
Some examples for Kubernetes HPA talk

Kubernetes HPA talk sandbox

This repo contains the slides itself & a step by step example.

It is impossible to squeeze full knowledge about Kubernetes HPA into a 30 minutes talks so the slides contain a lot of useful links, which will help you to dive deeper into the topic.


Sandbox cluster

I'm using Docker for Mac default Kubernetes cluster.

To switch to its context:

kubectl config use-context docker-desktop

Metrics server

helm install metrics-server stable/metrics-server -n kube-system --set 'args={--kubelet-insecure-tls}'


We will use Prometheus Operator

Install Prometheus Operator:

helm install prometheus-operator \
  stable/prometheus-operator \
  -n monitoring \
  --create-namespace \
  -f values/prometheus-operator.yaml

This example provides absolutely stripped values - just for testing. Do not use provided values for any production setup.

Nginx Ingress controller

helm install ingress \
  stable/nginx-ingress \
  -n ingress \

Demo application deploy

The following cmd will populate Deployment, Service and Ingress controller for our test app. The app & its Deployment were taken from the official example I've added only Ingress resource.

kubectl apply -f app.yaml

Example walkthrough

Let's check current pods for our application

kubetl get po

Only one pod should exist.

Load our app with requests

Let's load our app with some requests for new Ingress metrics to appear

while true; do
  curl -H 'Host: apache.example.com' http://localhost

Install & configure Prometheus Adapter

helm install prometheus-adapter \
  stable/prometheus-adapter \
  -n monitoring \
  -f values/prometheus-adapter.yaml

Check if new metrics appeared inside Metrics API

kubectl get --raw '/apis/custom.metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1' | jq

At this moment, if you are not familiar with the Metrics API itself you do not know how to debug further. It is not a problem at all, let's make K8s to show us an example.

Apply HPA resource manifest

K8s' HPA controller will start to run API requests to Metrics API as soon as we will apply our first HPA resource.

kubectl apply -f hpa.yaml

Get HPA configuration status

kubectl describe hpa.v2beta2.autoscaling php-apache

Check Prometheus Adapter logs

We will immediately see the actual requests inside Prometheus Adapter logs.

kubectl logs -n monitoring -l app=prometheus-adapter -f

Let's try to run them manually too

kubectl get --raw '/apis/custom.metrics.k8s.io/v1beta1/namespaces/default/ingresses.networking.k8s.io/php-apache/requests-per-second' | jq

Watch how new pods appear or disappear

If there are no errors in the configuration you will see your result soon:

kubectl get po -w