The official documentation repo for all web apps and boilerplate code
The project uses Mkdocs to generate the HTMl pages from Makrdown files. To build locally the project, Nodejs must be installed.
$ # Clone Sources
$ git clone
$ cd docs
$ # Install modules
$ yarn
$ # Start the app
$ yarn start
$ # Please visit http://localhost:8000 in browser
Each page provides a Edit on github button in the top bar (see below). By clicking on it, the user is redirected on github and invited to fork, edit the page and make a pull request to notify the owner that the content is updated.
The pull request triggered by the change, will be reviwed and merged in the documentation.
For more information please contact the Support team on Discord server.
- Flask Dashboard StarAdmin PRO - product help, LIVE Demo
- Flask Dashboard StarAdmin Black PRO - product help, LIVE Demo
- Flask Dashboard StarAdmin Boxed PRO - product help, LIVE Demo
- Install Python38 on Ubuntu
- Admin Dashboards - the index was updated with new items
- Flask Dashboard Black - product help
- Flask Dashboard Argon - product help
- Flask Dashboard Material - product help
- Flask Dashboard CoreUI - product help
AppSeed Docs - Provided by the AppSeed & the community