
a lightweight, reactive data system

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


a lightweight, reactive data system

a what?

when building your web app, there are 4 main data sets you deal with.

  • visible / the html being displayed
  • script / any javascript variables you may wish to update
  • client-stored / anything persisted on the client side (e.g. localStorage)
  • server-stored / data gained from interactions with the server.

sear doesn't touch anything to do with the server. there're so many ways data transfer between the server and client can be implemented, that's best left to you.

the other 3? sear takes them all, and gives one single object to interact with (from above, script data). you update data within that object, and the other two (visible + client-stored) reactively update accordingly (if necessary).

this can massively simplify web app development when used to its fully potential, enabling (once initialised) you to do in only a couple of lines what you may once have needed to write 20 for.

why should you use this when there are so many other libraries out there promising similar things, all of which seem to have massive amounts of support behind them? all depends on your use case. they had many things i didn't need nor want, and lacked other things i did (without having to install extra libraries). so, i spent ~50 hours of my time building something simple but powerful. this doesn't come with the complexities of constructing multiple components on the server-side and then learning an extensive api to fit everything together. it comes with functionality that does the job without trying to do any more.

if you do want something like that, check out Vue.js or Svelte. otherwise, give this a try. it has some decent capabilities, and does the job well enough.

docs / features

(to see these in action, go to the website)

app declaration

include the file! either download the file from here and include in your own assets, or source it from https://dragonwocky.me/sear/sear.min.js. To access a specific version, use https://dragonwocky.me/sear/dist/sear.<version-number>.js (replacing <version-number> with e.g. 0.5.5).

<script src="https://dragonwocky.me/sear/sear.min.js"></script>


const app = new Sear({
   * whatever element you want to restrict this to
   * [type] single ID as a string
   * [default] document.body
  el: '#app',

  format: {
     * persist app data (see below: client) to localStorage under this name
     * [default] none (doesn't persist)
    name: 'Sear/Demo',
     * version of the data structure
     * [type] string or number
     * [default] none (won't check)
    version: 1,
     * run this handler if version (above) doesn't match
     * with the persisted data structure version
     * [args] old (outdated data found in localStorage), version (of outdated data)
     * [default] return {}; (starts afresh)
    handler(old, version) {
      return {};

   * any reactive data properties (inc. computed properties)
  // data will return to defaults on page reload
  data: {
    example: 0,
    // client data will be persisted to and fetched from localStorage
    //  -> only works if format.name is defined
    //  -> (otherwise will act like normal data)
    client: {}

  // any functions watching for changes to data
  watch: {}

// returns the following
{ example: 0, client: {} };


basic properties can be objects, arrays, dates, strings, numbers, and boolean values.

data.client: {
  selected: 'purple',
  icecream: {
    flavours: ['berry', 'watermelon', '<b>tiramisu</b>']

these can be updated like any normal object property, or added in later.

app['client'].user.selected = 'green';
app['client'].icecream.new = '';
app['client'].paragraph = `this is <b>bold</b>.
  this is <i>italicised</i>.
  but i? i am <s>struck out</s>.`;

computed properties are functions that can return a dynamic value and can access fellow properties via this. these must not be declared as arrow functions! (arrow functions break persistence and accessing this)

to access a computed value, use app.value rather than app.value().

data: {
  redselected() {
    return this['client']selected === 'red';
  colour () {
    return 'color: ' + this['client'].selected;


a watcher function will be evaluated whenever its corresponding data prop is changed. an argument is passed to it with the previous value of that data.

due to the way the observation system works, watchers for properties within objects are declared by 'parent.child'(prev) {} rather than parent: { child(prev) {} }. this allows for watching objects and their properties separately.

watch: {
  'client.selected'(prev) {
      `[watcher] selected colour has changed from ${prev} to ${this['client'].selected}`
  'client.icecream.flavours'(prev) {
    const flavours = [...this['client'].icecream.flavours]
      .filter(flavour => {
        if (prev.includes(flavour)) {
          prev.splice(prev.indexOf(flavour), 1);
          return false;
        return true;
    if (flavours.length) {
      console.log(`[watcher] flavour(s) added: <<${flavours.join('>> <<')}>>`);
    } else if (prev.length)
      console.log(`[watcher] flavour(s) removed: <<${prev.join('>> <<')}>>`);

reactive binding


sync the contents of the bound element to a data property. contents will be displayed as HTML.

not recommended (unless for e.g. displaying parsed markdown). dynamically rendering untrusted or user-input content could lead to XSS attacks (or other unintended consequences).

<p :html="client.paragraph"></p>


sync the contents of the bound element to a data property. contents will be displayed as plain text.

<p :text="client.paragraph"></p>

{{ moustache }}

text binding can also be done via {{ moustache }} tags.

use only in text nodes. use in attributes etc. will make weird things happen.

<p>{{ client.paragraph }}</p>


sync the value of the bound input to a data property. works for any input (e.g. text, checkbox, select, you name it).

<textarea :value="client.paragraph"></textarea>

<select :value="client.selected">
  <option value="red">red</option>
  <option value="blue">blue</option>
  <option value="green">green</option>
  <option value="purple">purple</option>


use if you want something to be initially populated with a value, but not reactively updated.

  <b>initial paragraph (as of page load):</b>
  <span :text="client.paragraph" :unbound></span>


use if you want to preserve everything within that tag - content will not be modified/updated in any way.

<p :pre>these {{ tags }} will <span :text="client.paragraph">not</span> be parsed!</p>


repeat an element for each value of an array. assign this attribute to a container, and the first child will be the one repeated within the container.

to access the relevant index/id (starting from 1) use [[:each:id]] and to access the current value use [[:each:value]]. if the value should be parsed as html (e.g. for displaying markdown), use [[:each:value:html]].

<div :each="client.icecream.flavours">
  <p><i>[[:each:id]]</i>. [[:each:value]]</p>
  <button onclick="app['client'].icecream.flavours.splice([[:each:id]] - 1, 1)">

extra snippet! to add something to the list, use the following js (assuming you've bound an input via :value="icecream.new"):

if (app['client']icecream.new) {
  app['client']icecream.flavours = [app['client']icecream.new, ...app['client']icecream.flavours];
  app['client']icecream.new = '';

:if / :else

with :if, the element will only be present on the page if the relevant prop has a truthy value.

with :else, the element will only be present on the page if the relevant prop has a falsy value.

  <b>is red selected?</b>
  <span :if="client.redselected">yes it is</span>
  <span :else="client.redselected">no it isn't</span>


use to reactively update/bind any attribute value.

values are separated by spaces, written as condition=response. if there is no response, it will be assumed to be the value of condition.

if the attribute is boolean, then a truthy condition will result in the presence of the attribute. a falsy condition will result in the removal of the attribute. to inverse this, do condition=false.

this is only 1 way (it does not sync). for the checked attribute of checkboxes, use :value instead.

  <input type="checkbox" :bind:disabled="client.redselected=false" disabled />
  <span>(will be disabled if red is not selected)</span>

<p :bind:style="colour">i'm {{ client.selected }}</p>


reactivity concepts originally learnt from https://github.com/shentao/seer/, which is Copyright (c) 2016 Damian Dulisz under the MIT license.

code here is my own, and is licensed in the LICENSE file. a couple of functions were modified from things found on the internet, and links to the sites from which they were taken are in the version of the source that has comments (the not-minified one).

basically: do what you like with this, so long as you attribute/credit me.