
A playground to note something

Primary LanguagePython


A playground to note something.


  • ipmitool

    • Build

      • How to make in Ubuntu

        apt-get install automake libtool
        apt-get install libssl-dev
        # yum install openssl-devel
      • How to make in Windows

        • install Cygwin (32/64) with following package

          • Cygwin build
        • Create ipmitool package

      • How to built-in OpenSSL 1.0.0 static library

        gie clone https://github.com/openssl/openssl
        cd openssl
        git checkout OpenSSL_1_0_0
        make    -> generate ./libcrypto.a
        cd ..
        cd ipmitool
        ./configure LIBS='[/path/to/openssl]/libcrypto.a -ldl' --enable-intf-usb
        ldd src/ipmitool    -> check libcrypto.a NOT in the dependency list
    • Computer Cheese

    • SOL

      • BIOS

        Advanced -> Serial Port Console Redirection -> Console Redirection Settings

      • BMC

        1. Get SOL Configuration Parameters

          ipmitool -H <BMC_IP> -U <IPMI_USER> -P <IPMI_PASSWORD> sol info

        2. Get COM Port Baud Rate from BIOS (Default is 57.6K)

        3. Set SOL volatile-bit-rate

          ipmitool -I lanplus -H <BMC_IP> -U <IPMI_USER> -P <IPMI_PASSWORD> sol set volatile-bit-rate xx.x

        4. Activate IPMI SOL

          ipmitool -I lanplus -H <BMC_IP> -U <IPMI_USER> -P <IPMI_PASSWORD> sol activate nokeepalive

        5. Terminate connection

          ~. or ipmitool -I lanplus -H <BMC_IP> -U <IPMI_USER> -P <IPMI_PASSWORD> sol deactivate

  • Docker

    • Docker Cheat Sheet


    • How do I change the Docker image installation directory?

      • Stop docker: service docker stop. Verify no docker process is running ps faux
      • Double check docker really isn’t running. Take a look at the current docker directory: ls /var/lib/docker/
        • Make a backup - tar -zcC /var/lib docker > /mnt/pd0/var_lib_docker-backup-$(date +%s).tar.gz
      • Move the /var/lib/docker directory to your new partition: mv /var/lib/docker /new/path/to/docker
      • Make a symlink: ln -s /new/path/to/docker /var/lib/docker
      • Take a peek at the directory structure to make sure it looks like it did before the mv: ls /var/lib/docker/ (note the trailing slash to resolve the symlink)
      • Start docker back up service docker start
      • restart your containers
    • Build with proxy

      sudo docker build --build-arg http_proxy="$http_proxy" --build-arg https_proxy="$https_proxy" -t XXX .

  • Beyond Compare

    • Linux:

      docker run --rm \
      -v $HOME/.Xauthority:/root/.Xauthority \
      -e DISPLAY=:10.0 --net=host \
      --name bcompare \
      -v $HOME/:/home/user \
    • Mac:

      socat TCP-LISTEN:6000,reuseaddr,fork UNIX-CLIENT:\"$DISPLAY\" &
      docker run --rm \
      -e DISPLAY=[HOST_IP]:0 -v "$HOME":"/home/user" \
  • putty

    • X11 Forwarding

      Connection -> SSH -> X11 -> Enable X11 Forwarding
      Connection -> SSH -> X11 -> X display location -> localhost:0.0
    • xterm 256 color

      Window -> Colours -> Allow terminal to specify xterm 256-colour mode
      nano ~/.bashrc
      export TERM=xterm-256color
  • Tmux

  • minicom

    • Start

      sudo minicom -b [BAUD_RATE] -D /dev/ttyUSB[N] -w
      exit CTRL a, x
      help menu CTRL a, z
      current parameters CTRL a, p
      save log minicom -C [LOG_FILE]
      save log (live) CTRL a, L -> CTRL a, L
    • Setup

      sudo minicom -s
    • Disable Hardware Flow Control

      sudo minicom -s -> Serial Port Setup -> Hardware Flow Control -> No

    • Serial Transfer

  • VcSrv

    • clipboard share

      Un-check: XLaunch -> Extra settings -> Clipboard -> Primary Selection

    • Windows Defender Firewall

      • enable VcSrv windows xserver
    • $DISPLAY environment variable

      export DISPLAY="$(/sbin/ip route | awk '/default/ { print $3 }'):0"

  • VSCode

    • Mac:

      • X11 forwarding for keyboard

        "keyboard.dispatch": "keyCode"

  • vi

    edit binary vi -b [FILE] -> :%!xxd -g1 -> edit binary... -> :%!xxd -r -> :wq
  • Vim

    • Vim Cheatsheet

    • Vim Cheat Sheet

    • VIM Cheat Sheet for Programmers

    • Vim Cheat Sheet

    • Graphical vi-vim Cheat Sheet and Tutorial

    • Vimdiff cheatsheet

    • Learn Vim Progressively

    • Use Vim like an IDE

    • Vim Awesome'

    • Learn Vimscript the Hard Way

    • vim-plug

    • Use vim with ctags

      • ex. ctags --recurse=yes --exclude=.git --exclude=BUILD --exclude=.svn --exclude=vendor/* --exclude=node_modules/* --exclude=db/* --exclude=log/*
    • Using Cscope on large projects (example: the Linux kernel)

      • ex.
        # Generate cscope.files with a list of files to be scanned.
        cd / 	
        find  $LNX                                                                \
        -path "$LNX/arch/*" ! -path "$LNX/arch/i386*" -prune -o               \
        -path "$LNX/include/asm-*" ! -path "$LNX/include/asm-i386*" -prune -o \
        -path "$LNX/tmp*" -prune -o                                           \
        -path "$LNX/Documentation*" -prune -o                                 \
        -path "$LNX/scripts*" -prune -o                                       \
        -path "$LNX/drivers*" -prune -o                                       \
        -name "*.[chxsS]" -print >/home/jru/cscope/cscope.files
        # Generate the Cscope database
        cd /home/jru/cscope     # the directory with 'cscope.files'
        cscope -b -q -k
    • file revision compare

      vimdiff <( git show [REVISION_1]:[XXX_FI|LE] ) <( git show [REVISION_2]:[XXX_FI|LE] )

    • Vim configuration for Linux kernel development

      • index kernel source for aspeed platform

        sudo apt install cscope exuberant-ctags
        cd [LINUX]
        # generate .config file
        # -> cp /XXX/.config ./
        # make kernel
        # -> make -j N zImage  (N: thread)
        # generate ctag and cscope symbol
        make O=. ARCH=arm SUBARCH=aspeed COMPILED_SOURCE=1 cscope tags
    • ack-vim

      export LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8
      export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
    • compile vim to support clipboard on CentOS

      sudo yum install yum-utils
      sudo yum-builddep vim-X11
      sudo yum install libX11 libX11-devel libXtst libXtst-devel \
                        perl-ExtUtils-Embed xclip xsel
      git clone https://github.com/vim/vim.git --depth 1
      cd vim
      make distclean
      ./configure --with-features=huge \
                  --with-x \
                  --enable-cscope \
                  --enable-gui \
                  --enable-luainterp=yes \
                  --enable-multibyte \
                  --enable-perlinterp=yes \
                  --enable-pythoninterp=yes \
                  --enable-python3interp=yes \
                  --enable-rubyinterp=yes \
      sudo make install
  • U-Boot

    • U-Boot overview

    • U-Boot

    • How system boot-up - Tizen Wiki

    • U-Boot Images

    • example

      • tftp flash

        setenv ipaddr [HOST_IP]; setenv serverip [SERVER_IP]; protect off all; erase all; tftpboot [FLASH_MEM_ADDR] [ROM_FILE]


          AST2500: 20000000
      • tftp flash 2

        setenv ipaddr [HOST_IP]
        setenv serverip [SERVER_IP]
        sf probe 0  # select spi 0
        # sf erase 0 4000000  # erase 64M spi
        # mw.b 82000000 ff 4000000  # clear 64M memory at 0x82000000
        tftpboot 82000000 [FILE_NAME]  # download [FILE_NAME] from tftp server to memory 0x82000000
        # sf write 82000000 0 4000000  # write memory 0x82000000 64M to spi
        sf update 82000000 0 4000000  # update memory 0x82000000 64M to spi
      • read spi

        setenv ipaddr [HOST_IP]
        setenv serverip [SERVER_IP]
        sf probe 0  # select spi 0
        sf read 82000000 0 4000000  # read 64M spi content to memory 0x82000000
        tftp 82000000 [FILE_NAME] 4000000  # upload 64M memory 0x82000000 content to tftp server as [FILE_NAME]
  • linux

  • i2c-tools

    scan bus i2cdetect -l
    scan slave address i2cdetect -y [BUS]
    dump register i2cdump -y [BUS] [SLAVE_ADDRESS]
    write register i2cset -f -y [BUS] [SLAVE_ADDRESS] [REGISTER]
    read register i2cget -y [BUS] [SLAVE_ADDRESS] [REGISTER]
  • BSOD/Kernel Panic

    • Cause a Linux Kernel Panic or a Windows BSOD

      • Windows BSOD

        1. Start Registry Editor.
        2. Locate and then click the following registry subkey: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\kbdhid\Parameters
        3. On the Edit menu, click Add Value, and then add the following registry entry.
          Name : CrashOnCtrlScroll 
          Data Type : REG_DWORD 
          Value : 1
        4. Exit Registry Editor.
        5. Restart the computer. (On a computer that uses a USB keyboard, you do not have to restart the computer. Unplugging the keyboard and plugging it back again is sufficient. After that, the Memory dump file can be generated.)
      • Linux Kernel Panic

        echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger

  • Git

    • GitHub & Collaboration

      • Pull Request

        • Fork [UPSTREAM_REPO]

        • create a [XXX-BUG-BRANCH] to do something

          • git clone [ORIGIN_REPO_URL]
          • git checkout -b [XXX-BUG-BRANCH]
          • commit changes
          • create Pull Request for [XXX-BUG-BRANCH]
      • Sync local, [UPSTREAM_REPO] and [ORIGIN_REPO]

        git remote add upstream [UPSTREAM_REPO_URL]
        git checkout master
        git pull upstream master
        git push origin master
    • Git Cheatsheet

    • Clone 100 repositories of first 1 page of one GitHub organization

      GHUSER=[CHANGEME]; curl "https://api.github.com/orgs/$GHUSER/repos?page=1&per_page=100" | grep -w clone_url | grep -o '[^"]\+://.\+.git' | xargs -L1 git clone

    Get older version git checkout [COMMIT_HASH]
  • SVN

  • Tig

  • Gitlab

    • Install

      sudo docker run --detach \
      --hostname gitlab.example.com \
      --publish 443:443 --publish 80:80 \
      -p 3000:22 -e "GITLAB_SHELL_SSH_PORT=3000" \
      --name gitlab \
      --restart always \
      --volume /srv/gitlab/config:/etc/gitlab \
      --volume /srv/gitlab/logs:/var/log/gitlab \
      --volume /srv/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab \
    • Where is the data stored?

      Local location Container location Usage
      /srv/gitlab/data /var/opt/gitlab For storing application data
      /srv/gitlab/logs /var/log/gitlab For storing logs
      /srv/gitlab/config /etc/gitlab For storing the GitLab configuration files
    • Clone Repository

      git clone ssh://git@[GITLAB_IP]:3000/OOO/XXX.git

      NOTE: Copy SSH public key from Jenkins.

