Polyfill that enables HTML5 drag drop support on mobile (touch) devices.
- 6
Refine the demo page
#73 opened by Pomax - 6
NPM package outdated
#52 opened by raphaelsantos - 1
- 3
Breaks Bootstrap 3 dropdown menu
#62 opened by freescout-helpdesk - 11
- 3
Script breaks with this code
#54 opened by donovanmagryta - 6
- 1
Add support for Shadow DOM
#44 opened by AndrewPerson - 3
How to use Drag Drop Touch in Angular 10
#43 opened by WisarutBholsithi - 1
Injector error
#39 opened by jeppebundsgaard - 3
How to import this file in reactjs?
#36 opened by phongtran-uit - 3
Awesome polyfill! What about scrolling while dragging on Android Chrome browser
#35 opened by JSHound - 2
No 'drag' event listener
#31 opened by Maarondesigns - 1
- 1
- 7
Scrolling when not touchhold for some time
#26 opened by errnoenomem - 6
FR: support of shadowdom
#25 opened by mburger81 - 8
- 1
- 3
Cannot scroll over dragable content
#12 opened by elBotija - 1
- 3
update the npm package
#70 opened by Pomax - 30
- 4
add DEBUG to the source
#79 opened by Pomax - 8
Should not start touch-dragging when source element has draggable="false"
#74 opened by Bernardo-Castilho - 10
Set up github pages for the master branch
#71 opened by Pomax - 8
Contributing changes
#68 opened by Pomax - 2
Playwright install in postinstall
#72 opened by dbaynard - 1
- 1
Uncaught TypeError: Failed to execute 'appendChild' on 'Node': parameter 1 is not of type 'Node'.
#9 opened by DJD10 - 1
- 1
Images are draggable by default
#18 opened by rubenlg - 3
- 1
- 9
Internal selections is not working
#58 opened by aksmand3 - 11
Many thanks !
#30 opened by SoundSpinning - 1
dblclick event triggered twice on touch screens
#57 opened by Jimmys20 - 5
- 7
Image is not draggable on Canvas.
#53 opened by Saqib92 - 2
- 2
you may now publish your module as an NPM package
#42 opened by rozek - 1
Deteting touch screen on laptop
#40 opened by rodrigogalvez - 1
Drop event does not seem to fire
#34 opened by GuidoDeW - 1
Help excluding draggable elements.
#33 opened by konkrer - 1
Drop is always alowed
#24 opened by mburger81 - 0
Failed to minify react-scripts build
#17 opened by ldlac - 3
Missing Sourcemap
#8 opened by jmtoball - 1
"The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
#11 opened by Herst - 4
Suddenly exception in MS Edge: "Unable to get property 'handleEvent' of undefined or null reference"
#10 opened by Herst - 3