Hi My name is DJQ

Fullstack Web Developer, Self Taught

I've been learning to code for 7 years, after switching careers. Totally self-taught. I'm trying to be a project manager recently, because I have my own project now. I call it Remix CC. It's public goods in ethereum eco. My work is funded by PlanckerDAO and GCC. So yeah, I'm not hired by any company, and I can work anywhere I want. That's the best part. Maybe I will start my own company in the future. Who knows? If that day really happen, I promise you that it's gonna be totally remote for everybody.

  • 🌍 I'm based in HangZhou China
  • ✉️ You can contact me at xwlyy1991@gmail.com
  • 🚀 I'm currently working on Remix CC, the chinese community of Remix IDE
  • 🤝 I'm open to collaborating on Remix IDE
  • ⚡ I'm a fan of Immortal Cultivation culture. Fellow Taoists, let's cultivate Immortality together!


Git JavaScript TypeScript Java Python HTML5 React Vue CSS3 Redux Webpack Babel NodeJS Express NestJS MongoDB MySQL Docker Linux MacOS MetaMask Web3Js Truffle Hardhat Ethereum



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