  • Jenkins

    • Install

       sudo docker run --name jenkins \
       -d -u root --restart always \
       -p 8080:8080 \
       -v [/PAT|H/TO/JENKINS]/jenkins-data:/var/jenkins_home \
       -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
  • Kubernetes

    • kubectl Cheat Sheet

    • Weave Net Addon


        • the range of IP addresses used by Weave Net and the subnet they are placed in (CIDR format; default

        • ex. change to

          kubectl apply -f "https://cloud.weave.works/k8s/net?k8s-version=$(kubectl version | base64 | tr -d '\n')&env.IPALLOC_RANGE="

    • Inter-pod anti-affinity

      apiVersion: apps/v1
      kind: Deployment
        creationTimestamp: null
          id: very-important                  # change
        name: deploy-important
        namespace: project-tiger              # important
        replicas: 3                           # change
            id: very-important                # change
        strategy: {}
            creationTimestamp: null
              id: very-important              # change
            - image: nginx:1.17.6-alpine
              name: container1                # change
              resources: {}
            - image: kubernetes/pause         # add
              name: container2                # add
            affinity:                                             # add
              podAntiAffinity:                                    # add
                requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:   # add
                - labelSelector:                                  # add
                    matchExpressions:                             # add
                    - key: id                                     # add
                      operator: In                                # add
                      values:                                     # add
                      - very-important                            # add
                  topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname             # add
    • Pod

      kind: Pod
        nodeName: foo-node # schedule pod to specific node
        # node affinity
          # <LABEL-NAME>: <LABEL-VALUE>
          node-role.kubernetes.io/master: ""
        # toleration
        - effect: NoSchedule
          key: node-role.kubernetes.io/master
        schedulerName: my-shiny-scheduler     # customized scheduler
        - c1
          # Expose Pod Information to Containers Through Environment Variables
            - name: MY_NODE_NAME
                  fieldPath: spec.nodeName
    • Cluster Setup

      • Kubernetes Dashboard

        • install

          kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kubernetes/dashboard/v2.1.0/aio/deploy/recommended.yaml

        • Secure Kubernetes Dashboard

          ➜ k -n kubernetes-dashboard edit deploy kubernetes-dashboard
              - args:
                - --namespace=kubernetes-dashboard  
                - --authentication-mode=token        # Enforce authentication using a token (with possibility to use RBAC)
                - --auto-generate-certificates       # Add the --auto-generate-certificates argument
                #- --enable-skip-login=true          # Deny users to "skip login"
                #- --enable-insecure-login           # Deny insecure access, enforce HTTPS (self signed certificates are ok for now)
                image: kubernetesui/dashboard:v2.0.3
                imagePullPolicy: Always
                name: kubernetes-dashboard
          # Allow only cluster internal access
          ➜ k -n kubernetes-dashboard edit svc kubernetes-dashboard
            externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
            - name: http
              nodePort: 32513  # delete
              port: 9090
              protocol: TCP
              targetPort: 9090
            - name: https
              nodePort: 32441  # delete
              port: 443
              protocol: TCP
              targetPort: 8443
              k8s-app: kubernetes-dashboard
            sessionAffinity: None
            type: ClusterIP          # change or delete
            loadBalancer: {}
      • CIS benchmark

    • Cluster Hardening

      • RBAC

        • combinations

          1. Role + RoleBinding (available in single Namespace, applied in single Namespace)
          2. ClusterRole + ClusterRoleBinding (available cluster-wide, applied cluster-wide)
          3. ClusterRole + RoleBinding (available cluster-wide, applied in single Namespace)
          4. Role + ClusterRoleBinding (NOT POSSIBLE: available in single Namespace, applied cluster-wide)
        • Users and CertificateSigningRequests

          # add user `60099@internal.users`
          # 1. Create KEY
          ➜ openssl genrsa -out 60099.key 2048
          # 2. Create CSR
          ➜ openssl req -new -key 60099.key -out 60099.csr
          # set Common Name = 60099@internal.users
          # 3. Manual signing
          ➜ find /etc/kubernetes/pki | grep ca
          ➜ openssl x509 -req -in 60099.csr -CA /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt -CAkey /etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.key -CAcreateserial -out 60099.crt -days 500
          # 4. Signing via API
          # csr.yaml
          apiVersion: certificates.k8s.io/v1
          kind: CertificateSigningRequest
            name: 60099@internal.users # ADD
            - system:authenticated
            request: {{BASE_64_ENCODED_CSR}} # ADD
            signerName: kubernetes.io/kube-apiserver-client
            - client auth
          # Note: 
          #   BASE_64_ENCODED_CSR: cat 60099.csr | base64 -w 0
          # Create the resource, check its status and approve
          ➜ k -f csr.yaml create
          ➜ k certificate approve 60099@internal.users
          # Now download the CRT
          ➜ k get csr 60099@internal.users -ojsonpath="{.status.certificate}" | base64 -d > 60099.crt
          # 5. Use it to connect to K8s API
          ➜ k config set-credentials 60099@internal.users --client-key=60099.key --client-certificate=60099.crt
          ➜ k config set-context 60099@internal.users --cluster=kubernetes --user=60099@internal.users
          ➜ k config get-contexts
          ➜ k config use-context 60099@internal.users
      • Service Account

        • add service account (sa -> role -> rolebinding)

          kubectl -n project-hamster create sa processor
          kubectl -n project-hamster create role processor \
            --verb=create \
            --resource=secret \
          kubectl -n project-hamster create rolebinding processor \
            --role processor \
            --serviceaccount project-hamster:processor
          kubectl -n project-hamster auth can-i create secret \
            --as system:serviceaccount:project-hamster:processor
          kubectl -n project-hamster auth can-i create configmap \
            --as system:serviceaccount:project-hamster:processor
        • add service account (sa -> clusterrole -> clusterrolebinding)

          kubectl create serviceaccount pvviewer
          kubectl create clusterrole pvviewer-role --resource=persistentvolumes --verb=list
          kubectl create clusterrolebinding pvviewer-role-binding --clusterrole=pvviewer-role --serviceaccount=default:pvviewer
          # XXX-pod.yaml
          kind: pod
            serviceAccountName: pvviewer
          • We can see all necessary information to contact the apiserver manually

            / # curl https://kubernetes.default/api/v1/namespaces/restricted/secrets -H "Authorization: Bearer $(cat /run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token)" -k
                  "metadata": {
                    "name": "secret3",
                    "namespace": "restricted",
                  "data": {
                    "password": "cEVuRXRSYVRpT24tdEVzVGVSCg=="
                  "type": "Opaque"
            ➜ echo cEVuRXRSYVRpT24tdEVzVGVSCg== | base64 -d
      • Change kube-apiserver service type from NodePort to ClusterIP

        # /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml
        - command:
         - kube-apiserver
         - --advertise-address=
         - --allow-privileged=true
         - --authorization-mode=Node,RBAC
         - --client-ca-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt
         - --enable-admission-plugins=NodeRestriction
         - --enable-bootstrap-token-auth=true
         - --etcd-cafile=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt
         - --etcd-certfile=/etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver-etcd-client.crt
         - --etcd-keyfile=/etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver-etcd-client.key
         - --etcd-servers=
         - --kubelet-client-certificate=/etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver-kubelet-client.crt
         - --kubelet-client-key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver-kubelet-client.key
         - --kubelet-preferred-address-types=InternalIP,ExternalIP,Hostname
         - --kubernetes-service-node-port=31000   # delete or set to 0
         - --proxy-client-cert-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/front-proxy-client.crt
         - --proxy-client-key-file=/etc/kubernetes/pki/front-proxy-client.key
        ➜ kubectl delete svc kubernetes
        ➜ kubectl get svc
      • check certificate

        • ex. check apiserver expiration: kubeadm certs check-expiration | grep apiserver
        • ex. renew the apiserver server certificate: kubeadm certs renew apiserver
      • check kubelet certificate directory

        • /var/lib/kubelet/pki: default of kubelet --cert-dir
      • customized kubelet manifests directory

        • --pod-manifest-path
      • service cidr

        • parameter: --service-cluster-ip-range

          • /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml
          • /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-controller-manager.yaml
      • upgrade (ex. 1.18.0 -> 1.19.0)

        # On Master Node
        kubectl drain controlplane --ignore-daemonsets
        apt-get install kubeadm=1.19.0-00
        kubeadm  upgrade plan
        kubeadm  upgrade apply v1.19.0
        apt-get install kubelet=1.19.0-00
        systemctl daemon-reload
        systemctl restart kubelet
        kubectl uncordon controlplane
        kubectl drain node01 --ignore-daemonsets
        # On Worker Node
        apt-get install kubeadm=1.19.0-00
        kubeadm upgrade node
        apt-get install kubelet=1.19.0-00
        systemctl daemon-reload
        systemctl restart kubelet     
        # Back on Master Nodess
        kubectl uncordon node01
    • System Hardening

      • AppArmor profile

        # /opt/course/9/profile 
        #include <tunables/global>
        profile very-secure flags=(attach_disconnected) {
          #include <abstractions/base>
          # Deny all file writes.
          deny /** w,
        # Install the AppArmor profile on Node cluster1-worker1
        ➜ scp /opt/course/9/profile cluster1-worker1:~/
        ➜ ssh cluster1-worker1
        # Install the AppArmor profile on Node cluster1-worker1
        ➜ apparmor_parser -q ./profile
        # verify
        ➜ apparmor_status
        # Add label security=apparmor to the Node
        ➜ k label node cluster1-worker1 security=apparmor
        # create the Deployment which uses the profile
        ➜ k create deploy apparmor --image=nginx:1.19.2 $do > 9_deploy.yaml
        # 9_deploy.yaml
            creationTimestamp: null
              app: apparmor
            annotations:                                                                 # add
              container.apparmor.security.beta.kubernetes.io/c1: localhost/very-secure   # add (Single container named c1 with the AppArmor profile very-secure enabled)
            nodeSelector:                    # add
              security: apparmor             # add
            - image: nginx:1.19.2
              name: c1                       # change
              resources: {}
        ➜ k -f 9_deploy.yaml create
        # This looks alright, the Pod is running on cluster1-worker1 because of the nodeSelector. 
        ➜ k get pod -owide | grep apparmor
        # The AppArmor profile simply denies all filesystem writes, but Nginx needs to write into some locations to run, hence the errors.
        ➜ k logs apparmor-85c65645dc-w852p
        /docker-entrypoint.sh: No files found in /docker-entrypoint.d/, skipping configuration
        /docker-entrypoint.sh: 13: /docker-entrypoint.sh: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied
        2020/09/26 18:14:11 [emerg] 1#1: mkdir() "/var/cache/nginx/client_temp" failed (13: Permission denied)
        nginx: [emerg] mkdir() "/var/cache/nginx/client_temp" failed (13: Permission denied)
        ➜ ssh cluster1-worker1
        ➜ docker ps -a | grep apparmor
        # the container is using our AppArmor profile.
        ➜ docker inspect 41f014a9e7a8 | grep -i profile
                "AppArmorProfile": "very-secure",
    • Monitoring, Logging and Runtime Security

      • falco

        • Falco uses system calls to secure and monitor a system, by:

          • Parsing the Linux system calls from the kernel at runtime
          • Asserting the stream against a powerful rules engine
          • Alerting when a rule is violated
        • install falco on worker node

          curl -s https://falco.org/repo/falcosecurity-3672BA8F.asc | apt-key add -
          echo "deb https://download.falco.org/packages/deb stable main" | tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/falcosecurity.list
          apt-get update -y
          apt-get -y install linux-headers-$(uname -r)
          apt-get install -y falco=0.26.1
        • Usage

