I mostly do Javascript and Python stuff.

I picked up C++ and C via the use of Arduinos.

I have a blog that I occasionally write stuff on.

I am a high school student so I will probably be busy with classes during the day. And homework in the evening. (You know, AP classes and stuff.)

I am a member of the Conwaylife.com forums under the username wirehead. Half of what I do here somehow manages to wind up there as well (mostly from my ca-experiments repository).

Major projects I'm working on:

Project Name Repo Link Description Status
PICKLE and Tinobsy tinobsy
A new idea for a programming language, and a type system to implement it. In progress
uLisp fork ulisp-esp32 My fork of uLisp with additional features ???
Langton-Music langton-music simulator for musical Langton's Ant. Complete
Schemascii schemascii A Python program to convert ASCII art circuit diagrams into nice SVG schematics. Complete
Armdroid 1000 armdroid A website about the Armdroid 1000 with a bunch of resources (manual, circuit diagram, photos, miscallaneous reverse-engineering, etc) Working draft
languages languages