
AWS CICD CodePipeline for cross account deployment. Switch smoothly between CodeDeploy deployment groups compute platform: ECS fargate launch type Blue/Green, ECS EC2 launch type Blue/Green, ASG, EC2 instance.

Primary LanguageHCL

AWS CI/CD CodePipeline for cross account deployment

Switch smoothly between CodeDeploy deployment group compute platform:

  • ECS fargate launch type Blue/Green
  • ECS EC2 launch type Blue/Green
  • ASG
  • EC2 instance


CI/CD CodePipeline cross account deployment fargate EC2 launch type Blue/Green ASG


Two AWS accounts, each has a IAM user

  • Dev account ID: 111111111111
    The IAM user has AdministratorAccess policy, Access key & Secret access key, and HTTPS Git credentials for CodeCommit
  • Prod account ID: 222222222222
    The IAM user has AdministratorAccess policy, Access key & Secret access key

Installation Instructions

1. Create ECS fargate launch type Blue/Green deployment group, and CI/CD CodePipeline

1.1 Launch EC2 instance as config host in both Dev&Prod accounts, clone github repository respectively

    git clone https://github.com/dragonflly/pipeline-cicd.git

clone git repository

    Repository folder tree:

  └── pipeline-cicd
      ├── application
      │   ├── ec2-asg-httpd
      │   ├── ecs-ec2-httpd
      │   └── ecs-fargate-httpd
      ├── cfn-template
      ├── CLI-json
      ├── iam-resource
      ├── images
      └── README.md

1.2 Create CFN template S3 Bucket in Dev&Prod accounts, and upload CFN templates

  • Create S3 bucket (Example: templates-dev-us-east-1 in us-east-1) in Dev account
    aws s3api create-bucket --bucket templates-dev-us-east-1 --region us-east-1

      Upload folder pipeline-cicd to bucket templates-dev-us-east-1

    aws s3 cp pipeline-cicd s3://templates-dev-us-east-1/pipeline-cicd --recursive
  • Create S3 bucket (Example: templates-prod-us-east-1 in us-east-1) in Prod account
    aws s3api create-bucket --bucket templates-prod-us-east-1 --region us-east-1

      Upload folder pipeline-cicd to bucket templates-prod-us-east-1

    aws s3 cp pipeline-cicd s3://templates-prod-us-east-1/pipeline-cicd --recursive

1.3 Create ECR repository, and push docker image to the ECR repository in Dev account

  • Create ECR repository (Example: apache-server-repo in us-east-1)
    aws ecr create-repository --repository-name apache-server-repo --region us-east-1
  • Change directory to pipeline-cicd/application/ecs-fargate-httpd, build docker image
    cd pipeline-cicd/application/ecs-fargate-httpd
    docker build -t apache-server-repo .
  • Tag new docker image
    docker tag apache-server-repo:latest 111111111111.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/apache-server-repo:latest
  • Login ECR
    aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin 111111111111.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
  • Push new docker image into ECR repository
    docker push 111111111111.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/apache-server-repo:latest

clone git repository

  • Edit ECR repository apache-server-repo policy from console, allow Prod account pull the latest created docker image
      "Version": "2008-10-17",
      "Statement": [
          "Effect": "Allow",
          "Principal": {
            "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::222222222222:root"
          "Action": [

ECR repository policy

1.4 Create ECS fargate launch type Blue/Green deployment group in Prod account

  • Create stack from AWS CloudFormation console, specify template source by Amazon S3 URL
  • Specify stack input parameter from console
    Stack name: fargate-Prod
    ContainerImageUri: 111111111111.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/apache-server-repo:latest
    TemplateS3BucketURL: templates-prod-us-east-1.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    DevAccountID: 111111111111
    ArtifactsS3BucketURL: artifacts-cicd-us-east-1.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com

      It will take about 10 mintues to create stack, then CodeDeploy Application, ECS Cluster, Service, Task, ALB, Listener, Target Group can be viewed from console.

