
My vim configuration

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT


My vim configuration

Installing this vimrc manually

Although a vimrc is a very personal thing, you may use mine if you like it. To do so, please do the following:

  • Clone this repo:

    git clone http://github.com/dracorp/vimrc.git ~/.vim

    or download the plain source only (but then you will not be able to use git submodule):

    wget -qO - http://github.com/dracorp/vimrc/tarball/master | tar -xzvf -

  • Move the content repository to the directory:

    • vimfiles under Windows (under user's home directory or vim's installation directory)
    • .vim under Linux
    • see output command :version in vim
  • Check vimrc file and variable 'vimrc_dir'. I don't use path ~/vimfiles in runtimepath under Windows OS

  • Run :PlugInstall command to install plugins


Based on vim-bootstrap Vim does these things automatically.



Leader key is \

Key Action Mode
; Local Leader All
z0 Sets foldlevel 0 Normal
z1 Sets foldlevel 1 Normal
z2 Sets foldlevel 2 Normal
z3 Sets foldlevel 3 Normal
z4 Sets foldlevel 4 Normal
z5 Sets foldlevel 5 Normal
F1 Show the keyword under cursor
S-F6 toggle paste mode All
F10 Refresh syntax highlight


  • vim-mardkown
Key Action
zr reduces fold level throughout the buffer
zR opens all folds
zm increases fold level throughout the buffer
zM folds everything all the way
za open a fold your cursor is on
zA open a fold your cursor is on recursively
zc close a fold your cursor is on
zC close a fold your cursor is on recursively
  • NERDCommenter
Key Action
<leader>cc NERDCommenterComment
<leader>cn NERDCommenterNested
<leader>c<space> NERDCommenterToggle
<leader>cm NERDCommenterMinimal
<leader>ci NERDCommenterInvert
<leader>ci NERDCommenterInvert
<leader>cs NERDCommenterSexy
<leader>cy NERDCommenterYank
<leader>c$ NERDCommenterToEOL
<leader>cA NERDCommenterAppend
<leader>ca NERDCommenterAltDelims
<leader>cl NERDCommenterAlignLeft
<leader>cb NERDCommenterAlignBoth
<leader>cu NERDCommenterUncomment
  • rest of plugins
Key Action Plugin
F2 NERDTreeToggle NERDTree
F5 MundoToggle vim-mundo
F9 SyntasticToggleMode syntastic
S-F11 TlistToggle taglist
F12 TagbarToggle tagbar
S-F12 Vista vista.vim
<Leader>fu CtrlPFunky ctrlp-funky
<Leader>fU CtrlPFunky on a word under cursor ctrlp-funky
Tab Word completion coc.nvim
<Leader>e FZF fzf.vim
<Leader>y History fzf.vim
/ incsearch-forward incsearch.vim
? incsearch-backward incsearch.vim
g/ incsearch-stay incsearch.vim
gx openbrowser open-browser.vim
ctrl-N bnext vim-buftabline
ctrl-P bprev vim-buftabline
<Leader>m InstantMarkdownPreview vim-instant-markdown
ctrl-T Toggle vim-toggle


Based on vim-galore

" D" Do something if running at least Vim 7.4.42 with +profile enabled.
if (v:version > 704 || v:version == 704 && has('patch42')) && has('profile')
  " do stuff
  " do stuff


Recursive Non-recursive Unmap Modes
:map :noremap :unmap normal, visual, operator-pending
:nmap :nnoremap :nunmap normal
:xmap :xnoremap :xunmap visual
:cmap :cnoremap :cunmap command-line
:omap :onoremap :ounmap operator-pending
:imap :inoremap :iunmap insert


