
Collection of security policies

Primary LanguageC


Collection of security policies

Directories: * osv -- dover versions of the OSV policies * dover-private -- dover proprietary policies

Entity Files

The policy linker and build system uses a number of entity description files to determine how to apply metadata to the runtime binary image and at startup.

The policy test scripts copy the relevant files into the correct locations, based upon file naming conventions. All origional source entity files are located in the entities dir in this repo. If not matching entity file is found in entities dir then and empty file is created.

Kernel Entities

The install-kernels target will look for an entity file for the policy being installed and copy that file to the policy install dir. Later the test script will copy the entity file from the policy install dir to the test dir. Policy entity files use the naming convention:

  • qualified.policy.name.entities.yml

Test File Entities

Each test source file can also define an entity file for that application, if not defined an empty file will be created. These files are also found in the entities dir and have a similar naming convention:

  • file_name.c.entities.yml