          • service

            systemctl start falco
            # view log
            cat /var/log/syslog | grep falco
          • command line

            systemctl stop falco && falco
            # view log
        • Configuration

          # /etc/falco/falco.yaml
          # Where security notifications should go.
          # Multiple outputs can be enabled.
            enabled: trues
        • Create logs in correct format (ex. chnge Package management process launched message formate to time,container-id,container-name,user-name)

          cd /etc/falco
          grep -r "Package management process launched" .
          # falco_rules.yaml
          # Container is supposed to be immutable. Package management should be done in building the image.
          - rule: Launch Package Management Process in Container
            desc: Package management process ran inside container
            condition: >
              and container
              and user.name != "_apt"
              and package_mgmt_procs
              and not package_mgmt_ancestor_procs
              and not user_known_package_manager_in_container
            output: >
              Package management process launched in container (user=%user.name user_loginuid=%user.loginuid command=%proc.cmdline container_id=%container.id container_name=%container.name     ## remove
              Package management process launched in container %evt.time,%container.id,%container.name,%user.name     ## add
            priority: ERROR
            tags: [process, mitre_persistence]
          # test
          falco | grep "Package management"
          20:23:14.395725592: Error Package management process launched in container 20:23:14.395725592,fd6a98d42973,k8s_nginx_webapi-5fcb69b746-gtx8q_team-blue_d5e9178c-60fb-43e5-af89-3b8a579614ef_0,root

          NOTE: move custimized settings to /etc/falco/falco_rules.local.yaml

          NOTE: Supported Fields for Conditions and Outputs

      • Audit Log Policy

        # enable audit log in kube-apiserver
        # /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml 
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Pod
          creationTimestamp: null
            component: kube-apiserver
            tier: control-plane
          name: kube-apiserver
          namespace: kube-system
          - command:
            - kube-apiserver
            - --audit-policy-file=/etc/kubernetes/audit/policy.yaml  # add
            - --audit-log-path=/etc/kubernetes/audit/logs/audit.log  # add
            - --audit-log-maxsize=5                                  # add
            - --audit-log-maxbackup=1                                # only one backup of the logs is stored
            - --advertise-address=
            - --allow-privileged=true
        # create audit policy
        # /etc/kubernetes/audit/policy.yaml
        apiVersion: audit.k8s.io/v1
        kind: Policy
        # log Secret resources audits, level Metadata
        - level: Metadata
          - group: ""
            resources: ["secrets"]
        # log node related audits, level RequestResponse
        - level: RequestResponse
          userGroups: ["system:nodes"]
        # for everything else don't log anything
        - level: None
        # restart apiserver
        #cd /etc/kubernetes/manifests/
        ➜ mv kube-apiserver.yaml ..
        ➜ truncate -s 0 /etc/kubernetes/audit/logs/audit.log
        # check log
        # /etc/kubernetes/audit/logs/audit.log
          "kind": "Event",
          "apiVersion": "audit.k8s.io/v1",
          "level": "RequestResponse",
          "auditID": "c90e53ed-b0cf-4cc4-889a-f1204dd39267",
          "stage": "ResponseComplete",
          "requestURI": "...",
          "verb": "list",
          "user": {
            "username": "system:node:cluster2-master1",
            "groups": [
          "sourceIPs": [
          "userAgent": "kubelet/v1.19.1 (linux/amd64) kubernetes/206bcad",
          "objectRef": {
            "resource": "configmaps",
            "namespace": "kube-system",
            "name": "kube-proxy",
            "apiVersion": "v1"
          "responseStatus": {
            "metadata": {},
            "code": 200
          "responseObject": {
            "kind": "ConfigMapList",
            "apiVersion": "v1",
            "metadata": {
              "selfLink": "/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/configmaps",
              "resourceVersion": "83409"
            "items": [
                "metadata": {
                  "name": "kube-proxy",
                  "namespace": "kube-system",
                  "selfLink": "/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/configmaps/kube-proxy",
                  "uid": "0f1c3950-430a-4543-83e4-3f9c87a478b8",
                  "resourceVersion": "232",
                  "creationTimestamp": "2020-09-26T20:59:50Z",
                  "labels": {
                    "app": "kube-proxy"
                  "annotations": {
                    "kubeadm.kubernetes.io/component-config.hash": "..."
                  "managedFields": [
          "requestReceivedTimestamp": "2020-09-27T20:01:36.223781Z",
          "stageTimestamp": "2020-09-27T20:01:36.225470Z",
          "annotations": {
            "authorization.k8s.io/decision": "allow",
            "authorization.k8s.io/reason": ""
        # shows Secret entries
        ➜ cat audit.log | grep '"resource":"secrets"' | wc -l
        # confirms Secret entries are only of level Metadata
        ➜ cat audit.log | grep '"resource":"secrets"' | grep -v '"level":"Metadata"' | wc -l
        # shows RequestResponse level entries
        ➜ cat audit.log | grep -v '"level":"RequestResponse"' | wc -l
        # shows RequestResponse level entries are only for system:nodes
        ➜ cat audit.log | grep '"level":"RequestResponse"' | grep -v "system:nodes" | wc -l
    • Microservice Vulnerabilities

      • ETCD:

        • Backing up an etcd cluster

          ➜ ETCDCTL_API='3' etcdctl snapshot save --cacert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt --cert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt --key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key /PATH/TO/BACKUP.XX
        • Restore an etcd cluster

          ➜ ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl snapshot restore /tmp/etcd-backup.db --data-dir /var/lib/etcd-backup
          # /etc/kubernetes/manifests/etcd.yaml
            - hostPath:
                path: /var/lib/etcd-backup                # change
                type: DirectoryOrCreate
              name: etcd-data
        • Verifying that data is encrypted

          # read secret out of etcd
          ➜ ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl \
          --cert /etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver-etcd-client.crt \
          --key /etc/kubernetes/pki/apiserver-etcd-client.key \
          --cacert /etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt get /registry/secrets/team-green/database-access  # ETCD in Kubernetes stores data under /registry/{type}/{namespace}/{name}
              confidentialOpaque"echo Y29uZmlkZW50aWFs | base64 -d
      • Container Runtime Sandbox gVisor

        • check if containerd and runsc are installed and configured

          ➜ root@cluster1-worker2:~# runsc --version
          runsc version release-20201130.0
          spec: 1.0.1-dev
          ➜ root@cluster1-worker2:~# service containerd status
          ● containerd.service - containerd container runtime
             Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/containerd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
             Active: active (running) since Thu 2020-09-03 15:58:22 UTC; 2min 36s ago
          ➜ root@cluster1-worker2:~# cat /etc/containerd/config.toml
          disabled_plugins = ["restart"]
            shim_debug = true
            runtime_type = "io.containerd.runsc.v1"
        • arguments the kubelet has been configured with to use containerd

          # /etc/default/kubelet
          KUBELET_EXTRA_ARGS="--container-runtime remote --container-runtime-endpoint unix:///run/containerd/containerd.sock"
        • Create a RuntimeClass named gvisor with handler runsc.

          # 10_rtc.yaml
          apiVersion: node.k8s.io/v1
          kind: RuntimeClass
            name: gvisor
          handler: runsc
        • Create a Pod that uses the RuntimeClass. The Pod should be in Namespace team-purple, named gvisor-test and of image nginx:1.19.2. Make sure the Pod runs on cluster1-worker2.

          ➜ k -n team-purple run gvisor-test --image=nginx:1.19.2 $do > 10_pod.yaml
          # 10_pod.yaml
          apiVersion: v1
          kind: Pod
            creationTimestamp: null
              run: gvisor-test
            name: gvisor-test
            namespace: team-purple
            nodeName: cluster1-worker2 # add
            runtimeClassName: gvisor   # add
            - image: nginx:1.19.2
              name: gvisor-test
              resources: {}
            dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
            restartPolicy: Always
          status: {}
          ➜ k -f 10_pod.yaml create
          ➜ k -n team-purple exec gvisor-test -- dmesg
          [    0.000000] Starting gVisor...
          [    0.417740] Checking naughty and nice process list...
          [    0.623721] Waiting for children...
          [    0.902192] Gathering forks...
          [    1.258087] Committing treasure map to memory...
          [    1.653149] Generating random numbers by fair dice roll...
          [    1.918386] Creating cloned children...
          [    2.137450] Digging up root...
          [    2.369841] Forking spaghetti code...
          [    2.840216] Rewriting operating system in Javascript...
          [    2.956226] Creating bureaucratic processes...
          [    3.329981] Ready!
      • Open Policy Agent

        • install

          # /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml 
          - --enable-admission-plugins=NodeRestriction      # change
          ➜ kubectl create -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/killer-sh/cks-course-environment/master/course-content/opa/gatekeeper.yaml
          # test
          ➜ k -n gatekeeper-system get pod,svc
          NAME                                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
          pod/gatekeeper-audit-6ffc8f5544-ng89x                1/1     Running   0          14m
          pod/gatekeeper-controller-manager-6f9c99b4d7-bbdwj   1/1     Running   0          14m
          NAME                                 TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
          service/gatekeeper-webhook-service   ClusterIP   <none>        443/TCP   14m
        • Alter the existing constraint and/or template to also blacklist images from very-bad-registry.com.

          ➜ k get crd
          NAME                                                 CREATED AT
          blacklistimages.constraints.gatekeeper.sh            2020-09-14T19:29:31Z
          configs.config.gatekeeper.sh                         2020-09-14T19:29:04Z
          constraintpodstatuses.status.gatekeeper.sh           2020-09-14T19:29:05Z
          constrainttemplatepodstatuses.status.gatekeeper.sh   2020-09-14T19:29:05Z
          constrainttemplates.templates.gatekeeper.sh          2020-09-14T19:29:05Z
          requiredlabels.constraints.gatekeeper.sh             2020-09-14T19:29:31Z
          ➜ k get constraint
          NAME                                                           AGE
          blacklistimages.constraints.gatekeeper.sh/pod-trusted-images   10m
          NAME                                                                  AGE
          requiredlabels.constraints.gatekeeper.sh/namespace-mandatory-labels   10m
          ➜ k edit blacklistimages pod-trusted-images
          ➜ k edit constrainttemplates blacklistimages
          apiVersion: templates.gatekeeper.sh/v1beta1
          kind: ConstraintTemplate
                  kind: BlacklistImages
            - rego: |
                package k8strustedimages
                images {
                  image := input.review.object.spec.containers[_].image
                  not startswith(image, "docker-fake.io/")
                  not startswith(image, "google-gcr-fake.com/")
                  not startswith(image, "very-bad-registry.com/") # ADD THIS LINE
                violation[{"msg": msg}] {
                  not images
                  msg := "not trusted image!"
              target: admission.k8s.gatekeeper.sh
          # test
          ➜ k run opa-test --image=very-bad-registry.com/image
          Error from server ([denied by pod-trusted-images] not trusted image!): admission webhook "validation.gatekeeper.sh" denied the request: [denied by pod-trusted-images] not trusted image!
          ➜ k describe blacklistimages pod-trusted-images
            Total Violations:  1
              Enforcement Action:  deny
              Kind:                Pod
              Message:             not trusted image!
              Name:                untrusted-68c4944d48-2hgt9
              Namespace:           default
          Events:                  <none>
      • Pod Security Policies

        • Cluster-level resources. Controls under which security conditions a Pod has to run.

