenge
    - name: create file needed to fulfill letsencrypt challenge
        content: "{{ letsencrypt_challenge['challenge_data'][letsencrypt_domain][letsencrypt_challenge_type]['resource_value'] }}"
        dest: "{{ webroot }}/{{ letsencrypt_challenge['challenge_data'][letsencrypt_domain][letsencrypt_challenge_type]['resource'] }}"
      listen: fulfill letsencrypt challenge
    - name: restart nginx when cert has been updated
        name: nginx
        state: restarted
      listen: letsencrypt challenge completed



Author Information

Chris Church (cchurch)