
Setting up Django REST Framework

  1. Install djangorestframework using pip
  2. Add 'restframework' to your INSTALLED_APPS list in
  3. Create and add serializers for each model you would like to serve via the API
  4. Create model ViewSets for each model, which automatically configures Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) endpoints for each model
    • [Optional] add create and update methods wherever you want to add or update data to/from multiple tables (across ForeignKeys) in the same API request
  5. Add the ViewSets to to configure the endpoints to use

Configuring Cross Origin Request Security (CORS)

CORS is a web specification that allows fine-grained control over which URLs/Hosts/Domains are allowed to serve javascript that fetch data from your application. We are configuring this app to use the most permissive setting, to avoid issues during development, but when the app nears production, it should probably be configured to be much more selective

  1. Install django-cors-headers using pip
  2. Add 'corsheaders' to your INSTALLED_APPS list in
  3. Add the line CORS_ORIGIN_ALLOW_ALL = True to
    • This configures the application to allow any host to serve javascript which performs CRUD operations in this app