
scripts to automate away boring tasks on twitter, probably using tweepy

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scripts to automate away boring tasks on twitter, probably using tweepy


python3 -m venv ../../env/mylazytwitter
source  ../../env/mylazytwitter/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install tweepy
pip3 install jupyter ipykernel
ipython kernel install --user --name="Python.3.mylazytwitter"


source  ../../env/mylazytwitter/bin/activate

automated retweeting

python retweeter_sleep.py

show accounts in browser

  • who retweeted me recently
  • who are not yet following me
  • who are not in my "not interested" blacklist
python retweets_examine.py | tee -a "../logs/$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M)_retweets_examine.log"