        • Enable Admission Plugin for PodSecurityPolicy

          # /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml 
          - --enable-admission-plugins=NodeRestriction,PodSecurityPolicy      # change
        • Create new PodSecurityPolicy

          # Creating a PodSecurityPolicy named psp-mount which allows hostPath volumes only for directory /tmp
          # psp.yaml
          apiVersion: policy/v1beta1
          kind: PodSecurityPolicy
            name: psp-mount
            privileged: true  # allow privileged pods!
              rule: RunAsAny
              rule: RunAsAny
              rule: RunAsAny
              rule: RunAsAny
            - '*'
            allowedHostPaths:             # allows hostPath volumes only for directory /tmp
              - pathPrefix: "/tmp"        #
          ➜ k create -f psp.yaml
          # Creating a ClusterRole named psp-mount which allows to use the new PSP
          ➜ k -n team-red create clusterrole psp-mount --verb=use \
              --resource=podsecuritypolicies --resource-name=psp-mount
          # Creating a RoleBinding named psp-mount in Namespace team-red which binds the new ClusterRole to all ServiceAccounts in the Namespace team-red
          ➜ k -n team-red create rolebinding psp-mount --clusterrole=psp-mount --group system:serviceaccounts
          # test with deployment
          ➜ k -n team-red rollout restart deploy docker-log-hacker
          ➜ k -n team-red describe deploy docker-log-hacker
          Name:                   docker-log-hacker
          Namespace:              team-red
          Replicas:               1 desired | 0 updated | 0 total | 0 available | 2 unavailable
          Pod Template:
            Labels:       app=docker-log-hacker
            Annotations:  kubectl.kubernetes.io/restartedAt: 2020-09-28T11:08:18Z
              Type:          HostPath (bare host directory volume)
              Path:          /var/lib/docker
            Type             Status  Reason
            ----             ------  ------
            Available        False   MinimumReplicasUnavailable
            ReplicaFailure   True    FailedCreate
          ➜ k -n team-red get events --sort-by='{.metadata.creationTimestamp}'
          docker-log-hacker-6bdfbf8546-" is forbidden: PodSecurityPolicy: unable to admit pod: [spec.volumes[0].hostPath.pathPrefix: Invalid value: "/var/lib/docker": is not allowed to be used]
          ➜ k -n team-red edit deploy docker-log-hacker
          # kubectl -n team-red edit deploy docker-log-hacker
          apiVersion: apps/v1
          kind: Deployment
                - command:
                  - sh
                  - -c
                  - while true; do sleep 1d; done
                  image: bash
                  - mountPath: /dockerlogs
                    name: dockerlogs
                - hostPath:
                    path: /tmp                         # change
                    type: ""
          ➜ k -n team-red get pod -l app=docker-log-hacker
          NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
          docker-log-hacker-5674dbccc9-5lc6q   1/1     Running   0          20s
          ➜ k -n team-red describe pod -l app=docker-log-hacker
          Annotations:  kubernetes.io/psp: psp-mount
    • Supply Chain Security

      • ImagePolicyWebhook / AdmissionController

        • allows a backend webhook to make admission decisions
        # Download existing files
        ➜ git clone https://github.com/killer-sh/cks-challenge-series
        ➜ cp -r cks-challenge-series/challenges/ImagePolicyWebhook /etc/kubernetes/admission
        # Register in apiserver
        #cd /etc/kubernetes/manifests
        # /etc/kubernetes/manifests/kube-apiserver.yaml
        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Pod
          name: kube-apiserver
          namespace: kube-system
          - command:
            - kube-apiserver
            - --admission-control-config-file=/etc/kubernetes/admission/admission_config.yaml    # add config file
            - --enable-admission-plugins=NodeRestriction,ImagePolicyWebhook    # add ImagePolicyWebhook admission controller
            - mountPath: /etc/kubernetes/admission
              name: admission
              readOnly: true
          - hostPath:
              path: /etc/kubernetes/admission
              type: DirectoryOrCreate
            name: admission
        # Create admission_config.yaml
        #cd /etc/kubernetes/admission
        # /etc/kubernetes/admission/admission_config.yaml
        apiVersion: apiserver.config.k8s.io/v1
        kind: AdmissionConfiguration
          - name: ImagePolicyWebhook
                kubeConfigFile: /etc/kubernetes/admission/kubeconf
                allowTTL: 50
                denyTTL: 50
                retryBackoff: 500
                defaultAllow: false # DENY ALL PODS IF SERVICE NOT AVAILABLE
        # /etc/kubernetes/admission/kubeconf
        # clusters refers to the remote service.
        - name: name-of-remote-imagepolicy-service
            certificate-authority: /path/to/ca.pem    # CA for verifying the remote service.
            server: https://images.example.com/policy # URL of remote service to query. Must use 'https'.
        # users refers to the API server's webhook configuration.
        - name: name-of-api-server
            client-certificate: /path/to/cert.pem # cert for the webhook admission controller to use
            client-key: /path/to/key.pem          # key matching the cert
        # Wait for apiserver to come back by looking for a response
        ➜ mv ./kube-apiserver.yaml ../
        ➜ mv ../kube-apiserver.yaml ./
        ➜ k -n kube-system get pod # just wait for a response
        # test
        ➜ k run test --image=nginx
        Error from server (Forbidden): pods "test" is forbidden: Post "https://external-service:1234/check-image?timeout=30s": dial tcp: lookup external-service on no such Hostname
      • Image Vulnerability Scanning

        • trivy

          • ex. scan image (nginx:1.16.1-alpine) with vulnerabilities CVE-2020-10878 or CVE-2020-1967

            trivy nginx:1.16.1-alpine | grep -E 'CVE-2020-10878|CVE-2020-1967'

  • RamDisk

  • TCP Wrappers

    • support

      ldd /PATH/TO/EXE | grep libwrap

    • order

      • /etc/hosts.deny -> /etc/hosts.deny
  • sudo

    # add to file end
  • ssh

    • server

      • setup

        sudo yum search openssh | grep -i server
        sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
        #PermitRootLogin yes
        X11Forwarding yes
      • file

        • ~/.ssh/authorized_keys: client public key
      • port

        • tcp/22
      • log

        • /var/log/secure.log: centos
        • /var/log/auth.log: debian
    • client

      • setup

        • file: /etc/ssh/ssh_config

        • precedence:

          • ssh command > ~/.ssh/config > /etc/ssh/ssh_config
      • file

        • ~/.ssh/known_hosts: server public key
      • cheatsheet-ssh-A4

      • ssh

        • SSH Cheatsheet

        • SSH login without password

          ## can create passphrase
          a@A:~> ssh-keygen -t rsa  # generage ~/.ssh/id_rsa  and ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
          a@A:~> ssh b@B mkdir -p .ssh
          b@B's password:
          a@A:~> cat .ssh/id_rsa.pub | ssh b@B 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'
          # or ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub b@B
          b@B's password:
          ## can use ssh-agent and ssh-add to keep passhprase
          ## ssh-agent - agent to hold private key for single sign-on
          ## ssh-add - tool to add a key to the agent
          # ssh-agent /bin/bash
          # ssh-add
          # Enter passphrase for /home/a/.ssh/id_rsa:
          a@A:~> ssh b@B
          ## exit from B
          # exit
          ## exit from /bin/bash to release passphrase
          # exit
        • Local Port Tunnel

          • Local post XXXX tunnel to Remote port YYYY

            ssh -L XXXX:localhost:YYYY -Nf yy@yyyy

            NOTE: localhost: yyyy (remote machine)

        • Remote Port Tunnel

          • Remote post YYYY tunnel to Local port XXXX

            ssh -R YYYY:localhost:XXXX -Nf yy@yyyy

            NOTE: localhost: local machine

      • scp

      • sftp

  • Samba

    • server

      • setup

        sudo apt install samba
        sudo smbpasswd -a [XXX_USER]
        sudo cp /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf.bak
        sudo vim /etc/samba/smb.conf
        path =/
        read only = no
        valid users = [XXX_USER]
        force user = root
        force group = root
        sudo testparm
        sudo systemctl enable samba
        sudo systemctl start samba
        ## only reload config
        # sudo smbcontrol smbd reload-config

        NOTE: disable SELinux

        NOTE: windows clear cifs cache: net use * /d

      • list all smb connections

        • sudo smbstatus
        • sudo net status shares
      • log

        • /var/log/samba
      • port

        • udp/137: nmbd
        • tcp/139, tcp/445: smbd
    • client

      • netbios name lookup

        sudo apt install samba-common-bin
        nmblookup [NETBIOS_NAME]
      • not mount

        sudo apt install smbclient
        smbclient -U [XXX_USER] //[SAMBA_SERVER_IP]/MyShare
      • mount

        sudo mount //[SAMBA_SERVER_IP]/MyShare [/PATH|/TO/MOUNT-POINT] -o username=[XXX_USER],password=[XXX_USER_PASSWORD]

      • mount on power on

        # vim /etc/fstab
        //[SAMBA_SERVER_IP]/MyShare [/PATH|/TO/MOUNT-POINT] cifs credentials=/mnt/.smbcredentials 0 0
        sudo touch /mnt/.smbcredentials
        sudo chmod 600 /mnt/.smbcredentials
        # sudo vim /mnt/.smbcredentials
        sudo mount -a
  • NFS

    • server

      • setup

        sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server 
        sudo vim /etc/exports
        # format: 
        # <export> <host1>(<options>) <hostN>(<options>)...
        # no_root_squash: map users root client acount to the server root account
        [/PATH/TO/NFSROOT] [NFS_SERVER_IP|*](rw,no_root_squash,sync,no_subtree_check)
        sudo mkdir [/PATH/TO/NFSROOT]
        sudo chmod 777 [/PATH/TO/NFSROOT]
        sudo chown nobody:nogroup -R [/PATH/TO/NFSROOT]
        sudo exportfs -a
        sudo service nfs-kernel-server restart
      • port

        • tcp/111, udp/111: rpcbind.portmapper
        • tcp/2049, udp/2049: rpc.nfsd
        • tcp/random, udp/random: rpc.mountd (setup in /etc/sysconfig/nfs)
        • tcp/random, udp/random: rpc.statd (setup in /etc/sysconfig/nfs)
        • tcp/random, udp/random: rpc.lockd (setup in /etc/sysconfig/nfs)
      • view rpc service status for rpcbind

        rpcinfo -p

      • show nfs share

        exportfs or showmount -e

      • reports NFS statistics


      • Firewall

        # (For CentOS)
        sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=rpc-bind
        sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service=mountd
        sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=2049/tcp
        sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=2049/udp
        sudo firewall-cmd --reload
    • client

      • mount

        sudo apt install nfs-common
        mount -t nfs -o tcp,nolock,sync [NFS_SERVER_IP]:[/PATH/TO/NFSROOT] [/PATH/TO/MOUNT]
      • mount on power on

        # vim /etc/fstab
        # creating an entry to mount our NFS share    /mnt/nfsmounthere    nfs    hard,bg,timeo=300,rsize=1024,wsize=2048        0 0
      • show rpc service status for rpcbind

        rpcinfo -p [NFS_SERVER_IP]

      • ists the available shares at the remote server

        • showmount -e [NFS_SERVER_IP]
  • DHCP

    • server

      • ipv4

        • isc-dhcp-server

          • setup

            ## setup static ip address for DHCP server
            # vim /etc/network/interfaces
            auto [NETWORK_INTERFACE]
            iface [NETWORK_INTERFACE] inet static
            address [DHCP_IP]
            netmask [DHCP_NETMASK]
            sudo apt install isc-dhcp-server
            # vim /etc/default/isc-dhcp-server
            # vim /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
            subnet [NETWORK_IP] netmask [NETMASK] {
              range [IP_START],[IP_END];
              option routers [ROUTER_IP];
            ### add static IP address
            # host [name] { [static network information] }
            host [NAME] {
              hardware  ethernet [MAC];
              fixed-address [IP];
            # check config
            dhcpd -t -cf /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf
            sudo systemctl restart isc-dhcp-server
          • Lease status

            cat /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases

          • Log

            czat /var/log/syslog | grep dhcpd

        • dnsmasq

          • setup

            ## setup static ip address for DHCP server
            # vim /etc/dhcpcd.conf
            static ip_address=[NETWORK_INTERFACE]/[NETMASK]
            # ex.
            # interface=eth1
            # static ip_address=
            ## install dnsmasq
            sudo apt-get install dnsmasq
            ## setup dnsmasq
            # vim /etc/dnsmasq.conf
            # ex.
            # interface=eth1
            # dhcp-range=,,
            # dhcp-host=28:C1:3C:89:FD:5B,
            # start/enable service
            sudo systemctl start dnsmasq
            sudo systemctl enable dnsmasq
          • lease status

            cat /var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases

          • log

            czat /var/log/syslog | grep dnsmasq

        • port

          • udp/67
        • firewall

          # iptables (CentOS/RHEL 6)
          iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m state --state NEW --dport 67 -j ACCEPT
          service iptables save
          # firewalld (CentOS/RHEL 7)
          firewall-cmd --add-service=dhcp --permanent 
          firewall-cmd --reload
          # uncomplicated firewall (Ubuntu)
          ufw allow  67/udp
          ufw reload
          ufw show
        • misc

