
A simple Proxy based on SOCK5 protocol.

Primary LanguagePython

A Proxy Based On SOCK5

This is a simple proxy program under linux platform.


  1. Clone or download this repository

  2. Edit ServerConfig.json and ClientConfig.json

    • The format is important. Donot change the file's name or labels' names.
    • The format is as follow:
      "RemoteIP":"",    # The IP address of your VPS on where you run server.py
      "RemotePort":,    # Choose a Port same as "BindPort" in ServerConfig.json
      "LocalIP":"",     # Usually
      "LocalPort":,     # Choose a free port you want to bind with.
      "Username":"",    # Used for identification.
      "Method":         # An integer which represents authentacation method. 0 for non-authentacation, 2 for Username-Password identification.
      "BindIP":"",      # Usually
      "BindPort":,      # Choose a Port same as "RemotePort" in ClientConfig.json
      "Username":"",    # Used for identification.
      "Method":         # An integer which represents authentacation method. 0 for non-authentacation, 2 for Username-Password identification.
    • By the way, if you don't want to edit these config files, you may delete them and input these information every time you run this program. :)
  3. Install an proxy addup (like SwitchyOmega) on your Explorer. Set the proxy server's IP address as "LocalIP" and set it's port as "LocalPort" in ClientConfig.json.

  4. Make sure that your python is python3.

    • You may execute python -V to check the version of your python.
  5. Execute python Server.py on your VPS and python Client.py on your device.

  6. Enjoy! :)


  • The data has been enciphered, though the method is far too simple. You may change the Encipher() function to increase the security.
  • You may pick an authentacation method as you like. Just change the content of "Method" label in json files.