
The Laravel Framework, tailored for pandaac.

Primary LanguagePHP

Please Note!

This project is not dead, even though it may appear so because of the lack of commits. I am currently in the process of re-writing it for the upcoming release of Laravel 5, as I felt there was no point in continuing development for an older version. It is growing stronger by the day, and once I feel I have a solid enough base for it, I will upload it to a public repository.


pandaac is currently in active development. Bugs, missing and/or in-progress features are to be expected. It has yet to reach a stable version. Use cautiously.


The following items are required to install & maintain a working copy of pandaac. It may be subject to change.

  • Composer
  • PHP >= 5.4
    • MCrypt Extension
    • CURL Extension
    • GD Extension


Initially, we want to find/create a folder for our project to sit in (e.g. cd path/to/folder, from here on forth, we will refer to your root folder as pandaac/). Once we're happy with a folder, we execute the following command to install pandaac along with all of its dependencies. Give it a couple of minutes.

composer create-project pandaac/pandaac . --stability=dev

Once installed, we want to publish the pandaac specified configuration files, as modifying any file within the vendor/ directory should be avoided at all costs. Any composer update will erase your custom modifications within the aforementioned directory. To publish the configuration files, we turn to Artisan to do its magic.

cd pandaac/
php artisan config:publish pandaac/bamboo

Next, we want to publish the assets that belong to the default theme, and once again, we refer to Artisan.

cd pandaac/
php artisan asset:publish pandaac/theme-retro

We are now ready to dig in, and adjust the wide variety of configuration options that are available through pandaac/app/config.


pandaac is based upon the amazing PHP framework, Laravel. As time goes by, we will create our own documentation of sort, but as of right now, you'll have to refer to Laravel's documentation.

Picking schema

As of right now, pandaac only supports TFS 1.0 and Avesta officially, any one is obviously free to develop their own distrobution package.

In order to switch between these distrobution packages, one would refer to the pandaac/app/config/packages/pandaac/bamboo/app.php configuration file and change the distro value accordingly. Once that is done, you will also need to migrate their database tables.

The Forgotten Server 1.0
'distro' => 'pandaac\TFS10\TFS10ServiceProvider', // The Forgotten Server 1.0
cd pandaac/
php artisan migrate --package=pandaac/tfs10
'distro' => 'pandaac\Avesta\AvestaServiceProvider', // Avesta
cd pandaac/
php artisan migrate --package=pandaac/avesta

Community Packages

Below is a compiled list of some of the available community-based packages for pandaac. These packages are not maintained and/or officially supported by pandaac. Please refer to their respective repositories for assistance.

Package Author composer.json require
Bootstrap Theme Cornex "cornex/pandaac-bootstrap-theme": "dev-master"