      • ipv6

        • isc-dhcp-server (statefull)

          • setup

            # vim /etc/dhcp/dhcpd6.conf
            subnet6 2001:db8:0:1::/64 {
                    range6 2001:db8:0:1::129 2001:db8:0:1::254;
                    option dhcp6.name-servers fec0:0:0:1::1;
                    option dhcp6.domain-search "domain.example";
          • port

            • udp/547
        • radvd (stateless)

          • setup

            apt install radvd
            # setup static ip address
            # vim /etc/dhcpcd.conf
            interface eth1
            static ip6_address=fd00:1234:5678:9abc::1/64
            # vim /etc/radvd.conf
            interface eth1
                                AdvSendAdvert on;
                                MinRtrAdvInterval 30;
                                MaxRtrAdvInterval 100;
                                prefix fd00:1234:5678:9abc::/64
                                                    AdvOnLink on;
                                                    AdvAutonomous on;
                                                    AdvRouterAddr off;
            # check ICMP6 broadcasting
            tcpdump -i eth1 icmp6
    • client

      • ipv4

        • config

          • CentOS

            # vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0
          • Ubuntu

            # vim /etc/network/interfaces
            auto  eth0
            iface eth0 inet dhcp
        • renew dhcp

          dhclient -r
        • port

          • udp/68
      • ipv6

        • renew dhcp

          dhclient -r
        • port (statefull)

          • udp/546
  • TFTP

    • server

      sudo apt-get install tftpd-hpa
      sudo vim /etc/default/tftpd-hpa
      TFTP_OPTIONS="--secure --create"
      chmod 777 [/PATH/TO/TFTPROOT]
      chown nobody:nogroup -R [/PATH/TO/TFTPROOT]
      sudo service tftpd-hpa restart
      ## power on auto start
      #sudo vim /etc/rc.local
      #+ sleep 30
      #+ service tftpd-hpa restart
      #exit 0
    • client

      put tftp -p -l [FILE] [TFTP_SERVER_IP]
      get tftp -g -r [FILE] [TFTP_SERVER_IP]
  • FTP

    • server

      • vsftpd

        • setup

          # Install
          sudo apt update
          sudo apt install vsftpd
          sudo cp /etc/vsftpd.conf /etc/vsftpd.conf.orig
          # Firwall rules
          sudo ufw allow ftp-data
          sudo ufw allow ftp
          sudo ufw status
          # Preparing Space for Files
          sudo mkdir -p /var/ftp
          sudo chown nobody:nogroup /var/ftp
          echo "vsftpd test file" | sudo tee /var/ftp/test.log
          sudo mkdir /var/ftp/pub
          sudo chmod a+rwx /var/ftp/pub
          # enable anonymous write & read
          sudo vim /etc/vsftpd.conf
        • files

          • /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf: The configuration file for vsftpd
          • /etc/pam.d/vsftpd: The Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM) configuration file for vsftpd
          • /etc/vsftpd/ftpusers: A list of users not allowed to log into vsftpd
          • /etc/vsftpd/user_list: This file can be configured to either deny or allow access to the users listed, depending on whether the userlist_deny directive is set to YES (default) or NO in /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf
      • pureftpd

        • setup

          # start with anounymous access
          pure-ftpd -B -S localhost,21 -e
          # start without anounymous access
          pure-ftpd -B -S localhost,21 -E
          # stop
          killall pure-ftpd
      • Proftpd

        • setup

          sudo apt install proftpd
          vim /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf
      • port

        Active FTP Passive FTP
        command client >1023 -> server 21 client >1023 -> server 21
        data client >1023 <- server 20 client >1024 -> server >1023
      • compare

        advantage server
        many users vsftpd
        simple, secure pureftpd
        flexible, external modules Proftpd
    • client

  • HTTP

    • server

      • apache

        • setup

          • centOS

            sudo yum -y  install httpd.x86_64 
            ## main configuration file 
            # /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
            ## Web page
            # /var/www
            ## install php module
            # sudo yum install php
            ## install perl module
            # sudo yum install mod_perl
            ## module file
            # /etc/httpd/modules/
            ## module configuration file
            # /etc/httpd/conf.modules.d
            ## check mpm
            # httpd -V | grep -i mpm
            ## Name Based Virtual Hosting (every domains to Single IP)
            sudo vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
                ServerAdmin webmaster@example1.com
                DocumentRoot /var/www/html/example1
                ServerName www.example1.com
                ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/error_log
                CustomLog /var/log/httpd/access_log
            <VirtualHost *:80>
                ServerAdmin webmaster@example2.com
                DocumentRoot /var/www/html/example2
                ServerName www.example2.com
                ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/error_log
                CustomLog /var/log/httpd/access_log
            ## IP Based Virtual Hosting (every domain to specific ip)
            sudo vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
                ServerAdmin webmaster@example1.com
                DocumentRoot /var/www/html/example1
                ServerName www.example1.com
                ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/error_log
                TransferLog /var/log/httpd/access_log
                ServerAdmin webmaster@example2.com
                DocumentRoot /var/www/html/example2
                ServerName www.example2.com
                ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/error_log
                TransferLog /var/log/httpd/access_log
          • ubuntu

            sudo apt install apache2
            ## main configuration file 
            # /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
            ## Web page
            # /var/www
            ## install php module
            # sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php
            ## install perl module
            # sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-perl2
            # vim /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
            # ################ Perl support
            # Alias /perl /var/www/perl
            # <Directory /var/www/perl>
            #     AddHandler perl-script .cgi .pl
            #     PerlResponseHandler ModPerl::PerlRun
            #     PerlOptions +ParseHeaders
            #     Options +ExecCGI
            # </Directory>
            ## enabled modules
            # /etc/apache2/mods-enabled
            # `a2enmod [module name]` to enable module
            # `a2dismod [module name]` to disable module
            ## mpm module configuration
            # /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/mpm_prefork.conf
            ## check mpm
            # apache2ctl -V | grep -i mpm
            ## enabled sites
            # /etc/apache2/sites-enabled
            # `a2ensite [site name]` to enable site
            # `a2dissite [site name]` to disable site
            ## user authentication
            ## Method 1:
            sudo apt-get install apache2.utils
            # create user1 authentication and stored in /etc/apache2/webpass
            sudo htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/webpass user1
            # add user2
            sudo htpasswd /etc/apache2/webpass user2
            sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
            <Directory /var/www/html/XXX>
                AuthType Basic
                AuthName "This name will be appeared in dialog box"
                #Passord file wich we will create using htpasswd tool
                AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/webpass 
                #Only user who have valid user nad pass word can access
                Require valid-user 
            ## Method 2: .htaccess file in each proteced folder
            sudo apt-get install apache2.utils
            # create user1 authentication and stored in /etc/apache2/webpass
            sudo htpasswd -c /etc/apache2/webpass user1
            # add user2
            sudo htpasswd /etc/apache2/webpass user2
            cd /var/www/html/XXXX
            sudo touch .htaccess
            sudo vim .htaccess
            AuthName "secure folder2"
            AuthType Basic
            AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/webpass
            Require valid-user
            sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
            <Directory /var/www/html/XXXX>
                AllowOverride AuthConfig
            ## Redirection
            sudo vim /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
            <VirtualHost *:80>
            #Redirecting form one directory to another directory
            # Temporary redirect (single page)
            Redirect /protected /redirected
            # Temporary redirect (every page)
            RedirectMatch ^/images/(.*)$ http://XXX/$1
            # Permanent redirect
            # Method 1
            Redirect permanent /oldlocation http://www.example.com/newlocation
            # Method 2
            Redirect 301 /oldlocation http://www.example.com/newlocation
            ## Name Based Virtual Hosting (every domains to Single IP)
            sudo touch /etc/apache2/sites-available/example1.conf
            sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/example1.conf
                ServerAdmin webmaster@example1.com
                DocumentRoot /var/www/html/example1
                ServerName www.example1.com
                ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error-example1.log
                CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access-example1.log combined
            sudo touch /etc/apache2/sites-available/example2.conf
            sudo vim /etc/apache2/sites-available/example2.conf
            <VirtualHost *:80>
                ServerAdmin webmaster@example2.com
                DocumentRoot /var/www/html/example2
                ServerName www.example2.com
                ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error-example2.log
                CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access-example2.log combined
            # check config
            apache2ctl configtest
        • setup (HTTPS)

          • CentOS

            ## generating self signed certificates
            sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/httpd/ssl/XXX.key -out /etc/httpd/ssl/XXX.crt
            ## check public key
            openssl x509 -in /etc/httpd/ssl/XXX.crt -text
            ## install apache module mod_ssl
            yum install mod_ssl
            sudo vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf
            <VirtualHost _default_:443>
            DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"
            SSLCertificateFile /etc/httpd/ssl/XXX.crt
            SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/httpd/ssl/XXX.key
            ## check configuration
            httpd -V
            ## restart httpd
            sudo systemctl restart httpd
            ## enable 443 port on firewall
            sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-port=443/tcp
            sudo firewall-cmd --reload
            sudo firewall-cmd --list-all
        • port

          • tcp/80, tcp/443
        • log

          • centOS

          • ubuntu

        • Apache HTTP Server - ArchWiki

        • How To Configure Apache 2

  • Proxy

    • forward

      • server

        • squid

          • setup

            sudo apt install squid -y
            sudo vim /etc/squid/squid.conf
            #acl localnet src        # RFC1918 possible internal network
            acl localnet src X.X.X.X/X  # add X.X.X.X/X as localnet acl
            #http_access allow localnet
            http_access allow localnet  # allow localnet acl
            ...                    ...
            cache_peer [PROXY_IP] parent [PROXY_PORT] 0 no-query default login=[PROXY_USER|]:[PROXY_PASSWORD]  # add another proxy to forward request
            acl all src
            never_direct allow all
            sudo systemctl restart squid
          • setup (Authority)

            sudo vim /etc/squid/squid.conf
            ##auth_param basic program <uncomment and complete this line>
            ##auth_param basic children 5 startup=5 idle=1
            ##auth_param basic realm Squid proxy-caching web server
            ##auth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hours
            auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/basic_ncsa_auth /etc/squid/passwords
            auth_param basic children 5 startup=5 idle=1
            auth_param basic realm Squid proxy-caching web server
            auth_param basic credentialsttl 2 hours
            acl MYBASICAUTH proxy_auth REQUIRED
            http_access allow MYBASICAUTH
            # create password file
            sudo htpasswd -c /etc/squid/passwords [PROXY_USER]
            # check password file
            /usr/lib/squid/basic_ncsa_auth /etc/squid/passwords
            sudo systemctl restart squid
          • port