Type Character Filled by? Readonly? Contains text from?
Unnamed " vim [ ] Last yank or deletion. (d, c, s, x, y)
Numbered 0 to 9 vim [ ] Register 0: Last yank. Register 1: Last deletion. Register 2: Second last deletion. And so on. Think of registers 1-9 as a read-only queue with 9 elements.
Small delete - vim [ ] Last deletion that was less than one line.
Named a to z, A to Z user [ ] If you yank to register a, you replace its text. If you yank to register A, you append to the text in register a.
Read-only :, ., % vim [x] :: Last command, .: Last inserted text, %: Current filename.
Alternate buffer # vim [ ] Most of the time the previously visited buffer of the current window. See :h alternate-file
Expression = user [ ] Evaluation of the VimL expression that was yanked. E.g. do this in insert mode: <c-r>=5+5<cr> and "10" will be inserted in the buffer.
Selection +, * vim [ ] * and + are the clipboard registers.
Drop ~ vim [x] From last drag'n'drop.
Black hole _ vim [ ] If you don't want any other registers implicitly affected. E.g. "_dd deletes the current line without affecting registers ", 1, +, *.
Last search pattern / vim [ ] Last pattern used with /, ?, :global, etc.
:let @/ = 'register'


Command Lines acted on
:d Current line.
:.d Current line.
:1d First line.
:$d Last line.
:1,$d All lines.
:%d All lines (syntactic sugar for 1,$).
:.,5d Current line to line 5.
:,5d Also current line to line 5.
:,+3d Current line and the next 3 lines.
:1,+3d First line to current line + 3.
:,-3d Current line and the last 3 lines. (Vim will prompt you, since this is a reversed range.)
:3,'xdelete Lines 3 to the line marked by mark x.
:/^foo/,$delete From the next line that starts with "foo" to the end.
:/^foo/+1,$delete From the line after the line that starts with "foo" to the end.


Marks Set by.. Usage
a - z User Local to file, thus only valid within one file. Jumping to a lowercase mark, means jumping within the current file.
A - Z User Global, thus valid between files. Also called file marks. Jumping to a file mark may switch to another buffer.
0 - 9 viminfo 0 is the position when the viminfo file was written last. In practice this means when the last Vim process ended. 1 is the position of when the second last Vim process ended and so on.

Other motions include:

Motion Jump to..
'[, `[ First line or character of previously changed or yanked text.
'], `] Last line or character of previously changed or yanked text.
'<, `< Beginning line or character of last visual selection.
'>, `> Ending line or character of last visual selection.
'', `` Position before the latest jump.
'", `" Position when last exiting the current buffer.
'^, `^ Position where last insertion stopped.
'., `. Position where last change was made.
'(, `( Start of current sentence.
'), `) End of current sentence.
'{, `{ Start of current paragraph.
'}, `} End of current paragraph.


Mapping Kind Help
<c-x><c-l> whole lines :h i^x^l
<c-x><c-n> keywords from current file :h i^x^n
<c-x><c-k> keywords from 'dictionary' option :h i^x^k
<c-x><c-t> keywords from 'thesaurus' option :h i^x^t
<c-x><c-i> keywords from current and included files :h i^x^i
<c-x><c-]> tags :h i^x^]
<c-x><c-f> file names :h i^x^f
<c-x><c-d> definitions or macros :h i^x^d
<c-x><c-v> Vim commands :h i^x^v
<c-x><c-u> user defined (as specified in 'completefunc') :h i^x^u
<c-x><c-o> omni completion (as specified in 'omnifunc') :h i^x^o
<c-x>s spelling suggestions :h i^Xs

Local changes

Sample of ~/.config/vim/local.vim

if plugin#isEnabled('bash-support.vim')
    let g:BASH_LocalTemplateFile           = expand("$HOME/.config/vim/templates/bash-support/templates/Templates")
if plugin#isEnabled('c.vim')
    let g:C_LocalTemplateFile              = expand("$HOME/.config/vim/templates/c-support/templates/Templates")
if plugin#isEnabled('doxygen-support.vim')
    let g:Doxy_LocalTemplateFile           = expand("$HOME/.config/vim/templates/doxygen-support/templates/doxygen.templates")
if plugin#isEnabled('perl-support.vim')
    let g:Perl_LocalTemplateFile           = expand("$HOME/.config/vim/templates/perl-support/templates/Templates")
if plugin#isEnabled('vim-support')
    let g:Vim_LocalTemplateFile            = expand("$HOME/.config/vim/templates/vim-support/templates/Templates")