groupDivWeb Build Status

Implementation of groupDiv on web interface.


To compile the project

mvn install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
# or
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true

To launch the google app engine dev serveur

mvn -pl rest-api appengine:devserver

How To deploy

Add profile in ~/.m2/settings.xml, all information of api key are in your admin console in credential part


And execute this command for recompile the project with good profile, and deploy the project

mvn clean install -P groupDivWebProd && mvn -pl rest-api appengine:update

How to release

On branch develop you can release with two command :

mvn jgitflow:release-start
mvn jgitflow:release-finish -DnoDeploy=true -Dgpg.skip=true

release-start create a new branch for create release and release-finish create tag for the new version.

To publish the release launch this command :

git push origin master && git push origin develop && git push --tags