
Command line pomodoro timer

Primary LanguagePython


Command line pomodoro timer.

This is primarily to show the timer in my tmux statusbar.


Copy pom somewhere in your $PATH, e.g. ~/bin.


  • pom server: start up the pom server that will keep track of the timer
  • pom start: start a pomodoro of 25 minutes
  • pom pause: pause the current pomodoro
  • pom stop: stop the current pomodoro
  • pom shutdown: shutdown the pom server
  • pom status: information about the current pomodoro
  • pom tmux: output suitable for the tmux status bar

Tmux Integration

Sample .tmux.conf bindings:

bind m run 'pom stop' bind v run 'pom pause' bind b run 'pom start'

Status bar integration:

set -g status-right "#(pom tmux)"

If you add pom to your status bar, you might want to increase its update rate:

set -g status-interval 1