
Some demonstrations of threaded code techniques

Primary LanguageC

Threaded code demo

Complete demos for my article Threaded code explained in C at https://dram.page/p/threaded-code/

Some demonstrations of threaded code techniques

  • bytecode.c: Bytecode (Not technically threaded)
  • direct.c: Direct threaded code
  • indirect.c: Indirect threaded code
  • pctc.c: Primitive-centric threaded code
  • pctc_opt.c: Primitive-centric threaded code (Optimized to encourage the compiler to use registers)

Primitive-centric threaded code is described in Direct or Indirect Threaded? in the Gforth manual.

Each of the demo files needs to be compiled along with / linked to main.c such as:

$ gcc -o direct direct.c main.c
$ ./direct      # Run the demo

Or equivalently, using the convenience Makefile:

$ make direct   # Build one demo
$ make          # Build everything

Each demo simply prints a number to show that it will run. The expected outputs are:

  • bytecode: 2
  • direct: 2
  • indirect: 4
  • pctc: 6
  • pctc_opt: 6