
And now for something completely different

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Dev Talks Cluj 2016

"And now for something completely different"

for those of you who love Monty Python!

In the post web online era, when everybody has at least one smartphone and does not have enough bandwidth to connect and communicate with a web server users get upset. Moreover, we started to connect to our local gadgets.

In the near future we will connect more often to intelligent devices and to other things near us than to distant web servers. IOT will be here in just a couple of months. Are your mobile applications ready? How much your application depends on data connection? How long your application will work offline?

In this presentation you will get three recipes on how to make your mobile applications work offline, how to prepare them for IOT and how to fit into big data stream.

This repository contains code for the examples that I presented during the talk. There are three recipes for offline mobile application development:

  1. WEB/HTML5 Appcache >> Mobile
  2. Applications that Sync with CouchDB
  3. The database is the application - Cloudant and beyond

Each code has its own branch. Although is not fully compliant wiht git way of doing things I allowed myself to be creative.

Enjoy and have fun!
