
Rerolling data extracted from TFT

Rerolls amount: ~1000

Player level: 4

Champions in bank: Kha'Zix (lvl. 3) - Soraka (lvl. 3) - Kled (lvl 3) - Gragas (lvl 3) --> setup:

Since I already have champions, the data is biased, but I did that on purpose.


The array.txt file contains the obtained champions in order. So every 4 lines is a reroll.

Data has also been obtained via tutorial, so percentages might be different from online. (you figure out if data is close enough)


I made this for a personal project, if you need to collect data yourself, don't hesitate to contact me. You can do it by creating an issue (so I get notified) and I will give you my discord id and will provide you with the python code used to gather the data.