
This is the repo for all 2017 code competition questions (one folder per question)

Primary LanguagePython

Problems for Spring 2017 ACM Code Competition

We're planning on having 20 questions total, so write a lot of them!

Each problem should have:

  • a description
  • an estimated difficulty level
  • 4-6 test cases
  • a solution in at least two languages (C++, Python, or whatever)

Put each problem in it's own directory named with following conventions:

snake_case_name-<difficulty level in minutes>

For example, best_words-20 is a problem named "Best Words" that has a difficulty of 20 minutes.

Running test cases

To run a test case on a solution, pipe the test case to the solution's executable:


cat testCase0.txt | ./solution


cat testCase0.txt | python solution.py


cat testCase0.txt | java Solution

Difficulty Scale

With 4 hours to code, only 12 minutes per team (36 person minutes with teams of 3) can be spent on each problem to solve all 20 of them.

Gauge the difficulty of problems in the estimated number of minutes that it would take one person to solve the question. For example:

If a problem takes 25 minutes, it has a difficulty of 25

Time Estiments should be made under the assumption that a CS3 Student is attemtping the problem.

NOTE: We need to make sure we don't overestimate or underestimate difficulty