
Provide a converter from our language to whitespace

Primary LanguagePython


Provide a converter from our language to whitespace

Installation and Usage

Put to_ws.py to any location and type the following command

python to_ws.py readable.hws -o beautiful.ws


Put one command per line as follows:

push 5
push -2

You can use labels if you want:

push 0
push 10
  push 0
  push 0
  push 1
  jz end
  jmp loop

The above code calculates 10 + 9 + ... + 1 and output it.

Our Language

  • push <n> (n: integer) Push n to the top of the stack.

  • copy <n> Copy the n-th element from the top of the stack.

  • slide <n> Discards the 2, 3, ..., (n+1)-th element from the top of the stack.

  • printi Print the top of the stack as an integer and discard it.

  • printc Print the top of the stack as an character and discard it.

  • readc Read a character from stdin and store the address pointed by the top of the stack and discard it.

  • readi Read an integer from stdin and store the address pointed by the top of the stack and discard it.

  • dup Duplicate the top of the stack.

  • swap Swap the top two elements of the stack.

  • drop Discard the top of the stack.

  • add Let X be the sum of the top two elements of the stack. Discard these two elements and push X.

  • sub Let X be the second element minus the first element of the stack. Discard these two elements and push X.

  • mul Let X be the first element multiplied by the second element of the stack. Discard these two elements and push X.

  • div Let X be the floor of the second element divided by the first element of the stack. Discard these two elements and push X.

  • mod Let X be the reminder of the second element divided by the first element of the stack. Discard these two elements and push X.

  • store Store the top of the stack to the address pointed by the second element of the stack and discard them.

  • retrieve Retrieve a value from the address pointed by the top of the stack, discard it and push the value.

  • end Exit.

  • <label>: Set a label.

  • call <label> Call a subroutine starting from <label>.

  • jmp <label> Jump to <label>.

  • jz <label> Discard the top of the stack and if it's zero then jump to <label>.

  • jn <label> Discard the top of the stack and if it's negative then jump to <label>.

  • ret Exit the current subroutine.

  • #... Comments.

  • ... Indents.