
Implement a subset of the analysis task described at https://agc.readthedocs.io.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Top quark mass


The aim of this project is to implement a small subset of the analysis task being implemented as part of Analysis Grand Challenge.

The idea is to analyze particle collision data that is available in "root" formatted files and calculate "top quark" mass.


Data for the project is in the form root files which contain C++ objects that are stored to disk. They usually contain data in columnar format. The root files used for this task contain information about particle collisions - with each collision called an "event". You can think of data for an event forming a "row" while various pieces of information for the event are stored in columns. Note that in reality, entire column is stored together instead of by rows.

For each event, we are interested in the following information. All the fields are array of floats with each entry in the array corresponding to a single particle.

Transverse momentum of electrons
Transverse momentum of muons.

Transverse momentum of Jets which are defined as follows

Jets are sprays of particles that fly out from certain high-energy particle collisions.

These collisions create very energetic quarks and gluons; as they travel away from the collision point, they emit more gluons, which can split into even more gluons. This results in a relatively narrow cascade, or jet, of particles.

Probability of a jet originating from a bottom quark. Any value above 0.5 is taken to indicate b-quark.
jet_px, jet_py, jet_pz
Components of jet's transverse momentum.
Jet's energy.

Since each field we are interested in has multiple values per event, we can imagine each field as a 2-D array with events as axis 0 and field values per event as axis 1. But note that the values in axis 1 are not going to be of same length for all events. For example, number of electrons can vary widely between events any where from 0 to some value. For this reason, we cannot use numpy array to represent the 2-D array. Instead, we use Awkward Arrays. They work very similar to numpy arrays except that they allow arrays in jagged shape. They are built specifically to help with high energy physics analyses.

Finally, note that every single field listed above is a separate 2-D awkward array.


Here are the steps to calculate top quark mass.

Step 1 - Filtering out some events

First, we need to filter out events based on some criteria.

  • Count electrons with pt > 25. Similarly, count muons with pt > 25. - Select events where there is only one electron or one muon with pt > 25.
  • Count jets with pt > 25. Select events with at least 4 or more such jets with pt > 25.
    • Select events where "btag" value (available in the branch "jet_btag") for at least two jets >= 0.5. Note that this check needs to be done only for those jets that have pt > 25. For example, assume there are 10 jets out of which 4 have pt > 25. Out of those 4, if there are two jets with btag >= 0.5, select the event.

Step 2 - Calculate top quark mass

At this point, we have events that

  • have either one electron or muon with pt > 25,
  • have at least 4 jets with pt > 25
  • have at least two of these jets with btag value >= 0.5

We now need to calculate top quark mass for each such event. Here are the steps for that:

  • Create an array of jet records. Each record will have the following values for a jet (from their corresponding array fields):

    • jet_pt, jet_btag
    • momentum values: jet_px, jet_py, jet_pz
    • energy: jet_e
  • Generate 3 jet combinations from the list of these records. Each such combination is called a "trijet".

  • Select trijets where at least one jet has btag value >= 0.5.

  • Build a four vector for each trijet. A four vector of a jet is <px, py, pz, e>. A four vector for a trijet can be calculated by adding respective elements of each jet. So it will be <px sum, py sum, pz sum, e sum>.

  • Calculate transverse momentum for each trijet. It is equal to sqrt(px**2 + py**2). px and py values come from above calculation of four vectors.

  • We now have "pt" for each trijet. Select the trijet that has maximum value of pt.

  • Now calculate mass for this trijet using the four vector. It can be done as follows:

    import vector # https://pypi.org/project/vector/
    # four_v is the four vector of a trijet.
    vector.obj(x=four_v.px, y=four_v.py, z=four_v.pz, E=four_v.e).mass


    mag = sqrt(px^2+py^2+pz^2)
    copysign(sqrt(abs(e**2 - mag**2)), e**2 - mag**2)

Step 3 - Plot histogram of top quark mass

We now have an array of top quark mass values. Plot a histogram with bins:

[0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400, 450, 500, 500]

The histogram should look similar to the one here. Note that this plot has histograms for five different channels but we only have one. Ours should be comparable to "ttbar" histogram (in yellow).


The main implementation of the task is in ttbar-analysis.py and it uses Awkward Arrays. To run the script, set up a Python virtual environment, like so:

$ python3 -m venv ~/venv/ttbar
$ ~/venv/ttbar/bin/pip install --upgrade pip
$ ~/venv/ttbar/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt

If you haven't already done so, download the root file 00DF0A73-17C2-E511-B086-E41D2D08DE30.root from https://opendata.cern.ch/record/19980. The script can then be run as follows:

$ ~/venv/ttbar/bin/python ttbar-analysis.py 00DF0A73-17C2-E511-B086-E41D2D08DE30.root

It should take only few seconds and display a histogram.

Note that the scripts in "poc" directory contain a different implementation of the same task. Some of them do not use Awkward Arrays and were done to understand the task better before proceeding with a more efficient implementation.

Future Enhancements

  • Process multiple files.