
A Pytorch implementation of "Matrix Capsules with EM routing"

Primary LanguagePython


This is a pytorch implementation of Matrix Capsules with EM routing

In Capsules.py, there are two implemented classes: PrimaryCaps and ConvCaps. The ClassCapsules in the paper is actually a special case of ConvCaps with whole receptive field, transformation matrix sharing and Coordinate Addition.

In train.py, I define a CapsNet in the paper using classes in Capsules.py, and could be used to train a model for MNIST dataset.

Train a small CapsNet on MNIST

python train.py -batch_size=64 -lr=2e-2 -num_epochs=5 -r=1 -print_freq=5.

Note: more args can be found in utils.py, and if you want to change A,B,C,D, go to line 62 of train.py


The test accuracy is around 97.6% after 1 epoch and 98.7% after 2 epochs of training with a small Capsule of A,B,C,D,r = 64,8,16,16,1. After 30 epochs of training, the best acc is around 99.3%. More results on different configurations are welcomed.





4 epochs

batch:935, loss:0.0025, acc:64/64

Epoch4 Train acc:0.99175



Epoch4 Test acc:0.9872

time duration: 1927.7292823791504

Speed up: Epoch4 Test acc:0.9877 time duration: 1948.444207906723

3*3 matrix capsule

Epoch4 Test acc:0.9866

time duration: 1801.0306959152222

5*5 matrix capsule

Epoch4 Test acc:0.9869

time duration: 2110.740709543228

6*6 matrix capsule

Epoch4 Test acc:0.9825

time duration: 2382.0352709293365


iterations: 5

Epoch4 Train acc:0.09871666666666666 Testing... Epoch4 Test acc:0.098 time duration: 5617.123788833618

third_tensor = torch.cat((first_tensor, second_tensor), 0)


1.5k iteration, time: 23:37:08-23:49:51 accuracy: 0.94


  • using more matrix operation rather than for iteration in E-step of Capsules.py.
  • make capsules work when height_in != width_in
  • find better lambda/m schedule to speed up the convergence.