go get -u -v github.com/drahoslove/brute
cd`go env GOPATH`/bin
./brute <hash> <len>
./brute <hash> <template>
# Find 5 characters long word
./brute 1ywbo59 5
# Find 7 characters long word which starts by letter m
./brute 6dgtio m------
# Find pair of words with some known letter (must be quoted because of the space)
./brute 12151af 't--dn- -n--a'
# Use custom number of workers (should not be more than the number of CPU threads)# default is threads/2 - 1, but at least 2
WORKERS=15 ./brute 6dgtio 7
Only work for words consisting of following lowercase characters
oenatvsilkrdpímuázjyěcbéhřýžčšůfgúňxťóďwq and space
the hash is 32bit version of murmur3 encoded using base36