
Emacs major mode for editing Poplog / Pop11 code

Primary LanguageEmacs LispOtherNOASSERTION


This file explains how to install version 2.3 of pop-mode for GNU Emacs/XEmacs:
Documentation for pop-mode can be found in the file emacs in this directory.

To install pop-mode:

1. If necessary, byte-compile the files pop-model.el, inferior-pop-model.el
   and pop-help-model.el and put the .elc files somewhere emacs can find
   them.  The .elc files supplied with pop-mode were compiled with GNU Emacs
   version 20.4.1; if you are using XEmacs prior to 20.4 or an earlier
   version of GNU emacs you may have to recompile the .el files.

2. Look at the file example-.emacs and make the corresponding changes to
   your own .emacs file.  In particular, you may have to extend your Emacs
   load-path so that Emacs can find the .elc files.  (Alternatively, you can
   copy the .elc files to your local site-lisp directory or to a directory
   in your load-path.)  Other user-definable variables can be found in
   pop-mode.el, inferior-pop-mode.el and pop-help-mode.el.  If you are using
   XEmacs and would like to use the function menu package (func-menu.el) by
   David Hughes <d.hughes@videonetworks.com> with pop-mode, copy the second
   part of the example-.emacs file to your .emacs file and uncomment it.
   Function menu puts the names of the functions defined in the current
   buffer into a drop down or popup menu.  Selecting the name of a function
   from the menu moves point to the corresponding function definition.  The
   mark is pushed on the mark-ring, so you can easily go back to where you
   were.  Alternatively, you can enter the name of the desired function via
   the minibuffer which offers completing read input.  The package is very
   useful and works in many other modes, generating popup menus of Lisp,
   C++, Java etc. functions, LaTeX sections etc.  Note that func-menu.el
   only works with XEmacs.

3. Decide if you want Poplog to initialise the Poplog side of the
   Emacs/Poplog communication itself (this is only relevant if want to run
   Pop-11 from within Emacs).  If so, copy the code in the file
   example-init.p to your own init.p file and set the variable
   inferior-pop-initialisation to nil in your .emacs file.

4. Copy the pop-mode help file (the file emacs in this directory) to:


   replacing the file included in the Poplog distribution (which you may
   have to unprotect).  This will make the documentation accessible in VED
   via "ENTER help emacs", and in Emacs pop-help-mode by "M-x pop-help

Please note that this is beta software: use it at your own risk, though I
will *try* and fix any bugs.  Send any comments, suggestions and bug
reports to:

                   Brian Logan (b.s.logan@cs.bham.ac.uk)


A summary of changes from the last version can be found in the file CHANGES
in this directory.

     Brian Logan,  School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham
Email: b.s.logan@cs.bham.ac.uk, Phone: +44 121 414 3712, Fax: +44 121 414 4281