
Terraform module for sysdig secure

Primary LanguageHCLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Sysdig Secure for Cloud in AWS

Terraform module that deploys the Sysdig Secure for Cloud stack in AWS.

Provides unified threat-detection, compliance, forensics and analysis through these major components:

  • CSPM: It evaluates periodically your cloud configuration, using Cloud Custodian, against some benchmarks and returns the results and remediation you need to fix. Managed through trust-relationship module.

  • CIEM: Permissions and Entitlements management. Requires BOTH modules cloud-connector and cspm.

  • Cloud Threat Detection: Tracks abnormal and suspicious activities in your cloud environment based on Falco language. Managed through cloud-connector module.

For other Cloud providers check: GCP, Azure


There are several ways to deploy this in you AWS infrastructure:

- Single-Account

Sysdig workload will be deployed in the same account where user's resources will be watched.
More info in ./examples/single-account-ecs

- Single-Account with a pre-existing Kubernetes Cluster

If you already own a Kubernetes Cluster on AWS, you can use it to deploy Sysdig Secure for Cloud, instead of default ECS cluster.
More info in ./examples/single-account-k8s

- Organizational

Using an organizational configuration Cloudtrail.
More info in ./examples/organizational-ecs

- Self-Baked

If no examples fit your use-case, be free to call desired modules directly.

In this use-case we will ONLY deploy cspm, into the target account, calling modules directly

provider "aws" {}

module "secure-for-cloud_example_single-account" {
  source           = "draios/terraform-aws-secure-for-cloud/modules/services/trust-relationship"
  role_name        = "role_name"
  trusted_identity = "trusted_identity"
  external_id      = "id1"

output "role_arn" {
  value       = module.secure-for-cloud_example_single-account.cspm_role_arn
  description = "ARN of cspm role"

See inputs summary or main module variables.tf file for more optional configuration.

To run this example you need have your aws master-account profile configured in CLI and to execute:

$ terraform init
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply

Notice that:

  • This example will create resources that cost money.
    Run terraform destroy when you don't need them anymore
  • All created resources will be created within the tags product:sysdig-secure-for-cloud, within the resource-group sysdig-secure-for-cloud

Forcing Events

Threat Detection

Choose one of the rules contained in the AWS Best Practices policy and execute it in your AWS account.

ex.: 'Delete Bucket Public Access Block' can be easily tested going to an S3 bucket > Permissions > Block public access (bucket settings) > edit > uncheck 'Block all public access'

Remember that in case you add new rules to the policy you need to give it time to propagate the changes.

In the cloud-connector logs you should see similar logs to these

A public access block for a bucket has been deleted (requesting user=OrganizationAccountAccessRole, requesting IP=x.x.x.x, AWS region=eu-central-1, bucket=***

If that's not working as expected, some other questions can be checked

  • are events consumed in the sqs queue, or are they pending?
  • are events being sent to sns topic?


Q: I'm not able to see Cloud Infrastructure Entitlements Management (CIEM) results

A: Make sure you installed both cspm and cloud-connector modules

Q: How to iterate cloud-connector modification testing

A: Build a custom docker image of cloud-connector docker build . -t <DOCKER_IMAGE> -f ./build/cloud-connector/Dockerfile and upload it to any registry (like dockerhub). Modify the var.image variable to point to your image and deploy

Q: How can I iterate ECS modification testing

A: After applying your modifications (vía terraform for example) restart the service

$ aws ecs update-service --force-new-deployment --cluster sysdig-secure-for-cloud-ecscluster --service sysdig-secure-for-cloud-cloudconnector --profile <AWS_PROFILE>

For the AWS_PROFILE, set your ~/.aws/config to impersonate

[profile secure-for-cloud]


Module is maintained and supported by Sysdig.


Apache 2 Licensed. See LICENSE for full details.