  • Change directory to pipeline-cicd/CLI-json, edit deployment_group_prod.json
    cd pipeline-cicd/CLI-json
    vi deployment_group_prod.json

      Update Prod account ID of CodeDeployECSBlueGreenRole, update ARN of ALB listeners


ALB Listeners ARN

  • Create CodeDeploy deployment group by aws deploy CLI
    aws deploy create-deployment-group --cli-input-json file://deployment_group_prod.json --region us-east-1

1.5 Create ECS fargate launch type Blue/Green deployment group in Dev account

  • Create stack from AWS CloudFormation console, specify template source by Amazon S3 URL
  • Specify stack input parameter from console
    Stack name: fargate-Dev
    CodeDeployGroup: CICD-Deployment-Group-Dev
    ContainerImageUri: 111111111111.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/apache-server-repo:latest
    TemplateS3BucketURL: templates-dev-us-east-1.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    DevAccountID: 111111111111
    ArtifactsS3BucketURL: artifacts-cicd-us-east-1.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
  • Change directory to pipeline-cicd/CLI-json, edit deployment_group_dev.json
    cd pipeline-cicd/CLI-json
    vi deployment_group_dev.json

      Update Dev account ID of CodeDeployECSBlueGreenRole, update ARN of ALB listeners

  • Create CodeDeploy deployment group by aws deploy CLI
    aws deploy create-deployment-group --cli-input-json file://deployment_group_dev.json --region us-east-1

1.6 Create CICD pipeline in Dev account

  • Create stack from AWS CloudFormation console, specify template source by Amazon S3 URL
  • Specify stack input parameter from console
    Stack name: cicd-pipeline
    TemplateS3Bucket: templates-dev-us-east-1
    ProdAccountID: 222222222222
    ArtifactsS3Bucket: artifacts-cicd-us-east-1

      It will take about 10 mintues to create stack, then CodePipeline is in failed status, because CodeCommit repository is empty.

1.7 Push application to CodeCommit repository, to trigger deploy to Dev account

  • Copy URL of CodeCommit repository CICDWebAppRepo, clone repository in Dev account
    git clone https://git-codecommit.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/v1/repos/CICDWebAppRepo

CodeCommit repositories

      There should be one github repository and one CodeCommit respository in Dev account config host
Two repositories

  • Update Dev account ID in appspec.yaml & buildspec.yaml under ecs-fargate-httpd folder
    cd pipeline-cicd/application/ecs-fargate-httpd
    vi appspec.yaml
    vi buildspec.yaml
  • If you get "ERROR: toomanyrequests: Too Many Requests" from docker hub, edit Dockerfile, change httpd:2.4 to 111111111111.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/apache-server-repo:latest (Optional)
    cd pipeline-cicd/application/ecs-fargate-httpd
    vi Dockerfile
  • Update Prod account ID in appspec.yaml under ecs-fargate-httpd/prod-account folder
    cd pipeline-cicd/application/ecs-fargate-httpd/prod-account
    vi appspec.yaml
  • Copy fargate application into CodeCommit repository folder
    cp -r pipeline-cicd/application/ecs-fargate-httpd/* CICDWebAppRepo/
  • Push application to CodeCommit repository, to trigger CodePipeline
    cd CICDWebAppRepo
    git add .
    git commit -m "ECS fargate launch type version"
    git push

      CICD CodePipeline start to deploy into Dev account now! It will take about 10 mintues to deployment, check the progress from CodePipeline console.

  • CodeDeploy deployment configuration in Dev accont is ECSAllAtOnce

  • Copy ALB URL into web browser, to check fargate deployment group in Dev account. Web page should be Fargate deployment group httpd web

1.8 Manual approval to deploy to Prod account

  • CodeDeploy deployment configuration in Prod accont is ECSLinear10PercentEvery1Minutes
    BlueGreen ECSLinear10PercentEvery1Minutes

  • CodePipeline cross account deployment success

  • Copy ALB URL into web browser, to check fargate deployment group in Prod account

1.9 Change background color of web page, trigger cross account deployment again

  • In CodeCommit repository CICDWebAppRepo, edit index.html, change blue to red, and commit
  • Once deploy complete again, backgroup of web page should be red in both Dev&Prod account Red web page after new deployment

