
NullPointerException is thrown when trying to integrate kinetic laws into model while the node "kinetic law" is selected in the right tree in the GUI

eikept opened this issue · 0 comments

When trying to integrate newly kinetic laws after the creation with squeezer or the search in SABIO-RK a NullPointerException is thrown if the node "Kinetic Law" is selected in the right tree in the GUI. The source of this issue is that this node has no parent node (here reaction) if selected directly from the path (via getLastPathComponent() or manually). Currently there is a workaround implemented which selects the second to last node of the path instead and then searches the children of this node for a node with the same name as the last node and then selecting the node which was found. If selected this way, the node actually contains the parent node but obviously this is not a very nice way to select the last node. Therefore the goal would be to identify the reason as for why the node has no parent when selected directly in this special case and then fix it.