            • tcp/3128
          • log

          • Squid - Arch Wiki

          • How To Setup Your Own Free Proxy Server Using Squid Proxy

          • How to Install Squid Proxy Server on Ubuntu 16.04

    • reverse

    • client

      • Setup environment variable

        export http_proxy=[PROXY_USER]:[PROXY_PASSWORD]@[PROXY_IP]:[PROXY_PORT]

  • DNS

    • server

      • setup

        sudo apt install bind9 bind9utils
        # default: caching DNS server
        sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.options
        options {
            recursion yes;
        # change to forward DNS server
        sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.options
        options {
            forwarders {
            forward only;
        # BIND includes a utility called rndc (Remote Name Daemon Control) which allows command line administration of the named daemon from the localhost or a remote host.
        cd /etc/bind
        # generate rndc.key
        sudo rm rndc.key
        sudo rndc-confgen -r /dev/urandom -a
        sudo chown bind.bind rndc.key 
        sudo chmod 640 rndc.key
        # add myzone
        cd /etc/named
        wudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.local
        zone "myzone" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/zonedbfiles/db.myzone";
        zone "YY.XX.WW.in-addr.arpa" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/zonedbfiles/db.YY.XX.WW";
        sudo mkdir zonedbfiles
        sudo cp db.local zonedbfiles/db.myzone
        sudo cp db.127 zonedbfiles/db.YY.XX.WW
        sudo vim zonedbfiles/db.myzone
        ; BIND data file for local loopback interface
        $TTL    604800
        @    IN    SOA    myzone. root.myzone. (
                          4        ; Serial
                     604800        ; Refresh
                      86400        ; Retry
                    2419200        ; Expire
                     604800 )    ; Negative Cache TTL
        @        IN    NS    ns.myzone.
        ns       IN    A     WW.XX.YY.ZZ
        @        IN    A     WW.XX.YY.XX
        host2    IN    A     WW.XX.YY.PP
        sudo vim zonedbfiles/db.YY.XX.WW
        ; BIND reverse data file for local loopback interface
        $TTL    604800
        @    IN    SOA    myzone. root.myzone. (
                          8        ; Serial
                     604800        ; Refresh
                      86400        ; Retry
                    2419200        ; Expire
                     604800 )    ; Negative Cache TTL
        @    IN    NS    ns.myzone.
        PP    IN    PTR    host2.myzone.
        # check config
        sudo named-checkzone myzone. db.myzone
        sudo named-checkzone WW.XX.YY.in-addr.arpa db.YY.XX.WW
        sudo named-checkconf
        sudo systemctl restart bind9.service
        sudo rndc reload
        # check
        dig @localhost myzone
        dig @localhost host2.myzone
        dig @localhost -x WW.XX.YY.ZZ
      • dnssec

        cd /etc/bind
        sudo mkdir dnsseckeys
        cd dnsseckeys
        # generate KSK
        sudo dnssec-keygen -a RSASHA256 -b 512 -n ZONE -f KSK myzone.
        # generate ZSK
        dnssec-keygen -a RSASHA256 -b 512 -n ZONE myzone.
        # sign myzone
        cp ../zonedbfiles/db.myzone .
        dnssec-signzone -o myzone. -S db.myzone
        # check
        cat db.myzone.signed
        sudo vim /etc/bind/named.conf.options
        options {
            dnssec-enable yes; 
            dnssec-validation yes; 
            dns-seclookaside auto;
      • transaction signatures (TSIG)

        cd /etc/bind
        sudo mkdir mykeys
        cd mykeys
        # generate tsig key
        sudo dnssec-keygen -a HMAC-MD5 -b 128 -n HOST -r /dev/urandom mykey
        cat Kmykey.XXX.private
        Key: KKK             <- public key
        # create key file for transaction
        cd /etc/bind
        sudo vim named.conf.tsig
        key "mykey" {
        algorithm HMAC-MD5;
        secret "KKK"              <- public key
        # include key file
        cd /etc/bind
        sudo vim named.conf
        include "/etc/bind/named.conf.tsig";
        # allow zone transfer with with whom has the shared-key
        cd /etc/bind
        sudo vim named.conf
        zone "myzone" {
            type master;
            file "/etc/bind/zonedbfiles/db.myzone";
            allow-transfer    { key "mykey"; };       <- key name
        sudo rndc reload
        # triger zone transfer
        sudo vim /etc/bind/db.myzone
            (( XX+1 ))       ; Serial
        # check zone transfer
        root@slave:/var/cache/bind# cat /var/log/syslog
        # add key to slave server
        root@slave:/etc/bind# vim named.conf.tsig
        key "mykey" {
            algorithm HMAC-MD5;
            secret "KKK" ;
        server [MASTER_IP] {
            keys { "mykey" ; };
        root@slave:/etc/bind# vim named.conf
        include "/etc/bind/named.conf.tsig";
        root@slave:/etc/bind# rndc reload
        # check zone transfer
        root@slave:/etc/bind# cat /var/log/syslog
      • chroot

        sudo yum install bind bind-utils -y
        sudo yum install bind-chroot
        cd /var/named/chroot
      • port

        • tcp/53, udp/53
      • log

        • /var/log/syslog
    • client

  • Mail

    • server

      • postfix

        • setup

          sudo yum install postfix
          sudo vim /etc/postfix/master.cf
          ## enble TLS security
          #  -o smtpd_tls_security_level=encrypt
          sudo vim /etc/postfix/main.cf
          # see just customized settings
          postconf -n
          sudo systemctl restart postfix.service
          # send mail
          mail -s "hello root!" root@localhost
          Hi there! I am user1
          # check the mail queue - method 1
          sendmail -bp
          # check the mail queue - method 2
        • /usr/libexec/postfix/master

          • main process

          • configuration


        • /etc/postfix/main.cf

          • controls mail processing
        • email aliases

          • ex. ssend mail to user3 who doesn't existed

            # change to user1 
            su user1
            sudo systemctl stop postfix.service
            ls -la /etc/aliases.db
            # add user3 as root aliases
            sudo echo "user3:    root" >> /etc/aliases
            # update /etc/aliases.db database
            sudo newaliases
            ls -la /etc/aliases.db
            sudo systemctl start postfix
            # send mail to root
            mail -s "From user1 to root" root@localhost
            Hi my dear friend are you there? 
            # change to root
            su -
            # receive mail
        • virtual: redirect e-mail to the virtual destinations

          • ex. deliver user4@localhost to abc@xyz.com

            sudo systemctl stop postfix.service
            sudo echo "abc@xyz.com        user4" >> /etc/aliases
            # convert to binary file 
            sudo postmap /etc/postfix/virtual
            # update main.cf
            sudo echo ""#virtual_alias_map = unix:hash:/etc/postfix/virtual" >> /etc/postfix/main.cf
            sudo systemctl stop postfix.service
            sudo tail /var/log/maillog
        • port


        • queued messages


        • default mail drop directory


        • log


      • courier-imap

        • setup

          sudo apt-get install courier-imap
          sudo vim /etc/courier/imapd
          sudo systemctl restart courier-imap.service 
        • port

          • tcp/143
        • storage format

          • maildir
      • courier-pop

        • setup

          sudo apt-get install courier-pop
          sudo vim /etc/courier/pop3d
          sudo systemctl restart courier-pop.service
        • port

          • tcp/110
        • storage format

          • maildir
      • dovecot

        • setup

          sudo apt-get install dovecot-imapd dovecot-pop3d
          sudo systemctl restart dovecot
          # check status
          lsof -i | grep dovecot
          netstat -tulpen | grep 143
          netstat -tulpen | grep 110
          # view mail
          telnet localhost 110
          user XXX
          pass OOO
          retr X
        • tls Configuration

          • setup

            # generate self signed SSL certificate
            sudo openssl req -new -x509 -days 1000 -nodes -out "/etc/dovecot/private/XXX.pem" -keyout "/etc/dovecot/private/XXX.key"
            sudo vim /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf
            # ssl_cert = </etc/dovecot/private/dovecot.pem
            # ssl_key = </etc/dovecot/private/dovecot.key
            ssl_cert = </etc/dovecot/private/XXX.pem
            ssl_cert = </etc/dovecot/private/XXX.key
            # check pop3s connection
            openssl s_client -connect server1:995
            # check imaps connection
            openssl s_client -connect server1:imaps
          • port

            • imaps: tcp/993
            • pop3s: tcp/995
        • doveconf

          • reads and parses Dovecot's configuration files and converts them into a simpler format

          • show only settings with non-default values

            • doveconf -n
        • doveadm

          • Dovecot administration tool
      • POP3 vs IMAP

        POP3 (Post Office Protocol) IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol)
        Downloads e-mails(could be configured to leave a copy on server) e-mails stay on the server
        Mails are stored on the clients Clients read e-mail remotely
    • client

      • procmail

        • Setup

          sudo yum install procmail
          sudo vim /etc/postfix/main.cf
          mailbox_command = procmail
          sudo vim /etc/procmailrc
          ### Define where we want to emails be stored
          ### Defining mail storage Format
          # For mbox format
          #For maildir format
          # send email
          su - user1
          mkdir mail
          mail -s "test mbox for user 1" user1@localhost
          Hi this is my first message for testing mbox
          mail -s "test mbox for user 1 #2" user1@localhost
          Hi this is my second message for testing mbox 
          # view email
          su - user1
          cat mail/inbox
          # list email
          mail -f ~/mail/inbox
        • recipes

          • to filter email

          • format

            :0 [flags] [: lockfile-name ]
            * [ condition_1_special-condition-character condition_1_regular_expression ]
            * [ condition_2_special-condition-character condition-2_regular_expression ]
            * [ condition_N_special-condition-character condition-N_regular_expression ]
          • ex.

            su - user1
            vim .procmailrc
            * ^Subject:.lpi
            mail -s "lpi" user1@localhost
            cat mail/linuxcert 
  • LDAP

    • defination

      • Object: Sometimes reffered to as a record or an entry, reperesnt a single item in the direstory. This object provides a description based on the structure of the schema.
      • Schema: This is the structure that is built to define the characteristics (or attributes) of an object. It also defines what can be stored in each attributes. Attribute: This is a part of an object. One or more attributes make up an object, as defined by schema.
      • LDIF: Stands for LDAP Interchange Format. It is used to create objects within the LDAP directory. These values are placed into a file and can be loaded into a directory with the slapadd command.
      • DC: Stands for Domain Component. And that is one of the domain that is reflected in hierarchy.
      • OU: Stands for Organizational Unit.
      • CN: Stands for Common Name and is the name of object(often a username, but not always)
      • DN: Stands for Distinguished Name. Each object in our directory has to have a unique name in order to provide structure. It is build with a CN and one or more DC (example: cn=user,dc=abc,dc=com)
    • server

      • setup

        sudo yum install openldap openldap-servers openldap-clients.x86_64
        sudo systemctl start slapd
        firewall-cmd --add-service=ldap 
        ## Configuring LDAP Server
        # shows default configurations:
        slapcat -b cn=config
        # create a OpenLDAP administrative password
        # Configure LDAP for domain and add administrative user.
        # create a ldif file
        vim cat mydb.ldif
        dn: olcDatabase={2}hdb,cn=config
        changetype: modify
        replace: olcSuffix
        olcSuffix: dc=example,dc=com
        dn: olcDatabase={2}hdb,cn=config
        changetype: modify
        replace: olcRootDN
        olcRootDN: cn=ldapadm,dc=example,dc=com
        dn: olcDatabase={2}hdb,cn=config
        changetype: modify
        replace: olcRootPW
        olcRootPW: [{SSHA}XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]   <- copy from previous step
        # add a ldap entry
        sudo ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f mydb.ldif
        # check the suitability of the OpenLDAP slapd.conf file
        sudo slaptest -u -v
        # see what we have added
        sudo slapcat -b "cn=config" | tail -n 18
        # search ldap entry for everything
        ldapsearch -x -b '' -s base '(objectclass=*)' namingContexts
        ## Configuring LDAP Database
        sudo cp /usr/share/openldap-servers/DB_CONFIG.example /var/lib/ldap/DB_CONFIG
        sudo chown ldap:ldap /var/lib/ldap -R
        # create DN an the associated top levels DCs
        vim mydc.ldif
        dn: dc=example,dc=com
        dc: example
        description: creating my dc 
        objectClass: dcObject
        objectClass: organization
        o: example,organization.
        sudo systemctl stop slapd
        sudo slapadd -l mydc.ldif
        sudo systemctl start slapd
        # check result
        sudo slapcat
      • configuration files


