The easier way to do batched write operations for Cloud Firestore.
npm install firestore-batcher
import * as firebase from 'firestore-admin'
import createBatcher, { deleteOperation } from 'firestore-batcher'
const app = firebase.initializeApp()
const db = firebase.firestore()
const batcher = createBatcher(db)
async function bulkDelete() {
const finishedTodosQuery = db
.where('finished', '==', true)
await batcher.all(finishedTodosQuery, (todoRef) => deleteOperation(todoRef))
Using batches is the recommended way of performing Firestore write operations in bulk, like deleting a collection.
There are some considerations you need to make when using batch
, that this library will handle for you:
- A batch has an upper limit of 500 operations. If you need more operations, you need to make more batches.
- Even if you stick to less than 500 ops/batch, a batch might fail due to "Transaction is too big", depending of the size of the data.
This tool will run batches recursively on your operations. The batch size is changed dynamically to handle "Transaction too big" errors.
In the following example we see that a "Transaction too big" error occurred, and the batch size was halved to 250. After that, the batch size was gradually restored to its former glory by a factor of 1.5.
Batch committed. Batch size: 500. Processed: 15013. Queued: 0. Progress: 1
Batch committed. Batch size: 500. Processed: 15513. Queued: 0. Progress: 1
Batch committed. Batch size: 250. Processed: 15763. Queued: 250. Progress: 0.9843876850059327
Batch committed. Batch size: 375. Processed: 16013. Queued: 0. Progress: 1
Batch committed. Batch size: 500. Processed: 16513. Queued: 0. Progress: 1
Batch committed. Batch size: 500. Processed: 17013. Queued: 0. Progress: 1
The default export is a function that takes a firestore
instance, and perhaps some options, and returns a Batcher
(db, options?) => Batcher
import * as firebase from 'firestore-admin'
import createBatcher, { deleteOperation } from 'firestore-batcher'
const app = firebase.initializeApp()
const db = firebase.firestore()
const options = {
onBatchCommitted: (stats) =>
`Committed a batch. Total ops processed: ${stats.operationsProcessed}.`,
const batcher = createBatcher(db)
An instance of Firestore.
Optional. An object of optional options for the batcher.
(stats: BatcherStats) => void
A callback function that is called every time a batch is committed. Is called with the current stats.
An object with various methods:
<T>(operation: Operation<T>) => void
Adds an operation on a single document to the batch queue. Make sure you call batcher.commit()
at least once after using this.
const lotr = db.collection('books').doc('lord-of-the-rings')
const batcher.add(updateOperation(lotr, { read: true }))
const harry = db.collection('books').doc('harry-potter')
await batcher.commit()
(query: FirebaseFirestore.Query<DocumentData>, operationBuilder: <T>(doc: DocumentReference<T>) => Operation<T>) => Promise<void>
This function takes a query and a callback. The query will be limited according to batchSize
, and fetched and committed recursively.
const finishedTodosQuery = db.collection('todos').where('finished', '==', true)
await batcher.all(finishedTodosQuery, (todoRef) => deleteOperation(todoRef))
If we imagine there are 1337 finished todos, the above code will first fetch 500, delete them, fetch 500 more, delete them, fetch 337 and delete them.
This method will commit each batch, so there is no need to call batcher.commit()
() => Promise<void>
Commits all queued operations recursively, using multiple batches if necessary.
() => BatcherStats
Returns the current stats.
type Operation<T> = CreateOperation<T> | DeleteOperation<T> | SetOperation<T> | UpdateOperation<T>
An operation is an object that represents a batch write operation (create, set, update or delete) on a specific document.
Four helper methods are exported to create these operation objects:
<T>(documentRef: firestore.DocumentReference<T>, data: T) => CreateOperation<T>
Creates a new document.
<T>(documentRef: firestore.DocumentReference<T>, precondition?: FirebaseFirestore.Precondition) => DeleteOperation<T>
Deletes a document.
<T>(documentRef: firestore.DocumentReference<T>, data: T) => SetOperation<T>
Sets the data for a document.
<T>(documentRef: firestore.DocumentReference<T>, data: T, precondition?: FirebaseFirestore.Precondition) => UpdateOperation<T>
Updates parts of a document.
batchSize: number,
operationsProcessed: number,
operationsQueued: number,