2 Switch to ECS EC2 launch type Blue/Green deployment group

2.1 Delete ECS fargate launch type deployment group in Dev&Prod accounts

  • Delete stack fargate-Dev from CloudFormation console in Dev account
  • Delete stack fargate-Prod from CloudFormation console in Prod account
    Deletion may be failed because of ALB connection draining, delete again later

2.2 Create SSH keyPair in working region (Example: us-east-1)

  • In Dev account
    aws ec2 create-key-pair --key-name KeyPair-us-east-1-Dev
  • In Prod account
    aws ec2 create-key-pair --key-name KeyPair-us-east-1-Prod

2.3 Create ECS EC2 launch type Blue/Green deployment group in Prod account

  • Share ECR repository with fargate deployment group, so no need create ECR repository anymore
  • Create stack from AWS CloudFormation console, specify template source by Amazon S3 URL
  • Specify stack input parameter from console
    Stack name: ECS-EC2-Prod
    KeyPairName: KeyPair-us-east-1-Prod
    ContainerImageUri: 111111111111.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/apache-server-repo:latest
    TemplateS3BucketURL: templates-prod-us-east-1.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    DevAccountID: 111111111111
    ArtifactsS3BucketURL: artifacts-cicd-us-east-1.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
  • Change directory to pipeline-cicd/CLI-json, edit deployment_group_prod.json
    cd pipeline-cicd/CLI-json
    vi deployment_group_prod.json

      Update Prod account ID of CodeDeployECSBlueGreenRole, update ARN of ALB listeners

  • Create CodeDeploy deployment group by aws deploy CLI
    aws deploy create-deployment-group --cli-input-json file://deployment_group_prod.json --region us-east-1

2.4 Create ECS EC2 launch type Blue/Green deployment group in Dev account

  • Create stack from AWS CloudFormation console, specify template source by Amazon S3 URL
  • Specify stack input parameter from console
    Stack name: ECS-EC2-Dev
    CodeDeployGroup: CICD-Deployment-Group-Dev
    KeyPairName: KeyPair-us-east-1-Dev
    ContainerImageUri: 111111111111.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/apache-server-repo:latest
    TemplateS3BucketURL: templates-dev-us-east-1.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    DevAccountID: 111111111111
    ArtifactsS3BucketURL: artifacts-cicd-us-east-1.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
  • Change directory to pipeline-cicd/CLI-json, edit deployment_group_dev.json
    cd pipeline-cicd/CLI-json
    vi deployment_group_dev.json

      Update Dev account ID of CodeDeployECSBlueGreenRole, update ARN of ALB listeners

  • Create CodeDeploy deployment group by aws deploy CLI
    aws deploy create-deployment-group --cli-input-json file://deployment_group_dev.json --region us-east-1

2.5 Push application to CodeCommit repository, to trigger deploy to Dev account

  • Update CodeCommit repository CICDWebAppRepo
    cd CICDWebAppRepo
    git pull
    rm -fr *
  • Update Dev account ID in appspec.yaml & buildspec.yaml under ecs-ec2-httpd folder
    cd pipeline-cicd/application/ecs-ec2-httpd
    vi appspec.yaml
    vi buildspec.yaml
  • If you get "ERROR: toomanyrequests: Too Many Requests" from docker hub, edit Dockerfile, change httpd:2.4 to 111111111111.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/apache-server-repo:latest (Optional)
    cd pipeline-cicd/application/ecs-ec2-httpd
    vi Dockerfile
  • Update Prod account ID in appspec.yaml under ecs-ec2-httpd/prod-account folder
    cd pipeline-cicd/application/ecs-ec2-httpd/prod-account
    vi appspec.yaml
  • Copy ECS EC2 application into CodeCommit repository folder
    \cp -r pipeline-cicd/application/ecs-ec2-httpd/* CICDWebAppRepo/
  • Push application to CodeCommit repository, to trigger CodePipeline
    cd CICDWebAppRepo
    git add .
    git commit -m "ECS EC2 launch type version"
    git push

      It will take about 10 mintues to deploy.

