
Just an Omegle Bot through discord. Have a bot, give the program the token, do some quick setup, have fun!

Primary LanguagePython


Just an Omegle Bot through Discord. Have a bot, give the program the token, do some quick setup, have fun!

Welcome to the OmegleBot, there are a few things you need to know, such as the limitations and setup requirements to ensure you don't break the bot.

  1. Create a Discord bot, or use an already established bot. Have the owner of the bot give you the token for the bot. This should allow the bot to work on any server the bot has access to.
  2. The program requires some inital setup. It will first ask for the bot token. Copy and paste the token into the console when prompted to. Ensure that it is error free as an incorrect code will close the program later and require setup again.
  3. Find the wireshark folder location, this came with the ZIP file, and you should of extracted it. Find the location of the folder and know/copy the address, you are going to need it later. Copy the address into the console when prompted.
  4. Next is your personal Discord user ID. This can be found at the bottom left, with a username and four numbers. Enter this in the format Username#0001 and ensure it is error free. THIS IS ESSENTIAL as it protects your settings and can only be reset in the settings.txt manually, which if tampered with, can cause permanent errors with the bot. If you incorrectly input settings.txt, do the following carefully. Go into the folder with "OmegleBot.exe"(Should be named OmegleBot). You will see a file named "Settings.txt". Open it and edit the last line that begins with "UserID:". Remove the incorrect userID and replace it with the accurate userID. Do not elimate the colon or add any spaces after the ID.
  5. There are two settings remaining that are automatically set at the beginning but can be tampered with if desired. The automatic clicking location is set up to only work in full screen and may not be accurate 100% of the time. If desired, manually adjust the automatic clicking location by typing ".setup clicker location" into Discord and clicking on the location where the program will autoclick. Confirm the location.
  6. Additonally, you can adjust the network that the program searches through in order to recieve IP Adresses. The initial setting will connect to a wifi network. If no wifi network is found or you recieve internet traffic on another network, you must manually set it up. To do this, type into Discord ".setup network". There will be a large list with all avlailable networks. On the right, you will see the types of networks, such as Wi-Fi, Local Area Network's, or Ethernet. Select the appropriate network by typing in the number corresponding to the network.
  7. To discover locations, there must be reduced interference. Video streaming, screen sharing, and other constant internet traffic request might interrupt a signal and cause too much disruption to accurately discover a location. Therefore, attempt to reduce the amount of internet requests by eliminating background noise. One can pause video streaming or reduce other internet activities to ensure a higher accuracy rate. note People with VPN's and Proxy Servers will not display an accurate location.
  8. To see all possible commands, use ".help".