
Currently, there is no automated way to batch create groups in Canvas. This program takes the student made groups, creates new groups (that are group submission compatible), and then adds the students to the groups

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Converts student-made groups to group submission compatible groups

Config file instructions

  • Navigate to the People tab in the canvas class page.
  • Click on + Group Set and add new group set.
  • Check the URL bar. Copy the circled values.
  • Add the circled values to config.py. The first/red circle value is COURSE_ID and blue/second circle value is GROUP_CATEGORY_ID.
  • Please refer to here for API_KEY.

Setup and run

This program is written with Python 3.

Install requests library through pip

pip install requests

Run tests

python tests.py

Run script

python autogroup.py