A fast proxy that helps you bypass firewalls.
- Java 7+
- maven
Run the script server_start.sh or client_start.sh on terminal,change setttings through src/main/resources/config.properties,see the detail below.
On Server
mvn package -Pserver
On Client
mvn package -Pclient
this tool is implemented by netty , you can get more information from netty.io,there is also a maven plugin maven-shade-plugin for packaging the dependency into one jar .
Both the server and client tool will look for config.properties in the current directory or classpath. You can use -c option to specify another configuration file. Download the sample config.properties, change the following values as you wish:
server.ip server ip or hostname
server.port server port
password password used to encrypt data
method default aes-cfb-128
local.ip local address
local.port local socks5 proxy port
On Server
java -jar lightsocks-server.jar -c=config.properties
On Client
java -jar lightsocks-client.jar -c=config.properties
Change proxy settings of your browser to
Use SwitchyOmega Plugin on chrome is quite helpful.