
program that takes a text and gives a summary on the content.

Primary LanguagePython


A Program that takes a text and gives a summary of the text. Generate a summary of the text by selecting the most important sentences in the text.

Video Record

Luhn Algo https://youtu.be/ej-HhM2Yo2I

Types of Summarization

Extractive Summarization

  • Simple technique, easy to understand and implement.

  • Effective for short text.

  • Fast and Efficient.

Abstractive Summarization

  • Can generate summaries in a more natural way.

  • Can generate summaries for long text.

  • Can generate more human-like summaries.

The Algorithms

Extractive Summarization Algorithms

for example:

  • Luhn’s Algorithm
  • TextRank Algorithm
  • TF-IDF Algorithm
  • LexRank Algorithm
  • SumBasic Algorithm

Abstractive Summarization Algorithms

for example:

  • Deep Learning Based Algorithms
  • Sequence-to-Sequence Models
  • Encoder-Decoder Models

Algoritms Used in this Project

  • TextRank Algorithm

  • LexRank Algorithm

  • SumBasic Algorithm

  • Luhn’s Algorithm

TextRank Algorithm

The TextRank algorithm is a graph-based algorithm for automatic text summarization. It works by analyzing the relationships between words in a given text to identify the most important sentences that best represent the content of the original text. Here are the key steps involved in the TextRank algorithm summarization process:

How TextRank Works

  1. The text is first preprocessed by removing stop words, punctuation, and other unnecessary characters. The remaining words are then stemmed or lemmatized to reduce the number of variations of the same word.

  2. Building a graph: The TextRank algorithm builds a graph representation of the text, where each sentence is represented as a node and the edges between the nodes represent the similarity between the sentences. The similarity between two sentences is calculated based on the number of common words and their distance in the text.

  3. Calculating scores: The TextRank algorithm calculates a score for each sentence based on its relationship with other sentences in the graph. The score is calculated using an iterative process, where the score of a sentence is updated based on the scores of the sentences that are connected to it.

  4. Selecting top sentences: The TextRank algorithm then selects the top-ranked sentences as the summary of the text. The number of sentences selected can be adjusted based on the desired length of the summary.

LexRank Algorithm

LexRank is an extractive text summarization algorithm that is based on the PageRank algorithm used by Google Search. It is an unsupervised approach to summarization that builds a graph representation of the text and performs centrality calculations to determine the most important sentences in the text.

How LexRank Works

  1. Preprocessing: The text is first preprocessed by removing stop words, punctuation, and other unnecessary characters. The remaining words are then stemmed or lemmatized to reduce the number of variations of the same word.

  2. Building a graph: The LexRank algorithm builds a graph representation of the text, where each sentence is represented as a node and the edges between the nodes represent the similarity between the sentences. The similarity between two sentences is calculated based on the number of common words and their distance in the text, as well as the importance of the words in each sentence.

  3. Calculating scores: The LexRank algorithm calculates a score for each sentence based on its relationship with other sentences in the graph. The score is calculated using an iterative process, where the score of a sentence is updated based on the scores of the sentences that are connected to it. The importance of the words in each sentence is also taken into account when calculating the sentence scores.

  4. Selecting top sentences: The LexRank algorithm then selects the top-ranked sentences as the summary of the text. The number of sentences selected can be adjusted based on the desired length of the summary.

SumBasic Algorithm

SumBasic is an extractive text summarization algorithm that is based on the idea of word frequency. It works by assigning a score to each sentence based on the frequency of the words in the sentence. The sentences with the highest scores are then selected as the summary of the text.

How SumBasic Works

  1. Preprocessing: The text is first preprocessed by removing stop words, punctuation, and other unnecessary characters. The remaining words are then stemmed or lemmatized to reduce the number of variations of the same word.

  2. Assigning probabilities: The SumBasic algorithm assigns a robability distribution to each word in the text based on its frequency in the text. The probability of a word is calculated as the number of times it appears in the text divided by the total number of words in the text.

  3. Selecting sentences: The SumBasic algorithm then selects sentences from the text that contain the most probable words. The algorithm starts by selecting the most probable word in the text and then selects sentences that contain that word. It then updates the probability distribution of the words in the selected sentences and repeats the process until the desired length of the summary is reached.

  4. Generating summary: Finally, the SumBasic algorithm generates a summary by concatenating the selected sentences.

Luhn’s Algorithm

Luhn’s algorithm is an extractive text summarization algorithm that is based on the idea of word frequency. It works by assigning a score to each sentence based on the frequency of the words in the sentence. The sentences with the highest scores are then selected as the summary of the text.

How Luhn’s Algorithm Works

  1. Preprocessing: The text is first preprocessed by removing stop words, punctuation, and other unnecessary characters. The remaining words are then stemmed or lemmatized to reduce the number of variations of the same word.

  2. Identifying important words: Luhn's Algorithm identifies the most important words in the text by assigning each word a weight based on its frequency of occurrence. Words that occur frequently in the text but are not stop words or common words are assigned a higher weight.

  3. Scoring sentences: Luhn's Algorithm then scores each sentence based on the frequency of occurrence of the important words within the sentence. Sentences that contain more important words are assigned a higher score.

  4. Selecting top sentences: Luhn's Algorithm then selects the top-ranked sentences based on their score. The number of sentences selected can be adjusted based on the desired length of the summary.

  5. Generating summary: Finally, Luhn's Algorithm generates a summary by concatenating the selected sentences.