
A Sci-Fi spacefaring rogue-lite

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A Sci-Fi "Rogue-ish" Game set in space rather than on the ground.

Currently, it still looks more like a regular roguelike because to even begin to look like a space game many more features will need to be implemented.

As of now, you're a Green @ that can move around a spawn moving blood splatters... yup... that's right randomly moving blood splatters because why the heck not.


First of all, the current builds might not work on anything other than Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 systems.

Secondly, to get the best results you should use a Unicode-compatible font with your Command Prompt. I've personally tested with DejaVu Sans Mono at 14 point. It has pretty good Unicode coverage, strangley quite a lot better than Noto Mono, although that is likely to change as Noto Mono is continuously updated. I would like to use a smaller size, but with anything less than 14 point, the box drawing characters get messed up.

Thirdly, please don't resize the console window while running the game. While, it will return to the size it was before the game started at exit, the game currently doesn't update anything internally when the window is resized. In the future it will either utilize the updated space or just forcefully resize back to 120x36.


  • Move Left - left arrow or numpad 4
  • Move Right - right arrow or numpad 6
  • Move Up - up arrow or numpad 8
  • Move Down - down arrow or numpad 2
  • Move Diagonally Left and Up - numpad 7
  • Move Diagonally Right and Up - numpad 9
  • Move Diagonally Left and Down - numpad 1
  • Move Diagonally Right and Down - numpad 3
  • Wait - . or numpad . or numpad 5
  • Turn into red Smiley for a short time - q
  • Forceably spawn a blood splatter - w
  • Exit Game - escape

Future Plans

One thing I am still trying to decide on is whether to use normal single-character sprites or 3x3 character sprites which would allow the graphics to be a little fancier. The biggest problem would be is that would approximately multiply the size of the console needed for the same amount of detail by 9, from 120x36 to 360x108, which I doesn't fit on my screen (DejaVu Sans Mono @ 14pt w/ 1600x900 screen). Although, it's also possible to just not show as much on the screen at one time.

Developed By

For the time I am the sole developer/designer, but if you would like to submit issues or pull requests please feel free.


This is an MIT-License based project, look in LICENSE.txt for specifics.