
Implementation of UNet, a semantic segmentation model.

Primary LanguagePython


Semantic segmentation using UNet model on Cityscape Segmentation dataset.


Working environments:

python 3.6.9
pip 21.3.1
setuptools 59.6.0
cuda 11.0
ubuntu 18.10

With those settings, I am using pytorch v1.7.1 to use the GPU.


First clone the repository. Then, inside of the root directory, execute :

# Minimal setup
pip install .

# or Dev setup
# pip install .[dev]

Finally, install pytorch v1.7.1 and torchvision v0.8.2 using pip (instructions on the official website).


An example of dataset format is inside the docstring of module segmentation/data.py


You can look at example of usage inside the folder scripts/. Otherwise, display the helper description of the main function to get all arguments :

# from scripts/
python main.py --help