
What if I have my own sysdig service?

nobody4t opened this issue · 4 comments

I have tried this datasource.
The auth token link refers to sysdig cloud.
Is better to make this configurable in case we want to use our own sysdig service?

this could be configured in pro software.
But what is basic/pro cloud vs pro software?
What does this mean?

Hi @dongwangdw, "Pro Software" refers to the on-premise option, and when you select it you can set the domain of your Sysdig deployment.

Does this help?

@davideschiera yes. I have found it. Thanks for reply.

I also changed the default sysdig.cloud to my own sysdig service address and compiled the source code. It works well.

I think it would be better if the default sysdig address could be configured.

Have this project GA-ed for production use?
Because I did not find this from grafana web.

I get it. This is at beta version.