
For Dragino PG1302 project

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

dragino_fwd_for_pi dragion gateway forward for pi

add test_fcc_complian.c fcc pre_compilance test app

2021/12/03 edit fwd/src/pkt_serv.c adjust dn_list, remove pacakage from dn_list when have the same devaddr, or if the dn_list size more than 16

2021.12.16 modify fwd/src/pkt_serv.c remove element from dn_list when size biger than 16 remove element from dn_list when devaddr duplicated change the loop time of read_dir change fn search_dn_list to inline fn

2022.04.20 update station fix make deb to -Zgzip