

Images are built from the Official Ravencoin Core Server Repository for the Ravencoin Project https://github.com/RavenProject/Ravencoin/releases


Using docker engine you can build your own image with:

    docker build -t <your-docker-user>/<your-repo-name>:<tag>


    docker build -t <repo-name>:<tag>

What it does?

The built container will be in charge of:

  1. Downloading and sharing the Ravencoin bootstrap file.
  2. Install and setup the Raven Core node
  3. Run a simple website to monitor the node status


Pre-built image based from this repo's tags can be found here https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/dramirezrt/ravencoin-core-server

Normal usage

docker run -d \
            -v ~/raven-node/kingofthenorth/:/kingofthenorth \
            -v /home/kingofthenorth \
            -p 31413:31413/tcp \
            -p 31413:31413/udp \
            -p 38767:38767 \
            -p 8080:8080 \
            --name rvn-node dramirezrt/ravencoin-core-server:latest

UPNP enabled

docker run -d \
            -v ~/raven-node/kingofthenorth/:/kingofthenorth \
            -v /home/kingofthenorth \
            -e UPNP=true \
            --net=host \
            --name rvn-node dramirezrt/ravencoin-core-server:latest

Custom port setting

docker run -d \
            -v ~/raven-node/kingofthenorth/:/kingofthenorth \
            -v /home/kingofthenorth \
            -e UPNP=true \
            -e RAVEN_PORT=8767 \
            -e TRANSMISSION_PORT=51413 \
            -e FRONTEND_PORT=8069 \
            --net=host \
            --name rvn-node dramirezrt/ravencoin-core-server:latest

I included the ravend help output to have it handy for any additional/special configuration for flags, available at https://github.com/dramirezRT/rvn-core-server-docker/blob/main/ravend-help.log

For donations

RVN address: RFxiRVE8L7MHVYfNP2X9eMMKUPk83uYfpZ

FLUX address: t1ZsWHkFRfutSMCY1KPyk35k2pkNJ2GPjPU