
AC:zap:DC (Another application Connector for couchapp Developers with CouchDB)

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Another application Connector for couchapp Developers with CouchDB

I fully agree this is not English but the acronym sounds cool ... ACDC
It allows the developers to pull couchapplications from CouchDB to local folders, to edit them, and to push from local folders back to CouchDB. There is a great tool called couchapp and its successor erica that are dealing with couchapp format. The main difference is that ACDC simplifies a lot the structure on disk of a couchapp and pushes the attachments in a multipart related document rateher than file by file this will create a single version of the document.

A couchapp has the following properties:

  • it is a WEB application writent in JavaScript
  • it may be a SPA application with all attachments to a single design document. By convention _design/app
  • it is served directly from CouchDB
  • it may use any framework (JQuery, DHTMLX, Webix, Framework7, Polymer, Bootstrap etc) for UI and data manipulation
  • it exchanges data between client's browser and CouchDB via AJAX or it can use PouchDB for offline activity
  • it may contain fields related to CouchDB design documents (views, lists etc)

How to clone and compile

You need to have pre-installed on your machine:

  • CouchDB on your local machine or use a virtualized container like: Docker, Vaagrant, etc
  • Go lang verions 1.9 installed on your machine
  • Git tool in order to clone git repository

Open a terminal and start typing:

git clone https://github.com/iqcouch/acdc
cd acdc
acdc -help

If you see the following message:

push or pull subcommand is required. help command for more details.

it means that you mangaged to clone and compile ACDC successfully. Congratulations!!!

Examples of usage

./acdc pull -db test_db -URL http://localhost:5984/

./acdc push -db test_db -URL http://localhost:5984/

Command line parameters

	acdc {pull | push | help} parameters... 

 acdc pull -db <database> -URL <CouchDB_URL> [-docs <id,...>] [-v]
  -URL string
    	Full URL to access CouchDB server in the format PROTOCOL://USER:PASSWORD@SERVER:PORT/. (Required) (default "http://localhost:5984/")
  -db string
    	Database name to be pulled from. (Required)
  -docs string
    	List of comma separated document IDs to be pulled.
    	Verbose mode.

 acdc push -db <database> -URL <CouchDB_URL> [-docs <id,...>] [-v]
  -URL string
    	Full URL to access CouchDB server in the format PROTOCOL://USER:PASSWORD@SERVER:PORT/. (Required) (default "http://localhost:5984/")
  -db string
    	Database name to be pushed to. (Required)
  -docs string
    	List of comma separated document IDs to be pushed.
    	Verbose mode.

 acdc help
	Print this message.

AC:zap:DC folder mappings

The application receive as input parameter the name of a local folder, having a specific structure. The appicaton will try to parse them as CouchDB structure based on the assumption that folder structure maps to CouchDB structure as follows: Database->Document, where the main folder is the database name the subfolders are documents.

A good example of such a folder to database coduments mapping is in test_db subfolder. So, please have a looke there and let us know if you have any questions.

The main folder structure is:

	    |_ [DOCUMENT]
	    |_ [DOCUMENT]

There are 3 types of CouchDB documents:

  1. Local
  2. Normal
  3. Design

Local documents

They are not replicated/synchronized and they are not subject to map/reduce in views. The _id of the document must start with _local/. In order to use a local document one must address it directly. Local documents do no have versioning - an inplace update is applied. Special field:

	"_id" : "_local/[DOCUMENT_NAME]"

The folder mapping will be:

		|_ doc.json

The doc.json file must contain at least the _id attribute.

Normal documents

They are used to store most of the data and are subject to versioning and to map/reduce mechanism of views. Those documents are replicated. Special fields:

	"_id" : "[STRING]",
	"_attachments" : { ... "file_attachments" ...}

The folder mapping will be:

		|_ doc.json
		|_ attachments
			|_ ... files and foldres

The doc.json file must contain at least the _id attribute.

Design documents

They are used to store mainly processing scripts: views, lists, shows etc and to store couchapps: web applications stored as attachments and are directly served from CouchDB. Special fields:

	"_id" : "_design/[DOCUMENT_NAME]",
	"_attachments" : {"file_attachments"},
	"views" : {
	"lists" : { "list_name":""},
	"shows" : { "show_name":""},
	"filters" : { "filter_name":"" },
	"updates" : { "update_name":""},
	"rewrites" : [ {} ],
	"validate_doc_update" : "",
	"fulltext" : {
		"index_name": {
			"index" : ""

The folder structure of a design document will be:

		|_ doc.json
		|_ attachments
			|_ ... files and folders
		|_ views
			|_ [VIEW_NAME].map.js
			|_ [VIEW_NAME].reduce.js
		|_ lists
			|_ [LIST_NAME].js
		|_ shows
			|_ [SHOW_NAME].js
		|_ updates
			|_ [UPDATE_NAME].js
		|_ filters
			|_ [FILTER_NAME].js
		|_ full_text
			|_ [INDEX_NAME].js
		|_ rewrites.js
		|_ validate_doc_update.js

The doc.json file must contain at least the _id attribute.

How does it work?

The push mechanism will parse recursivelly all subfolders of the database folder, seraching for doc.json file and then for specific files and subfolders. For each folder representing a document a multipart-related document will be created and pushed to CouchDB, if _attachments folder is present and contains files and subfolders. The file doc.json will be read and pushed as such.

The pull mechanism consist in inspecting a single given database for design documents and downloads them on local drive. It will create a given folder structure, copmatible with push command.

The goal is to create a seemles IDE integration that will allow developers to be proficient with couchapp development and implementation.

Some interesting ideas here: http://blog.couchbase.com/2015/october/bulk-operations-using-couchbase-and-golang

Some use cases

1. Clone an exising couchapp from a remote database to local folder

You already have a couchapp running on demo.server.com CouchDB server in the database mygreatapp. You want to clone the design documents from that serve to a local folder in order to develop the application.

Make a project subfolder, let say couchapp_project and copy the acdc application there, then:

cd couchapp_project
./acdc pull -db mygreatapp -URL http://demo.server.com:5984/

2. Push changes to remote database from local folder

Suppose that you have already done use case 1., above. After done coding on local files, then:

./acdc push -db mygreatapp -URL http://demo.server.com:5984/