Each event of the tree contains several vectors storing details such as the channel, nPE, area and time of the pulses (defined as detailed here). The most important are summarised below:
- chan: channel that recorded the pulse
- layer: layer of channel (negative for sidecars)
- area: area of the pulse in pVs
- nPE: number of photons contained in pulse (determined through SPE calibration)
- duration: pulse duration in ns
- height: maximum amplitude in pulse in mV
- time: uncalibrated time of pulse in ns
- time_module_calibrated: calibrated time of pulse in ns (using method documented here)
- ipulse: pulse index
The offline trees are automatically made at UCSB with the latest stable tag. They can be found in /net/cms26/cms26r0/milliqan/milliqanOffline/trees/
./compile.sh <target macro name>
make_tree and make_tree_vN are both used by processRun and topUpRun, so both should be remade for official updates.
##To use common scripts, log onto milliqan username on SL6 machine (e.g. cms1, cms3, cms6, cms29)
From anywhere, you can: processRun.py (submits batch jobs)
submitAllRuns.py (WARNING: this will attempt to submit jobs to reprocess all runs. Best to initiate from a `screen` terminal)
positional arguments:
runNumber Run number for display
nEvents Number of diplays to make
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Selection, if you call this script from bash and use
the symbol $ in selection, you must use single quotes
or backslash to escape.
-t TAG, --tag TAG Filename tag
Force time range for p
-b --displayPulseBounds: Show pulsefinding boundaries. Default is 1, use 0 to turn them off.
-c --forceChans Give list of channels to force them to appear in the display (e.g. -c 1 3 5 6 26 27) Otherwise only plotted if they reach 5 mV.
To mark a new version number after pushing a commit, make a new "lightweight tag" like this:
git tag v11
git push --tags
This tag name is used to define the version number and the tree directory name.
The full tag (output of git describe --tags --long
)will be saved to the output root file, which will appear like this:
This indicates the tagged version, the number of commits since the last tag was made, and the hash for the latest commit.
The above scripts rely on the following links in /homes/milliqan/bin
They should all point to the corresponding executables in the milliqanOffline directory
/homes/milliqan/bin must be added to the csh path in ~/.cshrc as well, since batch jobs are executed in csh.
Make sure the batch system has a reasonable skipped nodes list in $JOBS(see committed example as starting point).
To compile the MilliDAQ shared library, libMilliDAQ.so
, necessary for reading the "raw" data, do the following:
cd /net/cms26/cms26r0/milliqan/MilliDAQ
make clean
make shared
The Makefile has 3 modified lines to avoid dependencies on unnecessary CAEN libraries (already done on the cms26 installation).
The diff of the changes are:
-LDFLAGS = -L./.
@@echo "Generating dictonary..."
- @@rootcint -f $@ -c $(INCLUDE) interface/Event.h interface/V1743Configuration.h interface/LinkDef.h
+ @@rootcint -f $@ -c $(INCLUDE) interface/Event.h interface/LinkDef.h
libMilliDAQ.so: Dict.cxx
@@echo "Making $@ ..."
- @@$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(SOFLAGS) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) src/Event.cc src/V1743Configuration.cc $<
+ @@$(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(SOFLAGS) -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) src/Event.cc $<
Also remove the following line from LinkDef.h: #pragma link C++ class mdaq::V1743Configuration+;