
vim in a docker as ide

Primary LanguageVim Script

vim IDE in a docker

vim configuration that I use, packaged in a docker and has the below programming languages installed. Docker image also include other system tools used by these plugins (like clang, autopep8).


  • java - version 1.8
    • 'YouCompleteMe' for completion (jdt.ls also include support for lombok)
    • 'ALE' for linting (javac) and fixing (using google-java-format)
  • python 3.6
    • 'YouCompleteMe' for completion (jedi)
    • 'ALE' for linting (autopep8) and fixing (using yapf)
  • c++
    • 'YouCompleteMe' for completion
    • 'ALE' for linting (clangtidy) and fixing (using clangtidy, clang-format)
  • go 1.14
    • 'YouCompleteMe' for completion (gopls)
    • 'ALE' for linting (autopep8) and fixing (using yapf)


  • fzf - To search for files, git commits, tags, Rg grep
  • fugitive - Git wrapper
  • Nerdtree - File explorer
  • gitgutter - Display git diff in sign column
  • Nerdcommenter - For comments
  • vim-dispatch - Shell command execution. Also Used by other plugins
  • mvndisp - Maven compile/test (used vim-dispatch)

Look and feel

  • onedark - Default theme
  • Goyo - Distraction free
  • airline - Status/Tabline

Help for Shortcuts and Commands

:HelpVimide outputs the custom defined shortcuts and commands. Below is the output of :HelpVimide

vimide shortcuts
'\h'  - Display this help
'<ctrl-Left>'  - Switch to previous buffer
'<ctrl-Right>' - Switch to next buffer
'\bd' - buffer delete - Deletes current buffer
'\nt' - nerdtree toggle - Open/Close NERDTree
'\ff' - find files - Open fzf Files
'\ft' - find tags - Open fzf Tags
'\fg' - find grep pattern - Open fzf Rg (grep)
'\fw' - find grep pattern for current word under cursor using Rg
'\af' - Run ALEFix (fixer for lint errors)
'\yf' - Run YouCompleteMe FixIt
'\yr' - List References - YouCompleteMe GoToReferences
'\yd' - GotTo Documentation - YouCompleteMe GetDoc
'\yt' - GetType - YouCompleteMe GetType
'\yg' - Go to definition - YouCompleteMe GoTo - <ctrl-o> to go back
'\op' - Open Project - Calls OpenProject <dir> directory and refresh NERDTree
'\om' - Open Markdown Viewer - Opens Markdown viewer in chrome (port 6419) using grip 
'\mas' - Run :MvnCompile all (entire project)
'\mat' - Run :MvnTest all (entire project)
'\mms' - Run :MvnCompile submodule
'\mmt' - Run :MvnTest module (current submodule)
'\mtt' - Run :MvnTest this (current test file)
'\mca' - Run :MvnClean all (entire project)
'\mcm' - Run :MvnClean module (current submodule)
vimide commands
':OpenProject <dir>' - Switch to <dir> directory and refresh NERDTree