
My terminal program configuration files (dotfiles) which use thoughtbot's dotfiles as a base

Primary LanguageRuby


These are my additions to thoughtbot's dotfiles


Use these in combination with another set of dotfiles (such as thoughtbot's) that load .local versions of themselves. Symlink both sets of dotfiles to your root directory.

The easiest way to maintain this system is to use the rcm command-line utility

Here's what you need to do:

  1. Clone both the thoughtbot's dotfiles and this repo to your home directory (or other directory of your choosing).
  2. You edit gitconfig to set your own user and email.
  3. Install the rcm dotfile management utility: https://github.com/thoughtbot/rcm
  4. Run the rcup utility to symlink your dotfiles to your home directory:
  • If you cloned the dotfile repos to $HOME you can run: env RCRC=$HOME/dotfiles/rcrc rcup
  • Otherwise you'll need to specify the specific folder that has your dotfiles and which files to exclude: EXCLUDES="README.md LICENSE" DOTFILES_DIRS="/path/to/dotfiles-local /path/to/dotfiles" rcup

Note that curl needs to be installed for the rcup utility to work correctly (I ran into an issue with this on a new Ubuntu 15.04 virtual machine install).

My git alias g uses unbuffer which on Ubuntu requires sudo apt-get install expect-dev

Terminal colors

These are the terminal color configurations I use to go with the gruvbox VIM color schme. On my to do list for my dotfiles would be to make these a script.

Foreground: ffffff Background: 333233 (seems like 252525 is what works on Ubuntu gnome-terminal..) Bold: d3d7cf Selection: c1ddff Cursor: c7c7c7 Cursor text: ffffff

Black dark: 2d3436 Black light: 555753 Red dark: cc1c01 Red light: ef2929 Green 4e9a06 8ae233 Yellow c4a003 fce94f Blue 3465a4 729fcf Magenta 75507b ad7fa8 Cyan 07989a 32e2e2 White d3d7cf eeeeec

Other config

To make my Mac keyboard shortcuts be more consistent with a Chromebook / Linux keyboard shortcuts (also customized), I used Seil to map my caps lock key to keycode 110 and then mapped that to control / command (depending on key and application). I use Karabiner is manage the mac shortcut keys.