
A Javascript Wrapper for the League of Legends API

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A Javascript Wrapper for the League of Legends API

How To Use

Use npm to install it from the npm registry by running npm install leagueapi

Put the following in a server.js file.

var LolApi = require('leagueapi');

LolApi.init('XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'euw');

LolApi.Static.getChampionList(true, function(err, champs) {

LolApi.Summoner.getByName('YOLO Swag 5ever', function(err, summoner) {
	if(!err) {

//The wrapper also accepts promises:
LolApi.Summoner.getByName('YOLO Swag 5ever')
.then(function (summoner) {

Run node server.js

Here's the list of methods and their parameters:

[param] means you can pass null if you don't want to specify this parameter

	LolApi.Init(ApiKey); //Will default to NA
	LolApi.Init(ApiKey, region);

	LolApi.setRateLimit(limitPer10s, limitPer10min);



	LolApi.getPlatformId(region, callback);


	LolApi.getChampions([freeToPlay], region, callback);
	LolApi.getChampions([freeToPlay], callback);

	LolApi.getRecentGames(summonerId, region, callback);
	LolApi.getRecentGames(summonerId, callback);

	LolApi.getLeagueData(summonerId, region, callback);
	LolApi.getLeagueData(summonerId, callback);
	LolApi.getLeagueEntryData(summonerId, region, callback);
	LolApi.getLeagueEntryData(summonerId, callback);

	LolApi.getTeams(summonerId, region, callback);
	LolApi.getTeams(summonerId, callback);


	LolApi.getMatch(matchId, [includeTimeline], region, callback);

	options = {championIds: [1,3,4], rankedQueues: ['RANKED_SOLO_5x5', 'RANKED_TEAM_3x3', 'RANKED_TEAM_5x5'], beginIndex: 1, endIndex: 5};
	LolApi.getMatchHistory(summonerId, [options], region, callback);

	LolApi.getCurrentGame(summonerId, region, callback);

	LolApi.getFeaturedGames(region, callback);

	LolApi.Stats.getPlayerSummary(summonerId, [season], region, callback);
	LolApi.Stats.getPlayerSummary(summonerId, [season], callback);

	LolApi.Stats.getRanked(summonerId, [season], region, callback);
	LolApi.Stats.getRanked(summonerId, [season], callback);

	LolApi.Summoner.getMasteries(summonerId, region, callback);
	LolApi.Summoner.getMasteries(summonerId, callback);

	LolApi.Summoner.getRunes(summonerId, region, callback);
	LolApi.Summoner.getRunes(summonerId, callback);

	LolApi.Summoner.getByID(summonerId, region, callback);
	LolApi.Summoner.getByID(summonerId, callback);

	LolApi.Summoner.getByName(name, region, callback);
	LolApi.Summoner.getByName(name, callback);

	LoLApi.Summoner.listNamesByIDs(ids, region, callback);
	LolApi.Summoner.listNamesByIDs(ids, callback);

	options = {champData: 'allytips,blurb', version : '4.4.3', locale: 'en_US', dataById=true}
	//doesn't show all options
	LolApi.Static.getChampionList(options, region, callback);
	LolApi.Static.getChampionList(options, callback);
	options = {champData: 'allytips,blurb', version : '4.4.3', locale: 'en_US', dataById=true}
	//doesn't show all options
	LolApi.Static.getChampionById(champId, options, region, callback);
	LolApi.Static.getChampionById(champId, options, callback);
	options = {itemData: 'consumed'}
	//doesn't show all possible options
	LolApi.Static.getItemById(itemId, options, region, callback);
	LolApi.Static.getItemById(itemId, options, callback);
	options = {itemListData: 'consumed'}
	LolApi.Static.getItemList(options, region, callback);
	LolApi.Static.getItemList(options, callback);

	LolApi.Static.getMasteryList(options, region, callback);
	LolApi.Static.getMasteryList(options, callback);

	LolApi.Static.getMasteryById(options, region, callback);
	LolApi.Static.getMasteryById(options, callback);

	LolApi.Static.getRealm(region, callback);

	LolApi.Static.getRuneList(options, region, callback);
	LolApi.Static.getRuneById(id, options, callback);

	LolApi.Static.getSummonerSpellList(options, region, callback);
	LolApi.Static.getSummonerSpellById(id, options, callback);

LeagueJS Gulp Commands

Gulp.js is a streaming build system. Thanks to it's simplicity and code-over-configuration we are able to create a simple, efficient and more intuitive build process.

To get started you need to install Gulp.js globally:

  • npm install -g gulp

Available gulp commands and their descriptions:

Run JSLint on all js files:

  • gulp lint

Run BDD tests:

  • gulp test

Run istabul to generate a code coverage report:

  • gulp test-coverage

Run plato to generate a code analysis report:

  • gulp code-report

Runs both istanbul and plato in with one command:

  • gulp reports

Removes both coverage and report directories created by istanbul and plato

  • gulp clean-reports

Sets up a development environment that will watch for code changes then run JSLint and BDD tests upon saving:

  • gulp dev