some collected paper and personal notes relevant to Fake Face Detetection
- [arXiv 2019] Deep Learning for Deepfakes Creation and Detection
- [ACM SIGSAC 2019] Poster: Towards Robust Open-World Detection of Deepfakes
- [arXiv 2020] DeepFakes and Beyond: A Survey of Face Manipulation and Fake Detection
[Google] DeepFakeDetection Dataset
- homepage
- over 363 original sequences from 28 paid actors in 16 different scenes
- over 3000 manipulated videos using Deep-Fakes.
- homepage
DeepFake Forensics (Celeb-DF) Dataset
- paper: [arXiv 2019] Celeb-DF: A New Dataset for DeepFake Forensics
- real and DeepFake synthesized videos having similar visual quality on par with those circulated online
- 408 original videos collected from YouTube with subjects of different ages, ethic groups and genders, and 795 DeepFake videos synthesized from these real videos.
- paper: [arXiv 2019] Celeb-DF: A New Dataset for DeepFake Forensics
[Facebook] Deepfake Detection Challenge (DFDC) Dataset
paper : [arXiv 2019] The Deepfake Detection Challenge (DFDC) Preview Dataset
- paper: [Expert Systems With Applications 2019] Face image manipulation detection based on a convolutional neural network
- 8,950 facial images with unconstrained conditions such as pose, background cluttered, illumination change
- 1,500 images labeled as “fake” and 7,450 images labeled as “normal”.
- paper: [Expert Systems With Applications 2019] Face image manipulation detection based on a convolutional neural network
- paper: [CVPRW 2017] Two-Stream Neural Networks for Tampered Face Detection
- generated by using one iOS application called SwapMe and an open source face swap application called FaceSwap
- contains 705 fake faces and 1,400 normal faces
- paper: [CVPRW 2017] Two-Stream Neural Networks for Tampered Face Detection
Deep Fakes Dataset
- [to be released]
- paper: [arXiv 2019] FakeCatcher: Detection of Synthetic Portrait Videos using Biological Signals
- more ''in the wild" portrait videos
- totaling up to 142 videos, 32 minutes, and 30 GBs
Fake Faces in the Wild (FFW) Dataset
- paper: [BIOSIG 2018] Fake Face Detection Methods: Can They Be Generalized?
- more than 53,000 images (from 150 videos)
- paper: [BIOSIG 2018] Fake Face Detection Methods: Can They Be Generalized?
Swapped Face Detection Dataset
- [to be released]
- paper: [arXiv 2019] Swapped Face Detection using Deep Learning and Subjective Assessment
- A public dataset comprising 86 celebrities using 420,053 images.
- This dataset is created using still images, different from other datasets created using video frames that may contain highly correlated images.
- [CVPRW 2019] Protecting World Leaders Against Deep Fakes
- note;
- capture the distinct facial expression and movements of a specific person use Action Unit (AU)
- [CVPRW 2019] Exposing DeepFake Videos By Detecting FaceWarping Artifacts
- [WIFS 2018] In Ictu Oculi: Exposing AI Created Fake Videos by Detecting Eye Blinking
- [arXiv 2019] FakeCatcher: Detection of Synthetic Portrait Videos using Biological Signals
- note;
- biological signals hidden in portrait videos can be used as an implicit descriptor of authenticity, because they are neither spatially nor temporally preserved in fake content.
- [WACVW 2019] Exploiting Visual Artifacts to Expose Deepfakes and Face Manipulations
- [ICCVW 2019] Deepfake Video Detection through Optical Flow Based CNN
- we propose the adoption of optical flow fields to exploit possible inter-frame dissimilarities.
- [IMVOP 2018] Detection of Deepfake Video Manipulation
- To contribute to a solution, photo response non uniformity (PRNU) analysis is tested for its effectiveness at detecting Deepfake video manipulation
- [arXiv 2019] Face X-ray for More General Face Forgery Detection
- note
- We observe that most existing face manipulation methods share a common step: blending the altered face into an existing background image.
- The face X-ray of an input face image is a greyscale image that reveals whether the input image can be decomposed into the blending of two images from different sources.
- [ICCV 2019] FaceForensics++: Learning to Detect Manipulated Facial Images
- [ISITC 2018] Forensics Face Detection From GANs Using Convolutional Neural Network
- note;
- VGGFace + 2-way FN
- [ICASSP 2019] Capsule-forensics: Using Capsule Networks to Detect Forged Images and Videos
- [arXiv 2019] Swapped Face Detection using Deep Learning and Subjective Assessment
- ResNet18 pretrained on ImageNet
- [AVSS 2018] Deepfake Video Detection Using Recurrent Neural Networks
- note;
- CNN (InceptionV3) + LSTM
- [CVPR 2019] Recurrent Convolutional Strategies for Face Manipulation Detection in Videos
- note;
- CNN (DenseNet) + bidirectional RNN
- [CVPRW 2017] Two-Stream Neural Networks for Tampered Face Detection
- note;
- Face Classification stream(GoogLeNet) + Patch Triplet stream(Steganalysis feature)
- [TIFS 2019] Attention-Based Two-Stream Convolutional Networks for Face Spoofing Detection
- note;
- RGB stream(contain texture details) + MSR stream(illumination invariant) & Attention-based fusion
- [arXiv 2018] ForensicTransfer: Weakly-supervised Domain Adaptation for Forgery Detection
- note;
- input image -> [Encoder] -> Forensic Embedding -> [Decoder] -> reconstructed image
- [BTAS 2019] Multi-task Learning for Detecting and Segmenting Manipulated Facial Images and Videos
- [arXiv 2019] Towards Generalizable Forgery Detection with Locality-aware AutoEncoder
- note
- To bridge generalization gap, in this paper we propose Locality-aware AutoEn-coder (LAE), which combines fine-grained representation learning and enforcing locality in a unified frame-work.
- A key characteristic of LAE is the augmented local interpretability, which could be regularized using extra pixel wise forgery masks, in order to learn intrinsic and meaningful forgery representations.
- [arXiv 2019] Unmasking DeepFakes with simple Features
- [CVPR 2019] ManTraNet: Manipulation Tracing Network For Detection And Localization of Image Forgeries With Anomalous Features
- [arXiv 2019] Hybrid LSTM and Encoder-Decoder Architecture for Detection of Image Forgeries
- note
- This paper proposes a high-confidence manipulation localization architecture which utilizes resampling features, Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) cells, and encoder-decoder network to segment out manipulated regions from non-manipulated ones
- [WIFS 2018] MesoNet: a Compact Facial Video Forgery Detection Network
- [Expert Systems With Applications 2019] Face image manipulation detection based on a convolutional neural network
- note;
- a customized convolutional neural network model for Manipulated Face (MANFA) & A hybrid framework (HF-MANFA) that uses Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost) and eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) to deal with the imbalanced dataset challenge
- [arXiv 2019] On the Detection of Digital Face Manipulation
- note
- proposed a novel attention-based layer to improve classification performance and produce an attention map indicating the manipulated facial regions.