  • Copy ALB URL into web browser, to check ECS EC2 deployment group in Prod account clone git repository

2.6 Manual approval to deploy to Prod account

  • Copy ALB URL into web browser, to check ECS EC2 deployment group in Dev account

3 Switch to ASG deployment group

3.1 Delete ECS EC2 launch type deployment group in Dev&Prod accounts

  • Delete stack ECS-EC2-Dev from CloudFormation console in Dev account
  • Delete stack ECS-EC2-Prod from CloudFormation console in Prod account

3.2 Create ASG deployment group in Prod account

  • Create stack from AWS CloudFormation console, specify template source by Amazon S3 URL
  • Specify stack input parameter from console
    Stack name: ASG-Prod
    KeyPairName: KeyPair-us-east-1-Prod
    TemplateS3BucketURL: templates-prod-us-east-1.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    DevAccountID: 111111111111
    ArtifactsS3BucketURL: artifacts-cicd-us-east-1.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com

3.3 Create ASG deployment group in Dev account

  • Create stack from AWS CloudFormation console, specify template source by Amazon S3 URL
  • Specify stack input parameter from console
    Stack name: ASG-Dev
    CodeDeployGroup: CICD-Deployment-Group-Dev
    KeyPairName: KeyPair-us-east-1-Dev
    TemplateS3BucketURL: templates-dev-us-east-1.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    DevAccountID: 111111111111
    ArtifactsS3BucketURL: artifacts-cicd-us-east-1.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com

      It will take about 10 mintues to create stack.

3.4 Push application to CodeCommit repository, to trigger deployment to Dev account

  • Update CodeCommit repository CICDWebAppRepo
    cd CICDWebAppRepo
    git pull
    rm -fr *
  • Copy ASG application into CodeCommit repository folder
    \cp -r pipeline-cicd/application/ec2-asg-httpd/* CICDWebAppRepo/
  • Push application to CodeCommit repository, to trigger CodePipeline
    cd CICDWebAppRepo
    git add .
    git commit -m "ASG version"
    git push
  • Copy ALB URL into web browser, to check ASG deployment group in Dev account clone git repository

3.5 Manual approval to deploy to Prod account

  • Copy ALB URL into web browser, to check ASG deployment group in Prod account

4 Switch to EC2 deployment group

4.1 Delete ASG deployment group in Dev&Prod accounts

  • Delete stack ASG-Dev from CloudFormation console in Dev account
  • Delete stack ASG-Prod from CloudFormation console in Prod account

4.2 Create EC2 deployment group in Prod account

  • Create stack from AWS CloudFormation console, specify template source by Amazon S3 URL
  • Specify stack input parameter from console
    Stack name: EC2-Prod
    KeyPairName: KeyPair-us-east-1-Prod
    TemplateS3BucketURL: templates-prod-us-east-1.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    DevAccountID: 111111111111
    ArtifactsS3BucketURL: artifacts-cicd-us-east-1.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com

4.3 Create EC2 deployment group in Dev account

  • Create stack from AWS CloudFormation console, specify template source by Amazon S3 URL
  • Specify stack input parameter from console
    Stack name: EC2-Dev
    CodeDeployGroup: CICD-Deployment-Group-Dev
    KeyPairName: KeyPair-us-east-1-Dev
    TemplateS3BucketURL: templates-dev-us-east-1.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com
    DevAccountID: 111111111111
    ArtifactsS3BucketURL: artifacts-cicd-us-east-1.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com

      It will take about 10 mintues to create stack.

4.4 Change background color of web page, trigger cross account deployment again

  • In CodeCommit repository CICDWebAppRepo, edit index.html, change blue to red, and commit
  • Copy EC2 instance IP into web browser, to check EC2 deployment group in Dev clone git repository

4.5 Manual approval to deploy to Prod account

  • Copy EC2 instance IP into web browser, to check EC2 deployment group in Prod

Create VPC and Subnets with Terraform (Optional)

Replace CloudFormation nested stack with Terraform:

    cd terraform
    terraform init
    terraform plan
    terraform apply --auto-approve

      You must change CFN templates to adapt terraform

License Summary

This code is made available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file.