
Primary LanguageC


Customizable digital synth / groovebox...


git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:apiel/zicBox.git

If repo has already been cloned but submodule are missing, use git submodule update --init to pull them.


sudo apt install build-essential


sudo apt install librtmidi-dev libsndfile1-dev

User interface:

sudo apt-get install fonts-roboto libsdl2-dev libsdl2-ttf-2.0-0 libsdl2-ttf-dev


sudo apt-get install liblo-dev

On RPi

Might Need to install pulse audio as well:

sudo apt-get install alsa-base pulseaudio

If not started audomatically, it can be started with:

pulseaudio --start

Get list of audio card:

cat /proc/asound/cards
# or
arecord -l
# or
aplay -l


UI is fully customizable using the ./ui/index.ui file.

To get styling for .ui extension in VScode, use Ctrl + Shift + P and type Change Language Mode. Then select Configure File Association for '.ui'... and select CoffeScript.

Those .ui files are simple configuration files. It is base on DustScript mainly using KEY:VALUE to set the configuration and providing some extra feature on top of it, like variable, if statement and while loop. However, using those scription features are not mandatory and the UI can be fully configured without it.

The user interface is composed of views and components. A view is composed of multiple components. A component is for example a button or a rotary encoder. Each of the UI components are external shared library that can be loaded dynamically when the application start.

Basic keys


A .ui file can include another .ui file, using INCLUDE: path/of/the/file.ui. As soon as this INCLUDE is called, it will continue into the child file till his end, to finally come back to the original file.

INCLUDE: path/of/the/file.ui


A component must be load from a shared library (those .so files). To load those plugin components, use PLUGIN_COMPONENT: given_name_to_component ../path/of/the/component.so.

PLUGIN_COMPONENT: Encoder ../plugins/build/libzic_EncoderComponent.so

In this example, we load the shared library ../plugins/build/libzic_EncoderComponent.so and we give it the name of Encoder. The Encoder name will be used later to place the components in the view.


Beside the user interface, there is as well hardware controllers, like external midi controller or the builtin buttons and pots. To be able to interact with the user interface, those hardware controllers must also be loaded in the application, using PLUGIN_CONTROLLER: ../path/of/the/controller.so

PLUGIN_CONTROLLER: ../plugins/build/libzic_MidiEncoderController.so
DEVICE: Arduino Leonardo:Arduino Leonardo MIDI 1

Some controller can get extra configuration. Any KEY: VALUE following PLUGIN_CONTROLLER: will be forwarded to the controller. In this example, we say to the controller to load the midi device Arduino Leonardo:Arduino Leonardo MIDI 1.


The user interface is composed of multiple views that contain the components. A view, represent a full screen layout. Use VIEW: name_of_the_veiw to create a view. All the following COMPONENT: will be assign to this view, till the next view.

# VIEW: ViewName

VIEW: Main

# some components...

VIEW: Mixer

# some components...
# ...

In some case, we need to create some hidden view. Those hidden views can be useful when defining a layout that is re-used in multiple view. It might also be useful, when a view have multiple state (e.g. shifted view...). In all those case, we do not want those view to be iterable. To define a hidden view, set HIDDEN flag after the view name.


# some components...


STARTUP_VIEW can be used to load a specific view on startup. This command should only be call at the end of the configuration file, once all the view has been initialised.



If STARTUP_VIEW is not defined, the first defined view (not HIDDEN) will be displayed.


To place previously loaded components inside a view, use COMPONENT: given_name_to_component x y w h.

COMPONENT: Encoder 100 0 100 50

A component can get extra configuration settings and any KEY: VALUE following COMPONENT: will be forwarded to the component. In this example, we assign the hardware encoder id 1 to this component and we assign it to the resonance value from the multi mode filter audio plugin.


SET_COLOR give the possibility to customize the pre-defined color for the UI. To change a color, use SET_COLOR: name_of_color #xxxxxx.

SET_COLOR: overlay #00FFFF

In this example, we change the overlay color to #00FFFF.

    .colors = {
        .background = {0x21, 0x25, 0x2b, 255},  // #21252b
        .overlay = {0xd1, 0xe3, 0xff, 0x1e},    // #d1e3ff1e
        .on = {0x00, 0xb3, 0x00, 255},          // #00b300
        .white = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 255},       // #ffffff
        .blue = {0xad, 0xcd, 0xff, 255},        // #adcdff
        .red = {0xff, 0x8d, 0x99, 255},         // #ff8d99

This list might be outdated, to get the list of existing colors, look at ./styles.h


TBD.: Every component can set a group



Button component has 2 states, pressed and release. Those 2 states are optionals and can do different action. The default action is to set a plugin value:

COMPONENT: Button 600 0 100 50
# ON_PRESS: PluginName VALUE_KEY 0.0
ON_PRESS: Distortion DRIVE 40.0
ON_RELEASE: Distortion DRIVE 0.0
LABEL: My button

Button can set a view using &SET_VIEW:

COMPONENT: Button 600 0 100 50
# ON_RELEASE: &SET_VIEW view_name
LABEL: My button

To load set the previous view, use &SET_VIEW &previous

COMPONENT: Button 600 0 100 50
LABEL: Shifted view

Button can trigger a midi note with &NOTE_ON and &NOTE_OFF:

COMPONENT: Button 200 0 300 50
# ON_PRESS: &NOTE_ON PluginName note velocity
ON_PRESS: &NOTE_ON Kick23 48 127
# ON_RELEASE: &NOTE_OFF PluginName note
LABEL: Trigger

Do not forget the &NOTE_OFF when synth have sustained notes, else the note will keep playing.


MonitoringComponent display the average CPU load on an interval of 1 seconds.

PLUGIN_COMPONENT: Cpu ../plugins/components/build/libzic_MonitoringComponent.so

COMPONENT: Cpu 600 0 50 20




ZicBox can be used without used interface, either by using zicHost application or by loading zicHost shared library into another application.

The zicHost application can be controlled by midi, by assigning a midi message to an audio plugin value.

# Here we define the Digitone as midi controller
MIDIIN: Elektron Digitone MIDI 1

AUDIO_PLUGIN: AudioInput ./plugins/audio/build/libzic_AudioInputPulse.so
DEVICE: alsa_input.usb-Elektron_Music_Machines_Elektron_Digitone_000000000001-00.analog-stereo

AUDIO_PLUGIN: Distortion ./plugins/audio/build/libzic_EffectDistortion.so
# Here we assign message to control the drive distortion
# Where xx is the variable value that will be from 0 to 127
# And b0 48 is the fixed part of message corresponding to CC channel 1 number 0x48 (or 72)
DRIVE: b0 48 xx

AUDIO_PLUGIN: MultiModeFilter ./plugins/audio/build/libzic_EffectFilterMultiMode.so
CUTOFF: b0 4c xx
RESONANCE: b0 4d xx

Audio plugins

ZicHost take care to load and handle audio plugins. Each plugins have access to the 32 audio tracks buffer to manipulate them. Those plugins are called in loop in the same order as they have been instanciated. A plugin can be loaded multiple times under a different name.


Usage example:

#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main()
    const char* path = "./zicHost.so";
    printf("Loading host from %s\n", path);
    void* handle = dlopen(path, RTLD_LAZY);
    if (handle == NULL) {
        printf("Failed to load %s: %s\n", path, dlerror());
        return 1;
    printf("Loaded %s\n", path);

Build: g++ -o demo demo.cpp