Sysdig datasource plugin for Grafana (https://grafana.com/)
- 0
label values/name in variable not fetching prometheus metrics labels in Sysdig Data API
#88 opened by harikumarrr - 1
Grafana 8.X.X
#86 opened by AleJorge81 - 0
Variable creation with Sysdig request
#83 opened by vsassady - 4
What if I have my own sysdig service?
#69 opened by nobody4t - 5
Add support for Grafana v7.0.1
#68 opened by hamaadmemon - 1
Instructions for codified deployment
#65 opened by stewartshea - 0
- 0
Add support for metric aliases
#44 opened by mvittiglio - 6
support for alerting
#42 opened by ssube - 2
config for provisioning
#43 opened by easternbloc - 0
Unable to fetch data with small time ranges
#40 opened by davideschiera - 0
- 0
- 5
#33 opened by placidchat - 0
Typo in Dockerfile
#29 opened by nm777 - 1