      • ldap directory database and log


      • port

        • tcp/389, tcp8/636
    • client

      • ldapsearch

        • opens a connection to an LDAP server, binds, and performs a search using specified parameters
        • ex.
          ldapsearch -x -b '' -s base '(objectclass=*)' namingContexts
          # search uid in managers ou
          ldapsearch -x -b 'ou=managers,dc=example,dc=com' '(objectclass=inetorgperson)' uid
          # search user 'Maria Garcia'
          ldapsearch (-L/LL/LLL) -x -b 'ou=managers,dc=example,dc=com' '(cn=Maria Garcia)' uid
      • ldapadd

        • add ldap entry
        • ex.
          # add manager ou
          vim myou.ldif
          dn: ou=managers,dc=example,dc=com
          ou: managers
          description : Managers in the company
          objectclass: organizationalunit
          sudo ldapadd -x -D "cn=ldapadm,dc=example,dc=com" -W -f myou.ldif
          sudo slapcat
          # add user for manager ou
          vim myuser.ldif
          dn: cn=Bob Smith,ou=managers,dc=example,dc=com
          objectclass: inetOrgperson
          cn: Bob Smith
          cn: Bob J Smith
          cn: bob smith
          sn: smith
          uid: bjsmith
          userpassword: Aa12345
          carlicense: abc123
          homephone: 111-222-3344
          mail: b.smith@example.com
          mail: bsmith@example.com
          mail: bob.smith@exmple.com
          description: Big Boss
          ou: IT Department
          sudo ldapadd -x -D "cn=ldapadm,dc=example,dc=com" -W -f myuser.ldif
          sudo slapcat
          # add more user for manager ou
          vim moreusers.ldif
          dn: cn=James Smith,ou=managers,dc=example,dc=com
          objectclass: inetOrgPerson
          cn: James Smith
          cn: James J Smith
          sn: James
          uid: jsmith
          userpassword: Aa12345
          carlicense: A1B2C3
          homephone: 222-333-4455
          mail: j.smith@example.com
          mail: jsmith@example.com
          mail: james.smith@example.com
          ou: managers
          ### add anothr Entry to our OU
          dn: cn=Maria Garcia,ou=managers,dc=example,dc=com
          objectclass: inetOrgPerson
          cn: Maria Garcia
          sn: garcia
          uid: mgarcia
          userpassword: Aa12345
          carlicense: AABBCC
          homephone: 333-444-4466
          mail: m.garcia@example.com
          mail: mgarcia@example.com
          mail: maria.garcia@example.com
          ou: managers
          sudo ldapadd -x -D "cn=ldapadm,dc=example,dc=com" -W -f moreusers.ldif
          sudo slapcat
          # add more ou
          vim moreou.ldif
          ### Add Users OU
          dn: ou=users,dc=example,dc=com
          ou: users
          description : Ordinary users in the company
          objectclass: organizationalunit
          ### Add Devices OU
          dn: ou=sales,dc=example,dc=com
          ou: sales
          description: Sales group OU
          objectclass: organizationalunit
          sudo ldapadd -x -D "cn=ldapadm,dc=example,dc=com" -W -f moreou.ldif
          sudo slapcat
      • ldapdelete

        • delete ldap entry

        • ex.

          ldapdelete "cn= Maria Garcia,ou=managers,dc=example,dc=com" -x -D "cn=ldapadm,dc=example,dc=com" -W

      • ldappasswd

        • change the password of an LDAP entry

        • ex.

          #change ldap administrator password
          # change Maria Garcia's password
          ldappasswd -x -D "cn=ldapadm,dc=example,dc=com" -s UserNewPassword -W "cn=Maria Garcia,ou=managers,dc=example,dc=com"
  • PAM

    • configuratgion


    • control flag

      • requisite: Upon failure, the authentication process will be terminated immediately.
      • required: This will return failure after the remaining modules for this service and type have been invoked. (The success of the module is needed for the module-type facility to succeed. However, all remaining modules of the same type will be invoked)
      • sufficient: Upon success, the authentication process will be satisfied, unless a prior required module has failed the authentication.
      • optional: The success or failure of this module is only important if this is the only module associated with this service and this type.
    • module

      • directory

        /lib/security or /lib64/security

      • pam_unix.so: configures authentication via /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow

        • ex. remember last 3 user's password and dose not let user to set them again

          vim /etc/pam.d/system-auth
          password    sufficient    pam_unix.so sha512 shadow nullok try_first_pass use_authtok remember=3
      • pam_cracklib.so: provides strength-checking for passwords

        • ex. set minimum charachters wich are required for a password

          vim /etc/pam.d/system-auth
          password    requisite     pam_pwquality.so try_first_pass local_users_only retry=3 minlen=10 authtok_type=
          # note: pam_pwquality.s = pam_cracklib.so
      • pam_limits.so: sets limits on the system resources that can be obtained in a user-session

        • ex. avoid pooruser from loging more than once

          vim /etc/security/limits.conf
          @pooruser    hard    maxlogins    1
      • pam_listfile.so: allows or denies an action based on the presence of the item in a listfile

        • ex. vsftpd denying every user which his name/ her name is inside /etc/vsftpd/ftpusers

          vim /etc/pam.d/vsftfp
          auth       required    pam_listfile.so item=user sense=deny file=/etc/vsftpd/ftpusers onerr=succeed
      • pam_sss.so: System Security Services daemon (SSSD). Errors and results are logged through syslog.

    • sssd

      • Configure SSSD for LDAP authentication

      • install

        yum install sssd

      • ex.

        authconfig \
        --enablesssd \
        --enablesssdauth \
        --enablelocauthorize \
        --enableldap \
        --enableldapauth \
        --ldapserver=ldap://ldap.example.com:389 \
        --disableldaptls \
        --ldapbasedn=dc=example,dc=com \
        --enablerfc2307bis \
        --enablemkhomedir \
        --enablecachecreds \
        # check - method 1
        authconfig --test
        # check - method 2
        cat /etc/sssd/sssd.conf
        systemctl restart sssd
        # Update /etc/openldap.conf
        SASL_NOCANON on
        URI ldaps://ldap.example.com:389
        BASE dc=example,dc=com
        TLS_REQUIRE never
        TLS_CACERTDIR /etc/pki/tls/cacerts
        TLS_CACERT /etc/pki/tls/certs/mybundle.pem
    • nsswitch.conf

      • /etc/pam.d/* -> type (first column) = auth -> /etc/nsswitch.conf
    • PAM - ArchWiki

  • firewall

    • iptables

      • NAT Server

        • environment

          • ---> eth0 -> eth1 -> BMCx

            • eth0(internet):
            • eth1(intranet): (ssh user: sysadmin)
        • Setup

          BMCx_IP = "x.x.x.x"
          # Activate IP-forwarding in the kernel!
          # cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward -> 1
          # echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
          echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
          # clear filter table
          sudo iptables -F
          sudo iptables -X
          sudo iptables -Z
          # clear nat table
          sudo iptables -t nat -F
          sudo iptables -t nat -X
          sudo iptables -t nat -Z
          # Connect a private subnet to the internet using NAT
          sudo iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE
          # Running a HTTPS Server behind a NAT-router
          sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 443 \
          -j DNAT --to-destination ${BMCx_IP}:443
          # IPMI server
          sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p udp --dport 623 \
          -j DNAT --to-destination ${BMCx_IP}:623
          # SSH server (ssh -p 2222 sysadmin@
          sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp --dport 2222 \
          -j DNAT --to-destination ${BMCx_IP}:22
          # show filter table
          sudo iptables -L -n -v
          # show nat table
          sudo iptables -t nat -L -n -v

          NOTE: can write ot /etc/rc.local

      • iptables - ArchWiki

    • firewall-cmd

    • UFW

  • VPN

    • server

      • OpenVPN

        • setup

          sudo yum install epel-release.noarch  -y
          yum repolist 
          yum search openvpn
          sudo yum install openvpn.x86_64 -y
          # open openvpn port
          sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-service openvpn
          sudo firewall-cmd --reload
          sudo firewall-cmd --list-all
          # generate shared key
          openvpn --genkey --secret openvpn.key
          # transfer shared-key to the client machine
          scp openvpn.key [CLIENT]:/home/[USER]
          # server:
          # client:
          vim server.conf
          dev tun
          secret openvpn.key
          # start to listen openvpn client request...
          sudo openvpn --config server.conf
        • port

          • udp/1194
    • client

      • setup

        sudo apt install openvpn
        vim client.conf
        remote [SERVER]
        dev tun
        secret openvpn.key
        # connectting to openvpn server
        sudo openvpn --config client.conf 
  • Wireshark

    • How to Decrypt SSL and TLS Traffic Using Wireshark

      1. Start Wireshark and open the network capture.

      2. From the menu, go to Edit > Preferences.

      3. Expand Protocols in the Preferences window.

      4. Scroll down and select SSL.

        • SSL debug file: Type a location and file name for a debug file in the SSL debug file field.

        • RSA keys list: In the RSA keys list field click Edit > New and add the following information:

          • IP address: is the IP Address of the server/appliance with the private key.
          • Port: is usually 443 for SSL/TLS.
          • Protocol: is usually HTTP.
          • Key FIle: is the location and file name of the private key. This is the key used in the certificate key pair of SSL virtual server for which you are trying to decrypt the traffic. All the SSL key and certificates are saved on NetScaler appliance in config/ssl directory. To use the key to decrypt the traffic it should be saved to the local disk and this path should be specified while decrypting the traffic.
          • Password: enter the password that you assigned while exporting the server certificate.
      5. Decrypt the SSL traffic

  • grub

  • top

  • nice/renice

  • lspci

  • vmstat

  • sar

  • strace

  • sysctl

    • kernel parameters


    • register/unregister


      /* A sysctl table is an array of struct ctl_table: */
      struct ctl_table 
          const char *procname;		/* Text ID for /proc/sys, or zero */
          void *data;
          int maxlen;
          umode_t mode;
          struct ctl_table *child;	/* Deprecated */
          proc_handler *proc_handler;	/* Callback for text formatting */
          struct ctl_table_poll *poll;
          void *extra1;
          void *extra2;
      struct ctl_table_header *register_sysctl_table(struct ctl_table * table);
      void unregister_sysctl_table(struct ctl_table_header * table);
    • Sysctl Command in Linux

  • udevadm

  • modprobe

  • dkms

  • cdrecord

  • dd

  • losetup

  • cryptsetup

  • mdadm

  • hdparm

  • tgtadm/iscsiadm

  • scsi_id/multipath

  • lvm

  • patch

  • tar

  • cpio

  • rsync

  • wall

  • update-alternatives

  • ip

  • nmcli

  • ss

  • iw/iwconfig/iwlist

  • nmap

    • Nmap Cheat Sheet

    • To see the SSL/TLS algorithms a server supports

      nmap --script ssl-enum-ciphers -p 443 [TARGET|IP]

