
Analysis code for Wprime to TB

Primary LanguageC

Analysis code for W' -> tb (leptonic)


source setup.csh
cd tools/Objects
make clean
make all
cd ../..
make clean
make all

Useful Scripts:

  • AnalyzerSubmit [for bulk condor submission]
    • Uses WprimeAnalyzer_Slim_Opt.C, which is the actual script that implements cuts, applies weighting, etc. Exceptions are _LHE scripts for PDF uncertainties and TopPt scripts for Top Pt reweighting
  • AnalyzerHadd [for pulling together condor output]
  • Draw {OneHistoThreeSig, OneHistoSigRatio, OneHistoSystUnc, OneHistoSystUncRatio, WJetsShape} [for plotting]
  • makePlots [for bulk plot production]
  • WprimeHistosForLimits [for creating histos for theta usage]
    • _AddSyst [for adding in PDF uncertainties from dedicated calculations, _LHE scripts]