
Turn Redis streams into typed Go channels in just a few lines

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Go Typed Redis Streams

Go Report Card

Effectively reading Redis streams requires some work: counting ids, prefetching and buffering, asynchronously sending acknowledgements and parsing entries. What if it was just the following?

consumer := NewGroupConsumer[MyType](...)
for msg := range consumer.Chan() {
  // Handle mssage

Wait...it is! 🔥


Define a type that represents your stream data. It'll be parsed automatically with all field names converted to snake case. Missing fields will be skipped silently. You can also use the ConvertibleFrom and ConvertibleTo interfaces to do custom parsing. Struct tags can be used to rename fields.

// maps to {"name": , "priority": , "to":}
type Event struct {
  Name     string
  Priority int
  Target   string `gtrs:"to"`


Consumers allow reading redis streams through Go channels. Specify context, a redis client and where to start reading. Make sure to specify StreamConsumerConfig, if you don't like the default ones or want optimal performance. New entries are fetched asynchronously to provide a fast flow 🚂

consumer := NewConsumer[Event](ctx, rdb, StreamIDs{"my-stream": "$"})

for msg := range cs.Chan() {
  if msg.Err != nil {
  var event Event = msg.Data

Don't forget to Close() the consumer. If you want to start reading again where you left off, you can save the last StreamIDs.

ids := cs.Close()

Group Consumers

They work just like regular consumers and allow sending acknowledgements asynchronously. Beware to use Ack only if you keep processing new messages - that is inside a consuming loop or from another goroutine. Even though this introduces a two-sided depdendecy, the consumer is avoids deadlocks.

cs := NewGroupConsumer[Event](ctx, rdb, "group", "consumer", "stream", ">")

for msg := range cs.Chan() {

Stopped processing? Check your errors 🔎

// Wait for all acknowledgements to complete
errors := cs.AwaitAcks()

// Acknowledgements that were not sent yet or their errors were not consumed
remaining := cs.Close()

Error handling

This is where the simplicity fades a litte, but only a little :) The channel provides not just values, but also errors. Those can be only of three types:

  • ReadError reports a failed XRead/XReadGroup request. Consumer will close the channel after this error
  • AckError reports a failed XAck request
  • ParseError speaks for itself

Consumers don't send errors on cancellation and immediately close the channel.

switch errv := msg.Err.(type) {
case nil: // This interface-nil comparison in safe
  fmt.Println("Got", msg.Data)
case ReadError:
  fmt.Println("ReadError caused by", errv.Err)
  return // last message in channel
case AckError:
  fmt.Printf("Ack failed %v-%v caused by %v\n", msg.Stream, msg.ID, errv.Err)
case ParseError:
  fmt.Println("Failed to parse", errv.Data)

All those types are wrapping errors. For example, ParseError can be unwrapped to:

  • Find out why the default parser failed via FieldParseError (e.g. assigning string to int field)
  • Catch custom errors from ConvertibleFrom
var fpe FieldParseError
if errors.As(msg.Err, &fpe) {
  fmt.Printf("Failed to parse field %v because %v", fpe.Field, fpe.Err)

errors.Is(msg.Err, errMyTypeFailedToParse)


Streams are simple wrappers for basic redis commands on a stream.

stream := NewStream[Event](rdb, "my-stream", &Options{TTL: time.Hour, MaxLen: 1000, Approx: true})
stream.Add(ctx, Event{
  Kind:     "Example event",
  Priority: 1,

The Options.TTL parameter will evict stream entries after the specified duration has elapsed (or it can be set to NoExpiration). The Options.MaxLen parameter will remove older stream entries to accommodate newer entries after the maximum number of entries is reached. The Options.Approx parameter provides better efficiency by using almost exact trimming.


The package defines a Metadata type as:

type Metadata map[string]any

This allows serialization (and deserialization) of generic structured metadata within the stream entries. Any value that can be serialized to JSON can be inserted from a field of this type (it uses JSON marshaller under the hood). For example:

stream.Add(ctx, EventWithMetadata{
  Kind:     "Example event",
  Priority: 1,
  Meta: Metadata{"string": "foobar", "float": float64(1234.5)},


go get github.com/dranikpg/gtrs

Gtrs is still in its early stages and might change in further releases.



go test -run ^$ -bench BenchmarkConsumer -cpu=1

The iteration cost on a mocked client is about 500-700 ns depending on buffer sizes, which gives it a throughput close to 2 million entries a second 🚀. Getting bad results? Make sure to set large buffer sizes in the options.