    • nmap -p xx,yy-zz A B n1.n2.n3.n4-n5

  • mtf

  • nc

  • fail2ban

    • setup

      sudo apt install fail2ban
      systemctl status fail2ban
      cd /etc/fail2ban
      # precedence: *.local > *.conf
      sudo cp fail2ban.conf fail2ban.local
      sudo vim fail2ban.local
      # A filter definition and a set of one or more actions to take when the filter is matched
      # ex. Ban Time and Retry Amount
      # ex. email alerts
      # ex. service/port ban rule
      sudo cp jail.conf jail.local
      sudo vim jail.local
      # check iptables
      sudo iptables -S
      # check status for ssh login fail
      sudo fail2ban-client status sshd
    • log

      • /var/log/fail2ban.log
  • curl

  • xhost

    • Server Client
      echo $DISPLAY to get [DISPLAY#] and [SCREEN#]
      xhost + [CLIENT_IP]
      telnet or ssh [CLIENT_IP]
      DISPLAY=[SERVER_IP]:[DISPLAY#.SCREEN#] [application, ex. gedit]
      xhost - [CLIENT_IP]


  • gpg

    • Encrypt Decrpyt
      x@X:-> gpg --gen-key
      x@X:-> gpg --list-keys
      x@X:-> gpg --export x > x.pub.key
      x@X:-> scp x.pub.key y@Y:/home/y/
      y@Y:-> gpg --import x.pub.key
      y@Y:-> gpg --list-keys
      y@Y:-> echo "This is the message ..." > unencrypted-message
      y@Y:-> gpg --output encrypted-message --recipient x --armor --encrypt unencrypted-message
      y@Y:-> scp encrypted-message x@X:/home/x/
      x@X:-> gpg --decrypt encrypted-message
      x@X:-> gpg --output unencrypted-message --decrypt encrypted-message
    • Sign Verify
      x@X:-> gpg --gen-key
      x@X:-> gpg --list-keys
      x@X:~> echo "This is the message to sign ..." > message
      x@X:~> gpg --output message.sig --sign message
      x@X:-> scp message.sig y@Y:/home/y
      y@Y:-> gpg --verify message.sig
      y@Y:-> gpg --output message --decrypt message.sig
  • sshpass

  • openssl

  • iperf

  • TCP Wrappers

  • ipsec

  • VirtualBox

    start vm vboxmanage startvm XXX --type headless
    stop vm vboxmanage controlvm XXX poweroff
    list vm VBoxManage list vms
    list vm (running) VBoxManage list runningvms
  • QEMU

  • Raspbian

  • RU

  • RWEverything

  • Proxy setup

    • APT

      touch /etc/apt/apt.conf
      nano /etc/apt/apt.conf
      Acquire::http::Proxy "http://[PROXY_IP]:[PROXY_PORT]";
      Acquire::https::Proxy "https://[PROXY_IP]:[PROXY_PORT]";
    • Bashrc

      nano ~/.bashrc
      export http_proxy=http://[PROXY_IP]:[PROXY_PORT]
      export https_proxy=http://[PROXY_IP]:[PROXY_PORT]
      export ftp_proxy=ftp://[PROXY_IP]:[PROXY_PORT]
      source ~/.bashrc
    • Docker

      • CentOS
      nano /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf
      • Ubuntu
      nano /etc/default/docker
      export http_proxy="http://[PROXY_IP]:[PROXY_PORT]"
      service docker restart
      • command
      docker build --no-cache --build-arg HTTP_PROXY=$http_proxy \
      --build-arg HTTPS_PROXY=$http_proxy --build-arg NO_PROXY=$no_proxy \
      --build-arg http_proxy=$http_proxy --build-arg https_proxy=$http_proxy \
      --build-arg no_proxy=$no_proxy -t XXX /path/to/Dockerfile/directory
    • npm

      npm config set proxy http://[PROXY_IP]:[PROXY_PORT]
      npm config set https-proxy http://[PROXY_IP]:[PROXY_PORT]
      npm set strict-ssl=false
    • Yocto

  • Conda

    • Environment Management

      list conda list
      create conda create -n XXX
      enter conda activate XXX
      exit conda deactivate
      remove conda env remove -n XXX
    • Package Management (support pip)

      command 1 command 2
      install conda install XXX pip install XXX
      remove condata remove XXX pip remove XXX
  • wsl

    • Install Ubuntu on Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

      • Enable WSL on Windows 10

        • Open PowerShell as Administrator

          # enable WSL 1
          dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart
          # enable WSL 2
          dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart
        • Restart your computer

        • download and install the WSL 2 Linux kernel

          • x86_64 for Intel and AMD devices
          • arm64 for Snapdragon and other ARM devices
        • Open PowerShell as Administrator

          # set WSL 2 as the default WSL environment
          wsl.exe --set-default-version 2
      • Install Ubuntu

        • Download Ubuntu for WSL from the Microsoft Store
      • Run Ubuntu

      • Install Docker

        sudo apt update
        sudo apt install docker.io -y
        # Check Docker installation.
        docker --version
        sudo visudo
        # Add the following line to the bottom
        # Docker daemon specification
        + $USER ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/dockerd
        vim ~/.zshrc
        + # Start Docker daemon automatically when logging in if not running.
        + RUNNING=`ps aux | grep dockerd | grep -v grep`
        + if [ -z "$RUNNING" ]; then
        +     sudo dockerd > /dev/null 2>&1 &
        +     disown
        + fi
        sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
        # Validate Docker installation
        docker run hello-world
    • Changing ls highlight colors in Windows Terminal with WSL

      dircolors --print-database > ~/.dir_colors
      # ~/.dir_colors
      - OTHER_WRITABLE 34;42 # dir that is other-writable (o+w) and not sticky
      + OTHER_WRITABLE 34;40 # dir that is other-writable (o+w) and not sticky
      test -r ~/.dir_colors && eval "$(dircolors -b ~/.dir_colors)" || eval "$(dircolors -b)"
    • Install vim (support clipboard)

      apt install vim-gtk
  • zsh

    • install zsh

      sudo apt-get install zsh

    • install Oh My Zsh

      sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh)"

    • install Font: DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline

    • setup putty

      • right click -> Change Settings -> Appearance -> Font Settings -> Change -> DejaVu Sans Mono font
      • right click -> Change Settings -> Appearance -> Font Settings -> Clear Type
      • right click -> Change Settings -> Translation -> UTF8
    • install powerline

      sudo apt-get install python3-pip -y
      sudo -E pip3 install powerline-status
    • configure powerline

      mkdir -p ~/.config/powerline/themes/shell
      cp /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/powerline/config_files/themes/shell/default.json ~/.config/powerline/themes/shell
      # ~/.config/powerline/themes/shell/default.json
      @@ -23,6 +23,10 @@
                                      "function": "powerline.segments.shell.jobnum",
                                      "priority": 20
      +                       },
      +                       {
      +                               "function": "powerline.segments.common.vcs.branch",
      +                               "priority": 40
                      "right": [
      @@ -33,10 +37,6 @@
                                      "function": "powerline.segments.common.vcs.stash",
                                      "priority": 50
      -                       },
      -                       {
      -                               "function": "powerline.segments.common.vcs.branch",
      -                               "priority": 40
    • install plugins

      • zsh-syntax-highlighting

        git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting.git ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting

      • zsh-autosuggestions

        git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions

      • zsh-completions

        git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-completions ${ZSH_CUSTOM:=~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-completions

      • forgit

        git clone https://github.com/wfxr/forgit.git ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/forgit

      • diff-so-fancy

        git clone https://github.com/so-fancy/diff-so-fancy ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/diff-so-fancy

    • configure .zshrc

      - ZSH_THEME="robbyrussell"
      + ZSH_THEME="agnoster"
      - plugins=(git)
      + plugins=(git jsontools zsh-completions zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting forgit diff-so-fancy)
      + export TERM=xterm-256color
      + if [ -r /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/powerline/bindings/zsh/powerline.zsh ]; then
      +     source /usr/local/lib/python3.8/dist-packages/powerline/bindings/zsh/powerline.zsh
      + fi
    • finish

      chsh -s /bin/zsh
      source ~/.zshrc
  • Midnight Commander

  • IPython

    install kernel python -m ipykernel install --user --name [CONDA_ENV] --display-name "XXX"
    remote open jupyter-lab --allow-root --ip= --no-browser &
    list jupyter notebook list
    stop jupyter notebook stop [PORT]
  • ROS

  • Autotools

  • CMake

  • Yocto

  • OpenBMC

    • OpenBMC cheatsheet

    • Build

      sudo docker run --name openbmc --rm -it \
      -v [/PATH/TO/WORKDIR]:/workdir \
      -v [/PATH/TO/DOWNLOADS]:/downloads \
      -v [/PATH/TO/SSTATE_CACHE]:/sstate_cache \
      --workdir=/workdir crops/poky
      # build romulus
      cd [/PATH/TO/OPENBMC]
      . setup romulus [/PATH/TO/BUILD]
      bitbake obmc-phosphor-image
    • Run QEMU

      sudo docker exec -u root -it openbmc bash
      apt install libpixman-1-dev
      # Download latest openbmc/qemu fork of QEMU application
      wget https://jenkins.openbmc.org/job/latest-qemu-x86/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/qemu/build/qemu-system-arm
      chmod u+x qemu-system-arm
      # Run romulus
      ./qemu-system-arm -m 256 -M romulus-bmc -nographic \
      -drive file=[/PATH/TO/BUILD]/tmp/deploy/images/romulus/flash-romulus,format=raw,if=mtd \
      -net nic \
      -net user,hostfwd=:,hostfwd=:,hostname=qemu

      Note: user: root, password: 0penBmc

  • Intel-BMC/openbmc

    • Build

      sudo docker run --name intel-bmc --rm -it \
      -v [/PATH/TO/WORKDIR]:/workdir \
      -v [/PATH/TO/DOWNLOADS]:/downloads \
      -v [/PATH/TO/SSTATE_CACHE]:/sstate_cache \
      --workdir=/workdir crops/poky
      export TEMPLATECONF=[/PATH/TO/OPENBMC]/meta-openbmc-mods/meta-wolfpass/conf
      . [/PATH/TO/OPENBMC]/oe-init-build-env
      bitbake intel-platforms
    • Run QEMU

      sudo docker exec -u pokyuser -it openbmc bash
      runqemu intel-ast2500 slirp nographic
  • Nuvoton-Israel

    • openbmc
      • Build evb-npcm845

        git clone https://github.com/Nuvoton-Israel/openbmc
        cd openbmc
        . ./setup evb-npcm845
        bitbake obmc-phosphor-image
    • qemu
      • Build aarch64
        git clone https://github.com/Nuvoton-Israel/qemu
        cd qemu
        ./configure --target-list=aarch64-softmmu
      • Run
         ~/Nuvoton-Israel/qemu/build/qemu-system-aarch64 -bios ~/Nuvoton-Israel/qemu/pc-bios/npcm8xx_bootrom.bin -M npcm845-evb -nographic -drive file=~/Nuvoton-Israel/openbmc/build/evb-npcm845/tmp/deploy/images/evb-npcm845/obmc-phosphor-image-evb-npcm845.static.mtd,format=raw,if=mtd,snapshot=on -netdev user,id=nic,hostfwd=:,hostfwd=:,hostfwd=udp: -net nic,model=npcm-gmac,netdev=nic
        ssh -p 2222 root@localhost
        curl -u admin:admin -k -s -X GET | json_pp -json_opt pretty,canonical 
        ipmitool -p 2623 -C 17 -I lanplus -H -U root -P 0penBmc mc inf



