
Dragonfire CSM to make editing lists more convenient.

Primary LanguageLua


More convenient tools to edit the dragonfire lists and to store additional custom lists.


Activating this will show you a hud with the currently selected (.nls) list on the right. Punching a node will add (or remove) the itemstring to/from that list.

Dragonfire listcommand extension

Running a dragonfire listcommand with the nls argument will push the currently selected list to the dragonfire list of that command:

e.g. .xray nls


.nls listname

Select a list

.nla [ item ]

Add an Item to the currently selected list. Without arguments this switches to "add" mode (default).

.nlr [ item ]

Remove an Item from the currently selected list. Without arguments this switches to "remove" mode.


Clear all items from the currently selected list.


Add the itemstring of the currently wielded item to the selected list.


Remove the itemstring of the currently wielded item from the selected list.


Add the itemstring of the currently pointed at node to the selected list.


Remove the itemstring of the currently pointed at node from the selected list.

.nlshow listname

Show (without selecting) the list suppiled as argument.


Hide the currently shown hud